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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. bag with tiny parts like bike pedals handlebars gas caps seat springs and so on
  2. @Ko SprueOnethat model finally came in. Theres some clean up at the mold injection sites and a lot of the posts need to be trimmed down so the pieces will sit flush. There are no instructions on where the pieces go so there was a lot dry fitting and picture reference from the online images. There is one piece I cant figure out where it goes. But that being said the detail is all there. Its nice. I'll post some pictures for detail and model size in just a little bit.
  3. I just pictured in my head how that documentary would have been if it were black/brown people with meth, tigers, and that bitch carol fuckin baskin.
  4. RIP google search history Found what I was lookin for tho
  5. Watching season 4 of 60 days in, laughin my ass off at all these soft batch cookies crying about how terrible jail is.
  6. I wonder if people are still dying from vaping? Remember that?
  7. mr.yuck


    I found a handful of stuff from the late 90s indianapolis in a shoe box the other night.
  8. Thats suspect as hell. Samsung knows what you want. What you really really want.
  9. @SMdoubleXLim sayin. I dont know if it gives you a better description when you go to order it, but even if it didnt my mail box would be blowing up with random weird chinese shit that I would be trying to use all at the same time.
  10. @ndvIm glad I dont use what ever app sends all these wish ads or id be broke as fuck.
  11. I think it's like a penis pump... but for your tongue.
  12. The challenge is when you hit her with the daddy dick you have to maintain steady eye contact while those terrible eyes start to distend.
  13. 😂 @Merceryoure a god damn fool!
  14. She looks like some one slammed a book shut on her face smash.
  15. Nah. Our fences are a little different. Mine has spikes on top.
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