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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. CALIgula


    They need more transparency with the body cams. They shouldnt be allowed to mute the audio too. also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY-9P_CnNZg
  2. false....and hell to the no NO! feet are disgusting...even if the girl gets a pedi, no way....keep them away from my face too...which sometimes sucks when you put her feet on your shoulders and they get too close to the face. tpbm likes cream cheese wontons better than foil wrapped chicken.
  3. True....but im trying to cut back on it. lol tpbm has a fantasy that includes food
  4. False, i bought a newer used car a few months ago but i still put shit gas in it. Tpbm has taken some form of martial art
  5. Dear SmxxL, Glad to hear things are going good for you (and your daughter)! Im glad you've found happiness!! ? ❤️ cG
  6. I mean it still counts..but as far as I'm concerned, you guys were married a long long time ago.. awesome couple! Yeah, long time no see.. and things are well...i have to come out to visit y'all soon... awful awfuls?!
  7. I just watched Men at Work /no homo On Amazon Prime last night.
  8. LoL... true.. out of boredom... didn't j.o. though The person below me has spent a lot of time researching something recently.
  9. Drawball was fun but i kept running out of ink. I think there was a hack for unlimited ink. Im still tying to figure out how to make a glitter chain.
  10. False Tpbm has been in a fist fight recently
  11. One of my favorite threads thanks to Shai and Fat Raphy and everyone else involved!! The banner in this picture says "Caligula faps fatties" lol That was at "3rd base"
  12. Same here. I even picked up another tshirt to support the forum. Thanks for putting this together for us Raven.
  13. Not as cool as it seems to be...i was 12 and my cousin was 14, so we had to go watch the movie with my parents and his parents (my mom and his mom being sisters). Anyways, watching an R rated movie with your parents can be awkward at times. Like the part where Sarah Connor gets her face licked by the mental hospital employee. LoL
  14. I mean, i would be coked out if i went through what John Connor went through lol Then again, I'd also have a war against the machines to fight.. I'd want to be focused Haha On a side note, i watched T2 when it first came out (i was 12) in the movie theaters. I was visiting my cousin in l.a. and we watched it at the Northridge mall... the same place the motorcycle chase through the mall parking lot occurred... so when we came out of the movie, we were literally parked where that scene was shot.
  15. Same here, there can't be any other John Connor. TERMINATOR 2 is still my favorite of the series. On a side note I have a really good terminator genysis poster that I got for free from a VIP tour of the paramount studios in L.A. A couple of months later i picked my mom up from a restaurant where Arnold was at eating lunch (she got a picture with him)... I'm still kicking myself for not going back home 10 minutes away and returning to get my poster signed. Could've made some ebay money
  16. I didn't know Furlong was back in it. I saw Hamilton in the trailer. Glad to see Cameron back, even though ive heard he's a dick irl
  17. I was writing that for all of the captain oblivious people. LoL Yay+!
  18. My inner grammar nazi is going crazy. Two unnecessary commas, you're instead of your, decisions is misspelled, and for is misspelled.
  19. I just finished watching Mueller testify.
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