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Everything posted by ndv

  1. This to me is ideal weight f9r a t. It pretty.much answered your question in the other thread you where asking about quality opinions. I think that color too. It's reminds me of an oatmeal color.
  2. Possibly I may have been a Kevin from time to time not sure.
  3. I am just gonna keep it mutual and pretend I didn't see this page. S on the first one tho!
  4. I do. The tee material is that soft thick cotton. It's been in my tee shirt drawer for a few years now just staying preserved. I figure if I go to a Stros game only them will I wear it.
  5. I want to start wearing my baseball tee but a huge part of me wants to keep it in pristine condition. The struggle is real.
  6. It was probabaly Kevin, Chad, or Kyle who came up with that "customer is always right" crap. Not to mention, those douche bags think their so Chaz because their wives share the same name. KAREN!
  7. Well, you have me fooled. I was always under the assumption you are the only person I could think of that could grow a tropical forrest in the middle of the Sahara.
  8. Gotcha. Before my time, I guess that's why I am out of the loop on this one.
  9. I hope they compensate you for this, from my understanding following your horticulture posts this is knowledge you knew long before you were working there correct? I mean, you are pretty much writing their success imo as far as the main ingredient for the business goes. On another note, I am pretty impressed on your knowledge of horticulture. I still have those seeds I got from buying those jeans as I have never planted them because I am scared I'll kill them before they even get started.
  10. Show me YOUR B( . )( . )kcase
  11. I am still not understanding the thread title versus the content posted. 😔
  12. I went ahead and deleted my original post because it was ridiculously too long and inconvenient for those who follow the thread. So I decided to repost with just the link https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html#your-digital-fingerprint-footprint-and-online-behavior
  13. Corrections for the above post link. Original posters reply.
  14. I've heard of the Gooch term, but I thought it was called the taint
  15. Yeah. They don't show em on their site but the Pescador come with the side shields.
  16. Yeah that's pretty steep in price No problem. Once you get it in, you'll see how it works, it very simple really.
  17. Most of the spigot keys can be hacked with vice grips.
  18. @T4M* Ok so you the brass piece you see, that is hand tightened on the spigot. The toung piece rotates regardless if the lock is or is not attached. It rotates so the the brass piece cannot rotate off. The chrome sleeve goes over both toung amd brass piece which spins as well. So basically you have to, unlock, slide the sleeve off, remove the brass piece, then attach your hose.
  19. Let me see if I can find this thing. Hold on...
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