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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Absolutely fuming. Cunt scab.
  2. Next youre gonna hit me with a No Homo, Pause and Squalay!!!!! FOH ?
  3. What is with these old and tired insults? Get a grip dude lol
  4. Ok that got me curious to see it. Ill def check it out and report back
  5. Wait..is shortbus still at it?
  6. Cool rant. No one cares. Kinda like that thread with your stream of retarded consciousness.
  7. Fuckkk too bad, looked good. Think ima pass on it then
  8. Any good? ^ I took my nephew to see Bumble bee last night.. I didnt hate it. Thats as far as Im willing to go for Transformers movie lol
  9. ^ Heard about this last year during his hearing. Of course they knew. Most of these big tech execs don’t even let their own kids touch the stuff. They live in tablet/ smartphone free homes an pay premiums to send them to screen free private schools.
  10. I mean of course you can weaponize memes, it’s a large part of what got Donald Trump elected. You guys aren’t wrong. Still, it’s a meme thread, don’t read too much into it.
  11. The reason they’re too spicy for channel zero is because they get people to break the chain of memes, read too deep into them and derail the thread to talk about politics.. lol
  12. Kinda odd since I don’t watch that series. It popped up in my recs, watched it at work while doing other stuff, wanted to see what he had to say about hot sauce lol
  13. Tell me about it. The girls did NOT look like that when we were in high school
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