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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. saw east side sushi a few nights ago... terrible acting predictable plot horrible ethnic jokes but the sushi looked good!
  2. Correct spoiler! But it was an interesting read...i learned a lot about his life and the anti-apartheid struggle. But it did get a bit tedious to read with all the different organization names.
  3. Dear Melbourne, Thoughts and prayers for the pedestrians struck in the vehicle attack. cG
  4. True...i was actually thinking about that as i typed up my response...i was typing how it's crazy and sad times we're living in while simultaneously thinking when hasn't it been.
  5. Not even just comedies but dramas and horror films too. I think the 80s (and to a large extent the 90s) had the best movies ever.
  6. I guess the solution is just to put everyone escaping brutal conditions on an island...first they did it with the manus island refugees and a couple days ago i read that bangladesh wants to do the same thing to the rohingya (except for that island floods out completely every year). Don't even get me started about the famine that's about to go down in yemen. Crazy (and sad) times we're living in. I'm surprised any refugees from manus made it to the U.S. even though Obama promised it on the way out because that's the reason trump hung up on turnbull...because he doesn't believe in giving refugees refuge.
  7. No Problem...here's a link to a youtube video that explains it from the view of one of the most vocal prisoners...
  8. Dear Alabama, Thank you for not electing a racist chomo to the Senate. cG
  9. Just googled it...yeah, it's him..."life is beautiful" and "tiger and the snow" are my favorite movies he starred in...guess i have to check out down by law too.
  10. Whoa...is that roberto benini that's dancing with the girl?
  11. If you can get paid for doing it, i highly suggest that!
  12. Even though i like em chubby, smash your friend.
  13. Dear Australian 12ozers, I've been following the developments of the situation on manus island for over a year now (maybe almost two years i think)...im not really a fan of what your government is doing....but never really got your thoughts on it. Just wanted some perspective on how you feel and how average Australians feel. cG
  14. Just took a really great shit...felt like i lost a couple pounds...two words to describe it? ...Tha shit!
  15. Just finished Planes, Trains, and Automobiles right now...haven't seen it in years and figured I'd rewatch it...i kind of feel like I'm rediscovering certain 70s and 80s movies at the moment.
  16. Yeah, as soon as the movie was over, i asked my gf to Google it and every single scene i called out as gay was mentioned in the couple search results we found.
  17. So i watched Top Gun for the first time with my girlfriend a couple nights ago...id only seen parts of it but never watched the movie all the way through and she hadn't seen it in years. It was very gay...and not like "man that movie sucks, it's gay"...im talking there were a lot of undertone questionable gay scenes and dialogue in it.
  18. Just finished up Nelson Mandela's autobiography 'Long Walk to Freedom' last night.
  19. :laughing::laughing: I agree about the girl singing during the trailer....very annoying
  20. It came out in 1978 so i don't think it's still in theaters.
  21. No...there are some pretty intense scenes and great acting, but overall a few plot holes, plus it dragged (3 hour movie), just one of many Vietnam War movies....id recommend Full Metal Jacket instead. Ok...my mom asked if i would take her to see it. ..guess i will
  22. last 2 movies i saw: the deer hunter and the original IT
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