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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @MitchThe$nitchthose are dope. I was looking at the used section and even the little roamer used trucks are half a mil!😱
  2. mr.yuck

    Current View

  3. @LUGRis smashing all movie titles right now. I dont have the first clue what that scene is from though.
  4. mr.yuck


    This is a weird, 19 year old, thread bump just to flex his racial equality wokeness.
  5. @misteraventrout is so damn tasty. I treat myself to fish once a year when I go camping. I like catching cleaning and eating within a few hours. The only thing i wish I could do a little better is deboning those little bastards. Trout on a bagel sounds fire.
  6. @Ko SprueOneis that yours? If so how much of that scenery is forced perspective?
  7. mr.yuck


    Did you just read his book and have a personal revelation?
  8. Thats a good question. I have ZERO formal training. Everything I know has been picked up over the years along the way and lots of reference books I own on the subject. The basis of my construction knowledge revolves around carpentry. I dont touch any of the mechanical trades which you actually need licenses to do. Im insured for electrical and plumbing on an as needed basis. Meaning if I have to remove lights or toilets or sinks in order to paint around them or do drywall repair, Im insured for anything that might go wrong. I didnt get into construction until I was 21, or somewhere around that age. So Ive been doing it off and on for about 18 years now. I get away with having no licensure becuase I subcontract under class A general contractors. As long as my invoices are $5000 or less I stay legitimate. If I go over at any point I get fined. It's cheaper to pay the fine than be compliant.
  9. My days are all pretty much the same so I kinda made a highlight reel of the past week. For your enjoymet: Before After Trailer hauling too much weight. Metal grate on bridge chewed it alive. Take some roof down, put some roof up just a couple soft spots to repair they said The aftermath of me falling through one of these rotten floors. FIN
  10. Its the hair and lack of mustache. I had the same feeling when I looked at it.
  11. Just waking up from a nap I started around 1 pm. It was rainy so I decided to stay home from work today.
  12. @pissdrunkwhat?! @Schnitzel Maria bamford Also, I dont understand why amy schumer gets such a bad rap. I had never watched any of her shit until recently cuz I wanted to see first hand whay all the hate was about. She's a funny bitch.
  13. Watching the worlds least funny stand up comedian ever.
  14. This site has been a god send for me.
  15. mr.yuck

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    Fake it til you make it!
  16. I started watching this last night and ended up watching the whole season. Content includes drugs and meditation, coming face to face with death, magic and the path to enligtenment. 10/10 would watch again.
  17. @NightmareOnElmStreeti feel that way about eminence too. Edit- Just hopped out the shower.
  19. mr.yuck


    Yo im very upset that i missed out on the reverse skunk dunks. How do you guys know when these limited editions are going to drop?
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