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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. I read that construction on this motherfucker had recently started up again.. good looks. That thing is so eerie - sat as an abandonned concrete skeleton for years. What the fuck does N.Korea need a 105-floor hotel for when half the country doesn't have electricty or food...
  2. Kimbo should stick to street fighting stand up. He's tough as fuck, I'll give him that, but he doesn't belong in the octagon. If he's matched up against anyone that is actually a well rounded MMA fighter with some ground game and submission skills, he'd be fucked.
  3. Hopefully, Hughes is an arrogant fuck. Though, GSP has like less than a month to prepare for this fight, so who knows..
  4. I dunno how the hell Guida can fight with that frizzy ass hair flopping all over the place.. That card had some surprisingly good fights..
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear bitter cold canadian winter, Please fuck off. I'm not nearly ready for you yet. kthx, -Freezing me bits off.
  6. ^^ Agreed. It was such a stacked card, but none of the fights were really outstanding. I was stoked to see Forrest Griffin beat Rua, but Rua's showing looked pretty shit. For all the hype that guy had, he did a whole lot of nothing, and burned out like half way through the 2nd round.
  7. Yeah, that was by far the most one-sided decision I've ever seen in the UFC.. absolute bullshit. Bisping got his shit run over the first two rounds, steadily. All he did in the third was throw some frenzied combos in a last ditch attempt for points. Such a garbage call.
  8. Dear Rust, Get the fuck off my car. Jerk. -n
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha seriously, i've been staring at that for too long..
  10. Dear new manager, Please stop cutting those disastrous farts whenever you come into my office to ask me something. We've all heard your claims of having 'mild colitis', but I still think it's an excuse for the fact that you're a vile, stank-ass, redneck douchebag. The next time you drop you ass gasses near my desk, I'm going to wash out your coffee mug in the urinal. Cease and desist, n.
  11. Congrats on the new son thing
  12. Why come into a Paperchase thread looking for painted shit, you stupid motherfucker? Get the fuck outta here.
  13. Where did you find that stencil so large?
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO only if NyQuil does too
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO Tastes like shoe, but fucks you up
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^^ that is fucking awesome. must have taken forever
  17. Amazing photos in here... Some from 3 months backpacking in SE Asia: Sorry if they're huge, I'm tech-retarded.
  18. Jesus Christ! Justone's stuff is fucking amazing! How long did that jungle one take you to do? Unreal.
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