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Everything posted by Kults

  1. I never pay, or extremely rarely. Good rundown, sounds like its getting a pass from me. Thanks for heads up, I have no doubt the book is much better.
  2. Was all kinds of fucked up. Slow start but once it all starts to unravel wooosh
  3. This thread is a daily reminder of how I wish I had more disposable income to partake in all these sick but fickle trends.
  4. Im fuckin laughing my ass off at my desk half the office heard me, that was fkn brutal
  5. Smear a little feces on it for that authentic taste
  6. Was that just a bad audience? That was painful to watch.
  7. Kults


    Kinda remind me of the FILAs I had in HS
  8. Anytime man, pm me even if you're looking for a series or movie in particular I can usually dig them up so you wont have to dl them
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