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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. Yeah laptop touch-pads are useless for clean lines, which is why i still to filling and buffing.. speaking of which, time to go buff them dicks off the 12...
  2. Don't even tip him off that you know.. the next time you see him, just toss a handful of coins in his face.
  3. Nicely done, i would have frozen up for sure.
  4. Ha, nice thread. The car is lookin hot! I try to split my ink equally between that and buffing the 12... I'm surprised that the car hasn't been trashed that hard in the last day or so.. Hopefully we can get it close enough to being finished that someone can post pics on the drawball forum..
  5. Got the shit kicked outta me when i was 15 by some 40 year old biker at the local pool hall joint. Intentionally scratched my first shot, then ran the table for the $30 we bet on the game. :lol:
  6. It's just so that they can assassinate obama once he takes office.
  7. There's nothing wrong with working in the trades, and working your way up to getting your journeyman ticket can indeed pay quite well. That being said, don't fall prey to the short term glossy finish of a trades job. If you drop out of high school and start working, sure maybe you'll be making some cash while your friends move on to college, but you'll hit your earnings ceiling VERY quickly. Ie: Making $25-35 an hour might seem fucking fantastic when you're 17, but when you're 35 with a wife, kids, cars, a house and a mortgage, you'll be stretching those dollars hard, and then it's tough to go back to school. It's high school, man. You only have one fucking year left.. just lay low and stay out of trouble - a year really isn't much time at all. At least get the GED under your belt, and then do whatever the fuck you want. I personally say college is the way to go, but whatever, that's your call. Just don't be a retard and not finish high school. You'll seriously regret it.
  8. The Angry Dragon: -Nut in her mouth and as she's about to swallow, smack her in the back of the head so she chokes and it comes out her nose. /no homo..?
  9. Shit's all white, so just bleach the shit out of it. Maybe? :o
  10. Addicted to video games? You have to be fucking kidding me. Smash his tv, bitch slap the sweet fuck outta him, and kick his nerd ass to the street.
  11. If going back to school right now ain't yer dig, then like posted before, get the fuck outta dodge and travel for a while. You don't even really need that much cash to travel if you just backpack. Hit up places like southeast Asia.. it's ridiculously cheap to live there for months at a time. Go learn some shit about yourself.. it really puts a lot of things into perspective.
  12. My favorite part is at the end when they interview the people during or after treatment, and they talk about how much better they're doing, how they've changed and will never do crack/h/booze/whatever, blah blah.. and then the writing pops up saying they moved back home and relapsed like two weeks later.
  13. New one on last night about the elementary school teacher addicted to heroin. Pure comedy. Then they had one about some fucking weirdo who was "addicted to marajuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms, and alcohol". Haha, shit had me rolling. He wasn't so much an addict as he was just a failure of a human being. Love this show.
  14. Go back to school. There are some exceptions, but in general you're a lot better off as far as the future job / earning scene goes if you have a professional designation in some field. Figure out what interests you and go back to college or university. Move back in with ya moms, sell your car to finance the tuition. Mind you, while you figure out what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, keep your job. It may suck, but it pays the bills, and it's a lot easier to suffer through a job you hate than to have a bunch of your shit repo'd and get evicted from your place. Nothing like some bad credit to follow you around for the rest of yer life.
  15. TresOne

    Snow Days...

    I loves me the snow, but the fucking -40 degree weather that's going along with it is just pure fucking insanity..
  16. Bingo, animated Calvin and Hobbes would have been shit, I think. It would have never lived up to each person's own impression of how the characters should sound, act, their mannerisms, etc. It's better when you can keep your own perception of the comic..
  17. Fuck, who finds that attractive? Shit's gross, son.
  18. It was -47 degree celcius today with the windchill. Everything just falls apart.
  19. Hit opening day at Marmot.. already got trips planned and lift tix bought for both Fernie and Lake Louise. Shit's gonna be wild. Fucking love the Rockies! :)
  20. Happy Birthday, Teaseola. Anyone still have that animated gif of tease in the hardhat / toobelt? Pure comedy. /serious no homo
  21. Kimbo should stick to street fighting stand up. He's tough as fuck, I'll give him that, but he doesn't belong in the octagon. If he's matched up against anyone that is actually a well rounded MMA fighter with some ground game and submission skills, he'd be fucked.
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