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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Chewbacca and Falcor sharing a bath as puppies.
  2. Hey, at least you just got your high capacity magazines back @KILZ FILLZ
  3. mr.yuck


    That motherfucker will look sharp with those snake basket loafers earmuffs was rockin.
  4. Yeah no problem man. How regulated is everything out there? Have you ever considered loading your own rounds? @KILZ FILLZ
  5. Im sorry for your continued loss of freedom. If it starts getting sketchy I'll over night you some birdshot via UPS if you want. @KILZ FILLZ
  6. Jesus christ man. Can you go to a different location and use matching wrong addressed stuff and act like you still live there?
  7. Sup dogs? Is there an American made equivalent to UNIMOG?
  8. This was fun. I did it several times and consistently hit at 60% for the 80s.
  9. LOLOL. Yo this is the best birthday present Ive had in a while. Thanks man. What's even more fucked up is this shit looks hella more normal!
  10. This is cool man. I enjoy the physical act of writing things down so years ago I bought a fountain pen and I found it to be one of the hardest things to control. I could never get the pressure right and would leave massive ink pools and spatters everywhere. I dont know if it was because it was a cheap pen or I was just crap at using it. I didnt buy a different fountain pen to find out.
  11. Just opened this ad from nike. Bro is wide open this morning.
  12. Hahaha. Yo. That's the problem. Brehs fucking head is upside down. Anybody got photoshop and can just spin duders head around. @nicklesndimesthat dudes face tattoo looks like one of those paterns used to screw with facial recognition software.
  13. This is my mistake anyway. I always thought this beach was on one of the great lakes... butt it taint.
  14. Lol. I wonder at what point his head stops becoming a right angle?
  15. @nicklesndimesis that the beach that had that cartoon crow as a mascot.
  16. Pop the champagne boys, you are never gonna believe this. So, the sliced bread I buy comes with an uneven number of slices. For the first time ever, I was able to eat through 2 loaves of bread and make a final sandwhich out of that 15th piece of bread before the original bag got moldy.
  17. That actually makes a lot of sense. I have been zooming my poor phone screen into the max trying to figure out what that was coming off the end of it. Now that you say something, it looks like a water spigot.
  18. @LUGRlol his truckamajig converts into a giant rube goldberg machine.
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