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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Ten years ago to the day (August 20th 2007) the original Sacramento thread was shut down by 12oz moderators because of shit talking, bitching, spot dropping, etc. Ten years later to the day (August 20th 2017) I am starting a brand new Sacramento thread and picking up where we left off. I've seen a lot of writers come and go in our city and with the new generation of writers along with the older generations I want to showcase what Sacramento's contribution to graffiti is. With that being said, I need to lay down some rules so that this thread doesn't turn into a shit show: -The main purpose of this thread is to post flicks! If you see something on the streets you want to share here, go flick it. Upload it to this thread so everyone can see it. -No freights & dates....this is brickslayers for walls (and dumpsters, trashcans, etc)...basically anything that isnt a train...later, someone may want to open a Sacramento freight thread in metal heads and that's fine, but stick to the forum section...also, if your camera has the date you took the picture, please edit that shit out. -No Promotion....no shirts, mags, products, stores, etc etc. -Absolutely no snitching or dry snitching. This should be a no-brainer and the cardinal rule of graffiti. If anyone on here snitches or makes any light-weight snitching remarks, you will get banned and possibly fucked up in the streets...snitches get stitches. -No shit talking. If you're on here not contributing to the thread but just talking shit, I will blacklist you from the thread. This especially goes for people commenting on this thread from other cities. If you come in here just to talk shit about Sacramento you'll get kicked out. If you have beef with someone take it off the threads and take it to private messages. -No spot dropping. Do not mention where the flick was taken and do not talk about specific spots. In fact, if you're taking a picture of some graffiti, try and edit that shit to the point where nobody knows where the flick was taken at....this way the location won't be documented for the city to come and buff it and the cops won't be able to document it. and lastly - if you ever get popped (busted) for graffiti, don't say shit to the police. The police can lie and say "this writer told us this about you" to get you to dime people back out....don't EVER snitch anyone out....lawyer up before you say anything...cops can lie to collect evidence. I will be closely monitoring this thread and editing and deleting posts. If shit gets out of hand, I will delete the thread...dont be the reason for a thread deletion....and with that, here are a few flicks to get the thread started...
  2. Annual fees sucks but worth it in the long run. See if there are any ways to get the fees waived. ..for example, if you've been a bank customer for 20+ years, they might have a reduced fee or will waive it all together.
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