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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. Detroit sounds like a pretty awesome place, if you ask me.
  2. Sorry double post....
  3. Berlin is undoubtedly one of my top 3 places in the entire world. Period. Don't ask people what to do.....you'll find it out on your own. I would very much like to move there one day.
  4. Berlin is undoubtedly one of my top 3 places in the entire world. Period. Don't ask people what to do.....you'll find it out on your own. I would very much like to move there one day.
  5. My parents have close friends who live there, another one who owns a house there, and I just found out I have some long lost relative living there. Methinks a trip there is long overdue.
  6. I'm just kidding. Vancouver's awesome. I love it here.
  7. Vancouver's gay, you don't want to live there.
  8. You'd be amazed at the number of concerts that are cancelled because the band doesn't get over the border...
  9. My alarm goes off at 7 AM, I hit snooze until 7:10, then I'll either get up or hit snooze again. What I do before I get out the door depends entirely on the aforementioned snooze factor. Work starts at 8, but what time I get there is again dependent on the blasted snooze button. I hate getting out of bed. Once I'm up, I'm fine, but I absolutely hate getting out of my warm comfy bed with my cute naked girlfriend to go to work.
  10. Re: EastBayPowerHouse Spotted In South America Brilliant.
  11. My friend and I discussed traveling around eastern Europe for a couple months. But since he just left for South Africa, went to Paraguay a month ago, and is planning on going to Israel with his dad and brother sometime soon, that most likely will not happen. My girlfriend and I have talked about going to Japan, but that could be a bit pricey. So all in all.....probably nothing. Oh and Earmuffs I have your belt, too.
  12. I've got a pretty good cough going on right now. Great timing as I have my first soccer game in like 3 hours. My dad had really bad bronchitis which led to a blood clot in his artery, thus giving him a mild heart attack. So make sure you keep on top of it, if it gets worse go and kick your doctor in the balls.
  13. I am so fucking glad I live on the west coast now.
  14. Superb. *Spoke too soon: Your account has been blocked due password compromise. Please contact our affiliate representative. Raspberries.
  15. Can you really be saying that with a name like xHOPEx?
  16. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/last-nights-episode-nailed-em--graffiti-punk/2766558620 Here's another link.
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