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Everything posted by ndv

  1. A hail storm passed through south of HTX and decimated a solar panel farm. Hail was golf ball size.
  2. Honestly, Cali would be a place I'd go and probably never come back. I hear the LA weather is perfect year around.
  3. They say solar panels are a good thing. A good thing until a hail storm passes by.
  4. Don't you threathen me with a good time. Seriously though, if I lived in your area, I'd take you up on your offer. Maybe one day when @misteraven hosts a 12oz Potluck-n-Paint dinner party.
  5. Idk 🤷‍♂️ I can't come up with anything.
  6. Don't for get the Venus Fly Trap, down south they are useful.
  7. ndv

    News Not Fit to Print

    Not sure where to really post this one. But are y'all aware that Walmart scans your CCs amd bank cards when you walk through the door. Supposedly the tech tells them not only who you are but also your spending limit. I suspect they also share this info with LE and marketing agencies. Unrelated but kinda, my bank gives us CC sleeves that have a anti-RFID lining in it. Thoughts?
  8. That's is impressive. Looks like we are all having salads tonight at Suki's place. It even appears we'll smoke herbs too!
  9. So resaling of items have to pass a background check of potentially stolen goods? Is that what I just read on .ca.gov site? So like if items are seized and they go up for state auction, the item is put in a data base and as a safe guard recorded as a legitimate sale so it prevents the original owner of claiming its legally theirs? Even if the law was wrong in the seizure of goods?
  10. Pretty much. It's a really touchy subject, most people do not want to hear houston not only 29 feet above sea level amd the ground continually sinks, the majority of the third coast is classified as swamp land so its a big reason our infrastructure (mainly roadways) are always in repair. It's a never ending saga here. For the past 20yrs every developer residential and commercial build the foundations up so all existing road ways, neighborhoods and commercial land that are surround by these new developments basically get flooded out. It's just something houston has to live with really no way out. 😕
  11. Just seen this news story. Kinda crazy considering houston is one of the cheapest cities to live in being the in top 5. https://abc13.com/houston-homeowners-real-estate-2024-space-city-is-riskiest-place-to-own-home-claimguideorg-study/14551564/
  12. ndv

    Current View

    It is work related
  13. ndv

    Current View

    I like the shower curtain - good taste :)
  14. there is like nothing on the sandwich - looks like they used a paint brush and just brushed the face of those slices.
  15. ^^ so true I get the following email from Boeing. My thoughts exactly were, "what's the point, y'all wouldn't follow them anyways."
  16. It's nothing really, it was his first impression that basically left a bad taste. Long story short, I reached out to him because I stumbled across his site (not knowing who he really was at the time), proposed a business deal at him, but he let his ego from his father's success get the better of him which he thought he could strong arm me. needless to say that's the first and last time I ever spoke.
  17. James is a D-Bag *for real Oink is gone he closed it down.
  18. I remeber the cartoon but didn't put theb2 together. Same here - never been to a rave.
  19. ndv

    Current View

    You roll around with a hermit crab on your dash?
  20. No need @fat ralphy has you covered.
  21. @misteraven @Mercer @nicklesndimes @metronome @psm026 @MOOGLE? @Dark_Knight @6Pennies @KILZ FILLZ @LUGR @mr.yuck @SukiSukiNow @Hua Guofang @Hayabusa @T4M* @Schnitzel @fat ralphy
  22. Wow! Eth increased quite a bit.
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