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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. I had a beast of a wasp nest under my deck last summer. I used one of those bug-bomb thingies, where you just pop the top on the aerosol can and it sprays out constantly until it runs dry. Did that at night, and while there were still a few around the next day, the majority of them were gone. The next night I just knocked the nest off and threw it in a bag out in the back alley. By morning the remaining ones had pissed off, and then I sealed the nest with a shit ton of varathane, and stuck it back up under the deck, I heard somewhere that wasps won't build anywhere around another nest, and I haven't had any problems since.. Who knows.
  2. Exactly the reasons I DO go to bars where I know the bartenders..
  3. Whaaat, you're leaving the big AB? But it's such a wonderful place...
  4. You can't register, add/drop classes online? That's shit..
  5. Yeah, that was by far the most one-sided decision I've ever seen in the UFC.. absolute bullshit. Bisping got his shit run over the first two rounds, steadily. All he did in the third was throw some frenzied combos in a last ditch attempt for points. Such a garbage call.
  6. that was very awkward. manly womans.
  7. Dear Rust, Get the fuck off my car. Jerk. -n
  8. I've been drinking this cheap shit tequila all night called Conquistador. It tastes the way paint thinner smells, but by fuck, it gets the job done!
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha seriously, i've been staring at that for too long..
  10. Soo, if we're already registered, we'll be fine? I've been here for years but I hardly ever post.. just like to poke around and see what's up more than anything..
  11. Re: Snowsports Superthread. Just recently snagged me a pair of these beauts: Still not sure which board I'm gonna get. I stripped and sanded down my old board so I could paint it up myself, but refinishing the base is too expensive, so fuck it.. time for a new one anyways.
  12. Dear new manager, Please stop cutting those disastrous farts whenever you come into my office to ask me something. We've all heard your claims of having 'mild colitis', but I still think it's an excuse for the fact that you're a vile, stank-ass, redneck douchebag. The next time you drop you ass gasses near my desk, I'm going to wash out your coffee mug in the urinal. Cease and desist, n.
  13. Bingo. Goddamn Newfies are taking over and making far more money on the rigs than I ever will with my degree. Shoulda gone to Nait and got my welding ticket instead. Fuckkk "Where's me hammer to?!"
  14. Congrats on the new son thing
  15. Yeah, pics of this gross shit, let's go.
  16. Russell Peters, on the other hand, is hilarious.
  17. TresOne

    Mother Fu...

    Pink undershirts, that's what.
  18. Re: Share your Photobucket/Flickr/Something similar super mucho major conglomerate th
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