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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. Hopefully, Hughes is an arrogant fuck. Though, GSP has like less than a month to prepare for this fight, so who knows..
  2. I dunno how the hell Guida can fight with that frizzy ass hair flopping all over the place.. That card had some surprisingly good fights..
  3. With the windchill, it's -34 celcius tonight. I'd go take pictures and such, but fuck that idea. Yay winter. :huh:
  4. 3 years is the breaking point.. Was with one girl for 5 years, and after 3, it was total shit. Fighting everyday over some minimal bullshit.. only stuck together for the next couple years cause we'd already been in it so long. Nothing like staying in a bad relationship just because you've already invested some years in it.. things will just get way worse and fall apart eventually.. New girl I got going is a gem.. keeper for sure. She thinks she's asking a favor of me to go hang out with her, cook some good ass food together, watch the Victoria Secret fashion show, and then have animal secks all night. Jeeeaaaa!
  5. Only one smash for me today, though I devoured a huge plate of grilled chicken caesar salad not long ago, so the second shit should follow shortly..
  6. A friend of mine was telling me about this a while ago but I never bothered to look into it. Just ordered me the reprinted full color edition. Here's hoping it's good stuff..
  7. Fuck yes, Goldsworthy is amazing. I'd never have the patience for things like that.. Regardless, his work is bananas.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear bitter cold canadian winter, Please fuck off. I'm not nearly ready for you yet. kthx, -Freezing me bits off.
  9. yeeehaw, 1000 grains. But goddamn, my vocab level is only 34.. i should start reading again.
  10. Congrats, homie. /gettin paid
  11. "earmuffs they will be white of chanadetsom. as bacon, but any hope of bacon of real bacon Canadian new, is which baby it makes in the best way." A-la babelfish. Awesome.
  12. I have to wear a suit and tie to work everyday. Shit gets old really fast. :(
  13. I've always wanted to do what Pfffft did, and go see the favelas in rio.. they've fascinated me for years. I've spent quite a bit of time throughout South East Asia, and I can say the same for the slums that I've seen. In Bangkok, there will be some massive office tower of a multi-million dollar corporation, and literally across the street, it's all massive slums. But the people are (seemingly) so happy - they make the most of what they have in life, however little that may be. Then you get back to western civilization and see how completely ass-backwards life is. Everyone pisses and moans about what they don't have, they never appreciate what they DO have. Ridiculous.
  14. "Please note the aerodynamic form... jets are clearly seen" Hahaha YES
  15. BINGO I'm 23, and I make just shy of a 6 figure salary (nowhere near 500k, but not bad for my age), but I bust my ASS to do so, both when I was in university, and now in the working world. If you want the money, go fucking earn it yourself.
  16. Re: AKIRA- BEST MOViE NEVER? Man, why the fuck do Stage6 links never work? It opens the window, and then just says "Connecting.." for fucking ever. Weak.
  17. Friday -wait in line at uni for 5 fucking hours to get a copy of my transcripts -40 hands with some of the ol' boys Saturday -Goin' Fishing! -Poker game and then off to the peelers Sunday -Maybe go fishing again? Depends on the shit weather.. -Start prepping for the 13 fucking interviews I have over the next week and a half :( Monday -Eat a shit-load of turkey -Study / interview-prep my ass off
  18. Now her life bender really hits full swing. I'm betting there's a very public, overly dramatic, high off her tits kinda suicide sometime in the future..
  19. Unreal talent.. the spade and diamond skulls are sick
  20. Business degrees are a joke if you major in something like Marketing or Human Resources. Shit like accounting and Finance can get pretty tough though, so if you're not looking to work hard, don't go into either of those. Plus, they're boring as fuck, but you make some serious bank if you get your Chartered Accountancy or some other designation..
  21. It's 9am and I was up til 5:30am working on a massive fucking corporate tax assignment. I feel like a zombie.. :huh:
  22. ^^ Agreed. It was such a stacked card, but none of the fights were really outstanding. I was stoked to see Forrest Griffin beat Rua, but Rua's showing looked pretty shit. For all the hype that guy had, he did a whole lot of nothing, and burned out like half way through the 2nd round.
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