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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Gross ass fucking land lobsters from hell.
  2. @glorydaysthats wild man. I never understood the "fuck the people that feed me" mentality.
  3. Heres another tshirt i spent $40 on before no one gave a shit about this company anymore and you can now pick em up for $12 a pop. They state on their collar that they are legends of their craft. Their are spots all over the image that i tried to show where their plates didnt register correctly and there are gaps and color spilling out where it shouldnt be. The shirt is so thin you can almost see through it. It stretched out of shape the second time I wore it and never recovered. Legends? What ever you say.
  4. @glorydays The level of detail on that long sleeve is outrageous. Getting crisp lines on an image as small as that snake and the upside elephant and flipped D is a crazy feat. The weight of these shirts is crazy and reminds me of the solid blanks I was wearing in the late 90s. I like the hidden message on the inside of the collar. Its kind of reminiscent of LRG back in the day that would have messages on sewn in tags on the inside of their jeans. Its not a feature that anyone else would ever see or know about unless you were in the club so to speak. Its a nice extra feature. These joints are solid. If you are still waiting, stop.
  5. Sitting in my van bullshitting on scraping this fucked up chipping paint.
  6. @Drue_Down is that a special scorpion light? That sounds retarded... What makes them glow like that under that light?
  7. @One Man BannedI had a homie get this song stuck in my head back in 97. Now when ever it pops in my head, the music video playing in my mind is my homie singing it to me.
  8. I had some reeboks years ago that were probably the dopest shoes ive ever owned. They were all black low cut leather with 3 wide velcro straps. I havent been able to find them since or even find old stock photos. Im gonna try my google search luck again.
  9. Reebok classic highs shit kicker edition
  10. Quote. Ill post some pictures when i get home with a side by side comparison of some other "high quality" tees I own in the same price point.
  11. Ive never tried on a pair of redwings before but have heard nothing but good about them. I went to a saddlery around my way and picked these muck boots about 3 years ago. @Mercerwhat is the price point on those Asolos? I like a lightweight boot myself.
  12. Im happy to see all this boot love.
  13. I would say the P320 would be the most versatile of the 3 pistols. From what I inderstand that firearm is like voltron and can swap out a few different barrels and frames to accommodate various calibers.
  14. Lol. My wife just said that looks like internet basement dick!
  15. My care package of awesomeness arrived today. @misteravenprops on the bonus tee and stickers. Youre a good dude. I dont usually buy clothes off the internet because Im really hands on with what I buy. I can officially say that all the attention to detail and quality of material is second to none. These shirts are dope. 1984 long sleeve Art of war olive short sleeve Reunion black short sleeve Restless black short sleeve 12 oz logo black short sleeve I got enough to rep 12 oz monday through friday!
  16. I just found out today that a midst all of these shut downs and businesses crashing and burning all around, the IRS has found the time to place a tax lien on me.
  17. @ndvI pick up a magazine, i think its quarterly, called modern pioneer or american pioneer or something. They have all kinds of articles on what kind of knife blade you use for what, how to build traps, how to make your own clothes and things of that nature. Its a pretty good resource and probably everything you are looking for. Im leery of a lot of these blogs from preppers and wilderness off gridders claiming to live a primitive lifestyle but some how have a reliable internet connect to keep up with an online presence. People spouting off information as fact that doesnt have any practicality in its application.
  18. Just flipped a bunch of potatoes in the oven. 20 minutes and counting until dinner.
  19. I like those gas prices. Seems we are still a good 60 cents higher for some reason.
  20. Grocery store bagger Franks nursery and crafts cashier(free paint and christmas trees) Tacobell (fired 5 days in a row) William sanoma Oilchange place Started my first business selling stolen merchandise (clothing, cigarettes, alcohol, electronics) Life got put on hold. Caught a lot of cases that landed me behind bars for just a little bit. When I got out I had no plan including how I was going to get home once I stepped out a free man. Just like in the fucking movies my homeboy was sitting on the trunk of his car and said "whats up motherfucker? We live in tennessee now!" I could have fucking cried man. I took a hit and took a lot of heat off of other people when I got locked up and wasnt sure if anyone was gonna look out when I got out. Homie spent a lot of time with my grandparents explaining to them what was going on and reassuring them that everything would be alright. So I stop by my grandparents house, packed up whatever clothes I had and smashed out to Tennessee. My homie had started a whole new smaller selling stolen shit and finacial aid fraud system to secure us a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath apt in the burbs. I was hesitant to get back into this life as I had nothing over my head and wanted to keep it that way. So I walked to the McDonald's and got hired immediately. This is when my work history starts to get interesting. While getting ready to close one night an order comes through the drive thru for 3 coffees. This blacked out suburban pulls up and 3 italian looking gangsters pull up to the window talking shit. Flashy jewelry, sharp suits, all that. So I take their money and they are like "where's the coffee?" I kinda look up at them and say "i havent even started to make it yet." They start talking shit while im making the coffee complaining about how long they have to wait and wanting free shit. I tell them they get nothing for free. One of them says "Just throw in some free ketchup packs." I look at him and say "nah." They start laughing and roll the window up talking amongst themselves. They roll the window down and the driver says "hey kid, where's the manager. I want to talk to the manager." I told him "sorry the manager is busy. Guess you just have to deal with me." They start laughing again rolling the window up talking amongst themselves. They roll the window down again and the driver says "hey kid, you wanna come work for us?" Im standing there thinking to myself "I'll climb out this window right fucking now," but the words come out "I'll kill anybody." They errupt in laughter again and one guy in the back seat lets out an audible "jesus fucking christ," and another "this kid is perfect." They handed me a business card and told me to come check them out the next day. They worked for the largest chevy dealer in nashville. That interaction was the beginning of my confidence building in a professional environment. They taught me how to deal with the general public, that sales was about finding a way to relate with people on a personal level, they taught me how to commit bank fraud to secure loans, they taught me everything. Solid skills I could take anywhere. While there I met one of the Titans that was put up for free agency. People were falling all over themselves to talk football this and football that with him. He wasnt really impressed and seemed kind of annoyed by it. So he finally ducked around everyone and finally ended up in front of me. We didnt talk about football at all and actually became pretty good friends. One of the major regrets I have in my life was he was trying to steer me back onto the right path and was willing to pay for me to go to any art school I wanted but I turned it down to pursue hoodrat shit. He took me out for my 21st birthday and we hit strip joint after strip joint getting the royal fucking sports player treatment. Eventually I got burned out working 80 hours a week at 21 years old and bounced on the dealership job. I caught a DUI lost my license, couldnt go back to dealership so I got a job at burger king. Shit wasnt going right, my homie stopped doing hoodrat shit and couldnt pay his half with his gas station job. So we talked about it. He said he was gonna bounce back to Indianapolis and I was like fuck that, I'll end up dead if I go back there. So I rolled to Virginia to live with my parents. The guy that lived next to them died and was a total shut in creep job. This lady that owned her own business selling antiques was cleaning out the house handling the estate. There was this cute girl working with her so I strolled over to introduce myself. I had a straight school boy crush on this girl. I ended up working with the lady clear out this house. Turns out this old man restored art for the museum at the end of the block. This house was packed floor to ceiling with art. Shit was rediculous. Either way it was a cool little gig. The girl introduced me to a lot of cool people here and my hoodrat tendencies started to flare back up. I started making drug connections and it was off to the races. Once the house was cleaned up a contractor bought the property and started remodeling it. Once again I strolled over and introduced myself. He put me to work as a general laborer and I did this and that. There were some really knowledgeable people working there and when I was done with whatever task they would start putting tools in my hand and dropping little nugs of info here and there. I caught on quick and they took a liking to me and I really enjoyed the remedial building tasks they were letting me do. One day the contractor came in and some one obviously pissed in his cornflakes because he looked right at me and yelled "hey! Get your hands out of your fucking pockets!" I looked at him and said "Yo, who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" He ran away and when he was a safe distance away yelled youre fired. I ended up finding a school that specialized in trade work so I joined up. Turns out it was a class for felons to teach them how to read a tape measurer and get them into anything but the streets. I made more drug connections. And when the class was over they found me a job in NC as a trim carpenter. I did that for about 3 months before I had enough of trying to maintain a pretty fresh relationship with this lady that was a good 6 or 7 years older than me. So I moved back to VA and bullshitted my way into a job with a large local drywall company. I stayed there for about a year and stayed straight and narrow legally because we lived together and she had kids that I didnt want to jeopardize with my fuckery. She ended up breaking my school boy heart and I moved back to Tennessee. To a small town. Super small. Homie found himself a fine young piece and wifed her up and set up shop doing more stufent loan fraud to finance his life. My give a fuck was at an all time low. I took all the money I had saved up and started an empire trafficing drugs from Indiana back to this small town in Tennessee. I got a job at the only 24 hour gas station in town and started integrating myself with the locals. Homie had a lot of family in this little town so we had a ready made work force in place. Everything was going swell for a little while. Barney fife didnt have a clue what was going on and then the wheels fell off. One dude we were fronting that was having trouble moving Os calls up one day and says he needs 5 bricks. Im thinking yeah okay buddy and I say over the phone "I dont know why you are calling me, your brother is the one with all the weight." The next day his brothers door gets kicked in. Hoodrat tendencies are flaring and my homie steals a gamecube game from the local video rental spot. We get home and detectices are there within 10 minutes. It was so fast I just opened the door when I heard the knock. The detectives let themselves right in and said "oh here it is. They picked up the game case and started asking how did you get this security case open without destroying it? My homie says he doesnt know what they are talking about and some one left it over here. The det says we have you on camera stealing it. You can either confess or we'll come back with a warrant. I tell them to come back later. So later that evening after cleaning out the house my homie says "man, theyre full of shit. They arent coming back." I started laughing and said "oh theyre coming back." I jumped in the shower and while I was in there, he had brought his personal stash back in the house. Before I got out of the shower i heard thunder beating on the front door. My house was now surrounded by the entire towns police department. They already have homie in hand cuffs, they yank me out of the shower and they arent talking about stolen video games anymore. They let me put clothes on becuase they are good ol country boys and the first question after I get my go to jail outfit on is "where are the pounds and where are the guns," while our house is being turned inside out. We're all just shrugging our shoulders lookin like we're doing a shoulder bounce to some club banger. One of the cops pulls me aside thinking he might have better luck with the only white guy there and said "you look like a smart guy. What do you know?" I told him "yeah im smart." He said "good." Then I told him I went to all the best schools. He didnt think that shit was as funny as I did and they took me straight to jail for theft and my buddy shortly after me when they found his half ounce of weed. They ended up charging him with theft, possession with intent, and like 15 counts of paraphernalia. Homies mom paid the $600 to get me out that same night. My homie took the wrap for everything but they didnt let me know so I copped to the theft to make things go quick as possible. When court was wrapped up they asked me how I wanted to start making my court payments I told them I dont want to make any payments. I just want to give you all the money. I gave them their $700 out in the hallway and the prosecutor put the money in his pocket, tore up all of my court papers and said "get the fuck out of our town." I agreed and left the next day Virginia bound. When I got back I set up shop in Richmond with a new young lady. She was everything I needed and I got another job with a drywall company. Now with actual experince under my belt I was able to negotiate a wage high enough to support my own place on my own. It was a smaller company and the other finisher there would take me along to his side jobs for extra money. I was making more money working these part time side jobs than I was all week for this outfit. I started to see the dollar signs in construction and i actually enjoyed what i was doing. This fucking succubus turned out to be a raging whore so I paid off the balance of the lease to save my credit and bounced back to the beach. I set up shop once again with my hoodrat tendencies and got back to business. Things were going great. I stayed moving from spot to spot, kept a lowish profile, and life was good. At the time I was smashing this giant titty girl. The really funny thing is this giant titty girl was using her friends phone to get in touch with me and I thought it was her phone. 90% of the text conversations I was having with her was really with her friend. Thats the story of how I met my wife. Eventually me and the wife moved in together in one of the drug spots. She's a down as bitch but even she was like "you are 27. You need to get a job." I agreed and found me a little bullshit 1 man opperation looking for help that would keep me out of trouble during the day. This guy taught me everything about the business side of things and I stuck with him for about 2 years. He knew about my other business and could tell towards the end that I was wasting my time with him and was losing money to these streets by fucking off with him all day. I quit and turned my house into a 24 hour drug convenience store. We rolled this way for 2 years and I almost never left the house unless it was to go get more drugs. I was robbing other drug dealers, i was straight wylin. I woke up one night in the middle of the night and told my wife "we need to get the fuck outta here." I started packing up the house instsntly. First thing in the morning I called my landlord and told him fuck you, fuck this crappy house and Im out. He literally moved a new family in 2 days after we left. I got a call from him 3 days after the new family had moved in. He said some one kicked in the door tied up their whole family and said they were looking for me and drugs. He said the police are really interested in talking to you but I cant find your paperwork with your name on it. I said "thats fucked up. If I can be of any help, I will." I then tossed the burner phone out the window into a storm drain and forgot all about it. I found a new spot and went to get right back to business. My wife was like "you need to chill the fuck out." Everyone was getting knocked off by the feds, snitchin was wildfiring around so I agreed. One of my old customers got me on with his company doing drywall repair work. I lasted there about a year before me and another employee decided we could just do this for ourself. We did fairly well togerher but he was so god damn unprofessional it was scary. Pissing on the side of customers houses, throwing lit cigarettes onto their roofs. Shit was rediculous. We parted ways after about 6 months and a lot of bullshit. At this time craigslist was jumpin and free to post ads. So I stayed on my grind posting highly polished ads getting brow beat by everyone but still making better money and working less than I would 40 hours for a company. By sheer luck I got a call from craigslist from a guy asking me if I wanted more work than I knew what to do with. He introduced me to doing insurance construction work. I have been doing this ever since. Over the course of 7 years I have moved from doing small patch and paints to turnkey restoration on house fires. I currently have 4 house fire jobs running in various stages. Total jobs running are around half a million dollars. There have been ups and downs in this industry. There is a high turn over rate for project managers so you have to continually build new relationships and its a challenge to find the right one. Finding large claim managers is key. Last year I got stuck when 1 guy quit and his replacement was the low man on the totem pole. That about ruined me. Shit. Sorry this turned into story time. Moral of the story is you can achieve whatever you want if you put your mind to it. I would have loved to have been introduced to this line of work 15 years ago.
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