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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Well, lookey what came in the mail today... Player Haters
  2. I absolutely agree that these are high quality shirts that can easily be $35... I'm very thankful that Raven can keep the prices low for us. No diss intended.. was just trying to be transparent about my only gripe
  3. For $12 (and only $7 shipping) it's a great deal. The fabric quality is good and the screen printing came out good. I think it's a great shirt. My only gripe is that the the back part of the collar doesn't lay down flat... and just in general, after a few washes, (at least on the 1st bootleg series shirt) the collar isn't as tight anymore. It may just be the blanks that y'all have chosen. I know these are just for the 12-12-12 series and some higher end quality shirts will come out soon. I wear Pro5 blank T's... and what i like about those shirts is the collar is pretty tight and even with a bunch of washes, the collar stays tight.
  4. He got in my face and i didn't back down. Cooler heads (mostly his) prevailed. I think, he thought I'd back down like some chump, but i didn't and was ready to throw. He then apologized (three times) for roid raging. I found out later that he's used the N-word before, flown a MAGA fuck your feelings flag, and has tried to square up with 3 other people on the same street. Smh.
  5. Exactly one week of having my new shirt: Night 1 (last Friday): some unattractive (which is rare because i have really really really low standards) girl keeps flirting with me at the bar and decides to use the bottom of my brand new shirt to clean the lenses of her glasses. Bitch, you ain't cute🤬🤬🤬 Night 2 (last Saturday): almost wore the shirt again, but decided not to. Thank God cause i almost got into a fight with some roid raging douchebag, if i was wearing my shirt and we fought and my shirt got torn or stretched, i would've probably gotten arrested for 1st degree murder. Night 3 (4th of July): wore my shirt to a friend of a friend's bbq... her family was at this bbq... older white people in their late 60s and 70s. In front of everyone, the old guy goes, "I've got to ask this, what is Plan 12" and i go "it's a clothing company" to which the old white lady says "oh, i thought you were in one of those 12 step sobriety programs" smfh🤦
  6. Agreed! Coochie mosquitos are the worst!
  7. I didn't necessarily watch this show per se. But i did fastforward through each episode looking for all the nudity. So i technically watched it. The chubby girl has a nice body.
  8. I'll wear mine too and keep an eye out for you. Spidermanspointingateachother.gif
  9. I've smashed worse 😬
  10. I can't vote for this if there's no boogie hands option!
  11. Sorry this happened to you Jefe! I don't know if I'm more upset that they jacked your shirt or the fact that now I'm going to be wearing the same shirt that some tweaker somewhere is wearing.
  12. Just got mine about 10 minutes ago... Thanks Raven!!! Waiting for the next drop!
  13. I just got the email that mine has shipped. I don't use the word "stoked" a lot... but I'm stoked. LoL
  14. I think mine hasn't shipped yet since i didn't receive an email.
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