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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Once again, agreed! I can count on one hand the movies ive liked in the past 5 years and they haven't even been mainstream movies... I'm more about the storyline, plot, character development and great acting more than special effects. That's why i hold movies like a bronx take and shawshank redemption over movies like avatar or the newer terminator movies. Give me a good story!.. Hollywood has ran out of ideas... I'd rather they take classic movies (I'm talking movies from the 20s and 30s) and put a modern spin on the story rather than recycle more recent classics (like those from the 80s.. karate kid being one)
  2. Agreed! Although, now that im older i recognize cheesy parts that I didn't notice when i was younger. ...and really bad acting. I had a hard time rewatching the American Ninja movies i loved so much as a kid.
  3. I was just thinking about the movie Run that i loved when i was a kid about the age of 11 or 12 and how i haven't seen it in years. Just for shits and giggles i decided to check my Amazon prime videos and it was there, so i watched it last night.
  4. The last book i read was Tuesdays with Morrie I finished it about a month ago.
  5. Dear West Africa, I just found out you're using child slaves to collect cacao for big chocolate companies. You're fucked up. cG
  6. CALIgula

    Head On!

    Apply directly to the forehead!!
  7. ? Maybe she's Russian. No collusion ?‍♂️
  8. Ive heard an 8/16 intermittent fast works pretty well. I want to try it... eat from 9am to 5pm and then only water and black coffee the rest of the time.
  9. im feelin that black and white Banok, but please invest in an exacto knife. (no diss)
  10. everyone here in sactown loves round table pizza...shhhh dont tell anyone, but i think its just alright. nothing to write home about.
  11. does this mean that when youre done, youre gonna change your name to Skinny Ralphy? jk jk No but seriously man, best of luck to you...the struggle is real. I went on a diet/lifestyle change the day before christmas (about 8 months ago) and have lost 40 pounds...but i know for a fact I put on some muscle as well too so the weight isn't an accurate depiction of my overall fitness. your scale has body fat% so pay more attention to that. I'll check in this thread often to check in with you and share my own personal failures and successes too...my heaviest was almost 300...probably right around 293ish...i felt like shit....when i started after christmas i was right around 280 and im at around 240 right now...give or take a couple of pounds. in the workout thread, i posted a good weight lifting routine....check it out. also try checking out the myfitnesspal app to track you macros. i dont know if you know about tracking macros, but if you don't theres a ton of information on it on the internetz. basically not only are you keeping track of calorie intake, but your keeping track of what percent of those calories come from fat, protein, and carbs. in the app, you can change percentages....say you're in take for the day is only 2200 calories...but you want 40% of those to come from protein, 30% from carbs and 30% from fats, it will calculate how many grams of each you need for the day and it will keep track of it by you scanning the food labels as you enter the data...the only bitch is that you need a food scale...i bought a good cheap one from amazon....its a tedious as fuck process but if you stay on track with it, it works. good luck bro, feel free to pm me if you lose motivation or want to bounce ideas back and forth.
  12. If anybody is looking for a good workout routine for bulking up i recommend the following: 1. Go to Google 2. Type in "triphase hst" 3. Click on the first link (it should be a pdf file hosted on bodybuilding .com) 4. Read it and look up any exercises you don't know how to do on YouTube in order to keep proper form. 5. Complete the program and start it again (it's a 9 week program).. do the program a few times. 6. Make sure you're eating tons of protein... like a gram of protein per pound of your body weight (ex: if you weight 200 pounds, eat 200 grams of protein a day)
  13. Rest in peace Hip Hop. As far as I'm concerned, the culture is 45 years old (46 technically)... since its birth goes back to 1973. I started listening to Hip Hop music in 1988 and even though i still listen to it, i feel like right around 2003 is when the music started getting wack.. so to me the golden years were from 1988 to 2003... the 2nd 15 years.... the first 15 years it was developing and the 3rd 15 years (currently) it fucking sucks.
  14. I think fame went to his head when he got onto mtv... once he made it to vice ..fuggetaboutit... and now showtime lol... he's so done with 12oz I think one of his last posts was something like fuck all y'all
  15. I don't see earl returning.. when he left, he mentioned it was pretty much for good. Casek came around here recently. Where's theo..i met him in person a couple times.. good dude
  16. Someone get MAR and Dawood back on here... for peace in the middle east. Also freek4nyc.. that guy was cool. Where's boatsnhoes at?
  17. Me and sooki already hit her up and let her know. She's down for a tshirt too.. she made the top 1000 list
  18. Ive seen 7 of the people on my list in person. Including Tom Segura.... he gave me a fist bump after he was done performing... this was before he made any Netflix specials. Really funny guy, he ranted for about 10 minutes about a local sushi spot he went to here in town... basically he uses his meals while on the road as a work related tax write off and when he went there he asked if they accepted amex.. they said yes at first, but when it was time to pay, they said no... he posted something about it on Twitter and i remember 100s of his fans on social media leaving 1 star reviews on that sushi spots Yelp page
  19. I have an idea. Bring back the ladies first. Step 2.. wet t shirt thread 2019 version. 3rd step, prophet!
  20. It's more so the high cost of living now. And we're taxed like crazy. A lot of people are moving to Oregon.
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