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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @SMdoubleXL holy shit. It's a butt plug/thigh master. It looks like when you squeeze the pink bellows with your thighs it plays music like a kazoo. At least thats how mine works. 😂
  2. $23 for a pussy bone tightener? Id say thats a bargain.
  3. I sont understand the hype around the 64 impala. 61 is the superior model of the 60s across multiple vehicles.
  4. Haha. I like the one where @Fapitalismis just chillin in line getting groceries.
  5. I was just trying to remember that girls nsme. She posted pictures of herself and her facial features resembled 50 cent! 😅
  6. I think Im gonna go to work today. Maybe I'll stop by sherwin williams and pick up a hazmat suit.
  7. Is it normal to hold your breath when walking past strangers?
  8. @Ray40bigger bigger bigger. Im pretty excited about your progress lil homie. Try to fill the whole board up with one piece. Your letters can be 4 feet tall and 32 inches wide each. I always found it easier to go big with letter structure than to build tiny letters. I could never get letter proportion right on a small scale. Keep it up bro.
  9. Yo. I hate to be that guy, but the first time I ever fired a shotgun, I shot it off in the house on accident. I blew a hole through my wifes dresser and shredded all her clothes in that drawer. Two things I didnt expect; it wasnt as loud as I thought it would be, and I fired it one handed like a gangster and the kick wasnt as hard as I thought it would be.
  10. Would love to see a reimagining of the 67 country squire. Put a v12 or something retarded in it.
  11. I think this is a dope idea. Especially rotating hosts that cover a variety of topics. I feel a lot of podcasts pidgeon hole themselves into a very specific thing, and while they might be interesting, they dont gain any traction and fade into obscurity. I have been listening to the lava flow for years now but if you arent a libertarian or one of its many offshoots, you will probably never listen to it. I think this is a dope work around to that problem. Im tuned in for sure.
  12. Those look fire. I made some gnocchi with sweet potatoes recently. Would recommend.
  13. Haha. While looking for a new contestant, I found a whole series of pretty girls making ugly faces. Shit is hilarious.
  14. Gma is in god damn beast mode. She could bench press my dick in and out of her mouth and then regale me with sweet pillow talk of her time building the railroad.
  15. I think we all get to a certain age and look back on things from our adult perspectives. I've been guilty of this, too. Then I remember who I was 24 years ago and laugh out loud about listening to what anyone had to say about anything.
  16. True- as long as by me, you mean me and not you. The person below me lost a shit ton of money in this stock crash.
  17. @One Man BannedI can agree with all of that. I went for a drive today to break the monotony of being in the house and I was surprised at how many people were just out and about doing their thing with no degard for other peoples personal space. Old people, large groups of teens out of school. It was crazy. If this is how its gonna be, this thing is going to be expanded to a 6 more weeks of quarantine. This is also related: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trending-out-of-control-teens-coughing-on-grocery-store-produce
  18. @morton @Joker @misteraven @One Man Banned I dont know what your highschool experience was like, but I spent the majority of my time selling weed, drawing rap letters, and scheming on bitches. I think if a teacher had tried to teach me how to wash my hands, credit scores, or balancing check books, I would have checked all the way out.
  19. I have no idea what those cars are. I see them often around here but I only ever see them empty.
  20. You never know. She might have lost those chompers in a donkey show gone awry.
  21. A lot of these christians around here have been letting jesus take the wheel. There were about 20 or so from a church scattered around town, hand to hand taking dollars from people at intersections. I just straight rolled my window up when I saw this super spreader headed my way.
  22. mr.yuck

    Current View

    @SMdoubleXLare you hand watering all of those seedlings? And at what point do they go to irrigation?
  23. Gene hackman Robert Duvall Clint Eastwood Is there an over under on this?
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