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i eat babies

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Everything posted by i eat babies

  1. This thread is hilarious! Props will be delivered.
  2. Went to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for 3 months. Hitchhiked my way around Cambodia and Laos. Saw much crazy shit..
  3. This thread is seriously lacking in 2-step garage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoeB82x5yrc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sHk_o-l1UU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XlcddsYnLM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmasBUOeZO8
  4. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... Whilst I understand the sentiment, I've done this job(although I was never as militant about handing that shit out as your man was). I always really appreciated it when someone would just see me coming and say "no, thank you", rather than treat me like shit. I never liked the job, I was just trying to earn some money...
  5. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... Bureaucracy and the cuntish people(and they are always cunts) who fill this profession. Pouring milk on your cereal and then realising the milk is off. Being clumsy. Having the beer shits when you wake up at a girls' house.
  6. Been listening to this for a minute. One of the best hip-hop albums I've ever heard. Even though I don't understand the vast majority of what's being said...
  7. finished reading this a little while back. Good book.
  8. just sit in a hot bath for an hour then it slides right off. Then just leave it in your yard or better yet put it on your dog.
  9. Re: The gulf coast is fucked Not that i don't agree with your fuck BP statement. But you should really be just as pissed off if not more pissed with your government for allowing it to happen. Big oil companies don't give a fuck about the envoironment and are willing to destroy anything in their path to produce maximum profit. It's always been like this. It's the government's job to regulate them and make sure this shit doesn't get out of hand. Either way this is a fucking travesty.
  10. When I get to 'old-age' I'm going to get into opium.
  11. Gonna see whether Lib Dems can deliver a bit more substance before the election before voting for them. They obviously had it easier in the debate, they've never had a chance to fuck anything up! If Clegg shows he's more than just the underdog who winged it on telly and did well then I'll be voting for them. If not it's a spoiled ballot as usual from me..
  12. several friends havn't been able to fly because of this.. doesn't seem like most people will get compensation either. Should of got volcano insurance!
  13. Disregard ??? Aquire profit
  14. Fair enough. I was pretty sure from what I've read from you in the past that your comments were a bit more extreme than you intended. We all have our bad days. You've expressed your arguments well and I see where you are coming from. Maybe I will come back tomorrow when I'm less tired/more political and I have some more points for you. But for now, well played sir.
  15. Decyferon your comments in this thread are really dissapointing. I generally enjoy reading what you have to say but your spouting some really conservative viewpoints here... Everybody who values their freedom and doesn't want to live in a '1984-esque' world should be up in arms about this sort of thing. I know having cameras in public restrooms doesn't necessarily have a direct negative effect on our freedom, but it is a symptom of a growing problem in our society that constant surveillance is generally accepted when ever someone from the council or higher government says it's necessary. If public bathrooms are watched to stop crime, why not private areas? Afterall a vast number of violent crimes occur in the home... It's all small steps that gradually lead to a society where the people are completely at the mercy of their government. Decyferon said that "I'm not doing anything wrong so I have no need to worry about CCTV, simple as that." And in some ways this is fair opinion, however you must realise that what is 'wrong' is completely subjective. In the last 10 years alone there have been hundreds of new offences and crimes created by our current government that were completely legal or at most frowned upon. Not to mention the different influences the international situation has had and will continue to have on our law-makers. Who's to say what new offences will be created in the coming years. You might be considered a law-breaker for living exactly the same lifestyle you live now in 10 years time. A further point, although I'm not suggesting that our current government really has sinister, conspiritorial motives for increased surveillance you have to ask how future governments could use technology such as blanket cctv, dna database, id cards etc. Nobody in 1920s Germany took the Nazi party seriously but suddenly they had total control of the entire country and were able to commit some of the worst attrocities the world has ever seen. My grandmother was a jew but her entire family were raised as christians. Had it not been for their entire lives and histories being on file for the government to do with as they pleased they would probably have been spared. As it is I've had maybe 3 or 4 relatives on that side of the family who survived. The BNP have been steadily growing, and when you look at history you see that extreme economic conditions bring about extreme opinions. Our current government mearly uses cctv to try and solve problems they are otherwise not ingenious enough to solve. But it makes things very easy for a government which does have sinister motives.. I think our rejection of surveillance and other 'big-brother' ideas should be as much about violation of privacy and civil liberties in the present as security for future generations should they find themselves with a truly malicious government.
  16. "Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music..." unknown
  17. My friend's sister and her boyfriend told him she was pregnant. That's a good April Fools...
  18. farscape was so unbelievably cheesy... These however are all worth watching. Others have already said The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, Band of Brothers.
  19. A while back I dated a girl for a few months. I got pretty attached as she was a nice girl and absolutely gorgeous. She fucked me over for another guy. I felt pretty raw about it for a good while.. A few months down the line my boy asked if it was ok he went for her. I was against it at first but I said it was ok because I don't own her and I could see they really got along. At that point I was over her so i felt no jelousy, I was more worried she'd fuck my boy over like she had me. He managed to turn her from sly bitch into loyal wifey and 3 years later they are still together. I consider this a good case of bros before hos. I didn't let my own feelings towards a girl get in the way of my friend's happiness and as it turns out they became a really strong couple.
  20. An Oriental chick. A black chick. A fat chick. A hot redhead. A threesome. two sisters. mom/daughter combo. fuck her in the ass. These are my yet to be accomplished goals.
  21. Don't sleep on lentils! They cost jack shit and 1kg can feed you for about a week.
  22. You know when something is so confusing that it voids your brain of all thoughts and you're just left with a big cartoon question mark above your head? This is what the last two paragraphs of your post did. Also, I have never fucked a girl who wasn't at least a year older than me. <------cougarhunter/
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear landlord, Please get in touch and tell me you can extend the lease on my apartment. If you do this my life will be better then it has ever been before. love babyeater
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