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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. You know those ads that are like "filthy moms in your area looking to fuck" try clicking one of those and see what happens. Report back. Get your antivirus game tight first.
  2. Omgizzle man. So much to google. There are a couple in there that I have heard of that I actually believe are pretty plausible. First and foremost is that OJ Simpson covered for his son. That's a good one.
  3. @NightmareOnElmStreetyou could probably just google for hotwife in your area and probably just make some good swingin friends
  4. @CLICKCLACKONERlol its all relative man. Your vendors costs might be through the roof. Your commission check might be bigger than their net profits. I stopped trying to count other peoples money a few years ago. I used to tell people a lot "if I had your hand, I'd cut mine off." Come to find out we'd all be running around handless. Lol @NightmareOnElmStreetbro. Respect. I think there are 2 different types of bosses. There are those that know everything about what they do and then there are those that have no practical knowledge but they understand how to run a business. For years Ive been the first type of boss where I know the business and I hire people that dont know shit that can earn while they learn. It's easier on the bank account but not on your sanity. Lately Ive started kicking around the idea of hiring guys that know way more than I do. I have some sub contractors I use that are carpenters and I can literally just drop material off at the job and I dont have to tell them a damn thing. But they are hella expensive. I think I can replicate what they do with an in house crew for a 3rd of the cost. That should be able to free me up to actually run the business. To be honest man, if I dont ever swing a hammer again, it wont be too soon. I woke up the other morning and my body sounded like a cement mixer. Shitty bosses are just shitty bosses. Pushing production from the rear with thinly veiled threats is how most construction operates. After you strip away the fact that people show up to a job for a paycheck, there are other things that motivate people to work harder for you. Some people like private encouragement, some people like when they get a pat on the back in front of everyone, some people like to hear their contribution is vital to the overall success of the project. Once you figure out what makes people tick you can lead from the front and motivate through positive reinforcement rather than through threats. So when its finally time to get out of the bucket you can tell your employees that you need to step back to keep the work flowing, hopefully youll have a crew full of can do mfers that will support you. Ps. Nah the whopper comes with ketchup only. I dont really like ketchup so I thought it was funny I never noticed. I started getting that bad boy with extra pickles and mustard. Fire.
  5. @One Man Bannedim a straight fan of your benches. Every once in a while I catch something I was a part of in high school and after. Its crazy to see 20+ year old freights rolling and people still catching them.
  6. Yes. I equate things all the time. But its on a much larger scale than beers. It usualy has to do with my employees. This is super fucked up on my part because the way I have set things up, it's not anybodies fault but my own. I pay my employees for a 40 hr work week no matter how long they work. If they get their tasks completed in 5 hrs, they can go home and get paid for 8. There have been weeks where we dont do anything but nobodies paychecks stop. So when we get back to work after being down for a week and motherfuckers are slacking or fucking shit up, I start equating how much I have paid them with how many pairs of versace loafers I could have bought. @mortonI also quit drinking and smoking years ago. I never worried about the price of anything really, mostly because I have always lived within my means, for what ever my means were at the time. However, I would always equate things to a case of beer or a carton of smokes even if I could easily afford what ever I was comparing and the beer and the smokes.
  7. Hah. @KILZ FILLZ I do the same math and I dont even know why. I have such little respect for money I'll do a complex equation that would make my summer school algebra teacher proud to save 36 cents on a full tank of gas just to spend $200 at the cash register on local political trading cards trying to find the limited edition hologram comptroller card.
  8. All that shit is a tax on the poor. ATMs that let you pull out $10 at a time but still charge $3. Thats a 30% tax to access your money. Title loans at 1000% interest. I have also noticed that coinstar charges like 9% in the suburbs and I've seen it as high as 15% in the hood.
  9. I just started adding mustard to my whoppers. I dont know if ya'll do this too but its a game changer.
  10. Lol bro. Im fucking dieing. The upside down eyes in yours add a whole other creep factor to this guy.
  11. @lord_casekdo it man. I dont have anthing to contribute, but Im enjoying the shit out of you and @Dirty_habiTin here.
  12. Im gonna have to look around. I feel like our weekly farmers market got put on hold this year for the coronas. I gotta figure something out because all across the board supermarket produce has been shit for months now. Fruit rotting on the shelves, weak, small and always for the same price.
  13. Is anyone else noticing weak ass romaine lettuce in their grocery store?
  14. Boner man series? I hope so.
  15. mr.yuck


    These made me laugh. I might cop these
  16. mr.yuck


    Lol. I have a hard time justifying paying more than a few hundred for shoes fresh out the box let alone thousands. Not sneakers anyway.
  17. mr.yuck


    @KultsYo thats crazy. I was literally just looking at a pair of those for sale, beat to shit, for like 5 Gs lol.
  18. Whats that shit with the red handle for? It looks like its meant to be sat upon whilst some one cranks that handle, nah mean?
  19. Whatever. There comes a time for all young @Ray40 s to grow up. I feel like when bojangles revealed his age after years of being on here he was only like 15 lol.
  20. @NightmareOnElmStreetive been trying to make some free time to have my wifes grandma teach me her ways. Ive never tasted her grandmas biscuits but Ive heard they are the shit of legends.
  21. @Ko SprueOneI finally found a basic af photoshop for my phone
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