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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. My company mascot finally showed up. I have been leaning hard to changing the name of my company to DFSS( dumpster fire shit show) construction.
  2. mr.yuck


    This shit right here
  3. mr.yuck


    The fact that she is coming unhinged because there is the possibility of being injured by some one profiling her is fucking delicious. After this video makes its rounds, I got $5 on her eating her service weapon.
  4. Sitting at the hair did joint about to get my hair did.
  5. This shit was super on point. Last night I followed down the dave chappelle rabbit hole on youtube and ended up watching a bunch of interview clips of him speaking out on how the show business industry is at war with black masculinity and 4 hour long sets he did with no prepared material where he basically just shot the shit with the audience. The man is super interesting.
  6. @One Man Bannedwhat kind of camera do you have? Ive been trying to get some pictures of this groundhog that lives in my back yard but he's elusive. I cant get close enough with camera phone.
  7. I cut half of the grass and got attacked by bees. They tore my ass up and the yard will remain half cut.
  8. mr.yuck


    I feel very much the same way. Every time I say something like fuck the police, people never hesitate to tell me some rediculous drivel like "next time some one does x you should call a crack head." First of all, I have found crackheads to actually be hella fuckin helpful in the past. But thats besides the point. Im going to have to dig up some sources but out of all of this mess I have read some really interesting solutions. I think Minneapolis has been discussing disolving their police force and replacing it with some form of community driven outreach program of some sort. Edit Also now that I type it out I have never really contemplated that a group of police is called a force.
  9. This is true. If these motherfuckers thought they were in any kind of danger of being attacked with any weapon, they would have the green light to use leathal force. In the imortal words of one of my pig aquaintances "they (cops) are just out there having fun and fucking people up."
  10. I thought a lot of these videos were taken down because they wouldnt play for me either. Im having to open the embedded video directly in twitter or what have you to get them to play. @Dirty_habiT
  11. They are probably sick, man.
  12. Ive been dreaming of moutain towns in the Appalachias in western Virginia. Its beautiful up there but I dont know. That shit might be too banjo for my tastes. The last time I was out that way, I saw one too many roadside tent church revivals with healing snakes for my liking.
  13. I wonder how many people lost their voting rights to this cock gobbler and his merry band of shit heads? He should heed his own advice and shut his mouth. Keep voting with your bricks.
  14. Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde issued a response to the president's visit to the church, "The President just used a Bible and one of the churches of my diocese as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our church stands for. To do so, he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged."
  15. mr.yuck


    Was a different lady https://twitter.com/KillerMartinis/status/1266618525600399361?s=20
  16. @Dirty_habiTthe police have created a monopoly on protection in many states where it is illegal for you to protect yourself. This would be fine if they were capable of protecting you, which they arent. The police spend their days extracting money from innocent, hard working, good people for non violent often paperwork related infractions. I have met and become acquaintances with lots of cops over my life time and they all have the same underlying personality traits; they are garbage human beings. When they let their guard down and feel comfortable with you, the stories they exuberantly tell of how inhumanely and cruelly they treat people has on more than one occasion made me fantasize of grabbing a club and smashing their head in until its paste to save just one future victim. You literally cant be a good cop. Good cops that stop abusive tactics or practices are fired or frozen out. Personal experiences, overhead conversations, and conversations I have directly been a part of: I cant wait to shoot one of these niggers. Lets hang out for a little bit and let the niggers beat each other up and get tired before we show up. A story a family member who was a correctional officer told me. There was a mentally unstable prisoner they had who stripped naked and was becoming agitated. The response to this was to spray him in the face with mace. He used his lunch tray to sheild his face and when he did, he sprayed him in his genitals and then returned to spraying him in his face back and forth. He was lauging while telling the story about how the man was "yelping" in pain during the whole ordeal. For years I lived in an all black neighborhood where I was constantly snatched up by the police and slammed around because they assumed the only reason I was there was to buy drugs. I had some one crash into my enclosed trailer while it was parked on the street. It knocked it about 30 feet down the street and it hooked up into my neighbors yard. When I showed up the police informed me that they were never going to catch who did this because there was no evidence. I picked up several pieces of broken car that was scattered at the point of impact. I googled the serial numbers from the pieces and determined the make, model and year of the car. When I brought this to his attention he looked annoyed and said that if I couldnt remove my trailer from my neighbors yard that they would tow it at my expense. Cops planting fake drugs that were house hold cleaners in nightclub bath rooms just to see who would come out screaming after snorting ajax. Cops that have told me that after 5 years on the force they are lucky if they even show up to work or respond to calls at all. This isnt the type of job where complacency should be tolerated. Im really surprised that cops dont just get snatched up at random, tied to the back of a truck and get drug around town until they die on the regular. I think it has something to do with people being mostly good.
  17. Before we bought our house a few years ago, we were looking to buy land up to an hour away from the nearest metro area and the land itself wasnt affordable. Its crazy that since this area is bordered by water everywhere there is only one way for expansion and that is inland. So with expansion pushing outwards places that were rural woods and 2 lane roads 10 years ago are now fully developed strip malls for the new shitbox communities to go spend their extra money. My worst fear is buying a piece of land an hour out to build my dream retreat only to have it converted into another suburb. I dont know how far I would have to go before this wasnt an issue anymore.
  18. @Mercerwhats with setting up a secondary wallet outside of coinbase? Is that a more anonymous way of making transactions? Im not too keen on buying sketchy goods through a party that has my ID on file and banking info. I might as well just use my debit card. Or am I missing something?
  19. Im looking forward to making some sketchy purchases in the next few days and need some bitcoin for the transaction. Ive read through here and read a bunch of sources online and still dont really understand what I have to do. Can some one make a list of step by step what I need to do to set this all up. Im not really interested in trading crypto as much as im interested in buying things anonymously. Thanks bros.
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