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Everything posted by Kults

  1. I dig that dude DEBS' throw up. Dope stuff
  2. @One Man BannedYou inspired me to share a few obscure personal favorites
  3. I watch a ton of movies lol I prefer 70s-90s era ones but I’ve seen most of the ones I have interest in multiple times now. So I take the dip on the modern ones even though most of them leave me disappointed. Too much exhibition, special effects and reliance on name actors to sell it. I miss the nuance of a good story told subtly. Havent seem the papillon remake yet, the OG is special though. Hoffman is hit or miss for me over the years but McQueen was as good as it got. The guys a legend. Stand off looks solid, def on my short list but haven’t gotten around to that one yet. Couple choice actors I like in there, like that weird looking dude that’s in all the David Lynch movies/shows. His name escapes me atm but the dude in Mulholland Drive that sees the.. creature behind the dumpster.
  4. Then maybe contribute something of substance. Id tag that last one as 'fuck boi' but im all out of props for today.
  5. I liked it was pretty good. Ive always liked Redford and Im a sucker for heist movies.
  6. Care to share the broader context? Cause thats exactly what she said when called out on errors. I think people just think shes hot when propped up next to that living corpse Pelosi.
  7. That sounds good. Ill check it out. The first season set a really high bar that I feel the following seasons failed to live up to but they were still enjoyable in their own right.
  8. That was good movie. Check out The Salton Sea for a more subdued and subtle rendition of meth head life.
  9. Ive watched the previous seasons and enjoyed them. Haven't tackled this one yet. Ill miss the two guys who played the DEA agents in the last ones, they were great.
  10. Youre not wrong. Django was at least entertaining though!
  11. Drinking coffee and warming my feet on a portable heater cause my office only turns up the heat to 50% on Sundays. Cheap pricks.
  12. New news, the original version of the add had a black rapper participating in the "Toxic Masculinity".. that part was pulled..hmm wonder why?? Pssssh everyone knows only straight white guys can be toxic
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