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Everything posted by ndv

  1. That's still crazy to watch.
  2. Small percentage
  3. Yo! This is serious! If you're running the software version you need to take action now!
  4. What!? I think I seen something similar. It was during a moto race and dude wipes out (bike lays down) and he casually walks smooth as MJ.
  5. Ask and please report back.
  6. Not gonna lie, I am really not a truck guy, but a Raptor would be my go to, next up would be a diesel ram.
  7. I caught wind of the truck from a TV show. The guys taking it for a test drive said the truck is almost one lane wide. Made it tough to drive drive in the city. As far as upgrades go, from my understanding it basically a combination of a Baja and rock crawler. If that combination can be vouched by the pros in both circuits, that is one solid truck imo. As far as the Raptor version of a Bronco, that would be sick.
  8. Someone hacked Moogle's account. This doesn't sound like the Moogle I'd like to think I know.
  9. That's nostalgic, I like it. OGs would get it.
  10. @LUGR from my understanding you like your Raptors . Have you heard of the Megarexx? Essentially it's a F250 or Raptor on steroids! Price is cringe but a F250 on steroids gotta be a all terrain work horse. I like it. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1138497_megarexx-returns-with-3-row-megaraptor7-suv
  11. This is what I firmly believe too. My thought on Area 51 specifically UFOs; is that the flying objects are nothing more than test flights in tech and aerodynamics. What people seen is what they seen, didn't know how to interpret what they were seeing at the time and made their own assessments amd the government let it play out. No better way to keep things in secret than allowing the people to have freedom to think what they want.
  12. ndv

    Current View

    We have pricing like that to here in HTX too but on cheaper levels. I know I mentioned it before and Lugr respectfully disagreed but I believe there should a fixed price on gas. If it cost the cheapest states a few more cents to lower the most expensive states then so be it. I understand the economics of drill depths, refining proximity and logistics but our nation's pipelines run all over the country and refineries placed across the nation should also help states with employment all while lowering domestic gas to a point. It just sucks, if you can purchase a barrel for 80 bucks from Saudi opposed to drill and refine here for cost of 120 a barrel, then I guess it makes sense why outside influence manipulate the market. But what I say BS on about that, is I know someone who says if a barrel of oil ever went down to 5 bucks a barrel. Quote, "I would still be making money" unquote. This is coming from an Oklahoma native. A lot of these pockets have been producing oil for decades. Most of the drilling done today is basically a drill cap. Basically, just fly to the moon and plant your flag stating your claim for later use if necessary. Most of the rigs are just drill and not producing. This is where the O&G manipulates price. We pay for today's inflation on wht it cost to drill today but still living off of what was drill in the 50s, 60s, 70s, amd 80s.
  13. ndv

    Current View

    5.49 for 87!?
  14. Props to you, I can't remeber the last time I ate a date. It's one of those things you can always taste just by seeing one or hearing the the name.
  15. Perhaps is should've used pronouns they/them Speaking of, when is "you people" going to be acceptable?
  16. I guess so, i am not sure where i got the gender from. Lol
  17. It's the only way to space travel. Hungry? Print a streak!
  18. I had a customer bring in an auto for a marking. Didn't cut myself handling the knife but I was intimidated about how much inertia it produced pressing the slider, I learned autos are not for me. That's why I asked, I couldn't tell what he did.
  19. @SEX ON FRIDAYS guess what to morrow is? it's good Friday too, thays a double whammy! *ba dum tish
  20. @LUGR that's what's up. Honestly, when I think about it. Most mashups (some are more noticeable than others) specially the box heads I posted is arguably more of sampling than an actual mashup. I guess the reason why I lean more toward sampling is because the short quick mixes that are basically chorus or the climax of the song that is mixed in and played. Which I think sampling is harder to do than a Mashup due how easy one sound played at the wrong time or could be the wrong sound in general can ruin the song or set real fast. The other reason sampling is harder imo, is the fact that the sound can be tweaked in so many variants with a mixer finding the right one may work for perfect for one beat/song but completely ruin in another during the same set. You can have a killer mashup but a sample can make it trash fast. Learning how to and use sampling is like knowing how and when to scratch and what type of scratch sound enhances the set. To me sampling is like a using a pentatonic scale opposed the a quick fancy chord change.
  21. ndv

    Sean Combs

    So basically what I just understood from the court docket is that Combs unlike some fortune 500 companies is that he got sloppy with his off the books corporate entertainment division.
  22. @abrasivesaint nah, you didn't break your own rule - you just spoke the truth said what most wouldn't say.
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