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Everything posted by Kults

  1. All sick, all reissues. Those were the days man
  2. His days of making banging streetwear are sadly behind him but for staples I still buy Polo for sure.
  3. Ive always thought Ralph was a Legend. People have been knocking him off for years and he may not have created the prep style but he certainly perfected it.
  4. Watched this last night. Really liked it.
  5. They just built a new bridge in town. Looks slick
  6. Oh I absolutely agree with all that. I meant in absolute terms, they ‘got away’ with it.
  7. It’s over. It’s the Saudis we’re talking about here, they’re all but bulletproof. See 9/11. If nothing came of that do you really believe something will happen because they chopped up some foreign journalist? If we weee going to retaliate or intervene somehow it would have happened by now Gotta agree to disagree with you on this one.
  8. Hah that was my experience with that series as well. Friends kept going on n on about it. Watched one ep; the one where he fucks a pig and that was it for me
  9. Heard of it. Haven’t seen it. It’s a Blk Mirror ep or something?
  10. I had a 760 years ago, never owned the 850 though. Kind of a pipdream at this point, its gotten old and would likely require alot of maintenance but I just love the way they look and the story behind it.
  11. There arent any like it, it must have been that. It was a brief period in the 90s when Volvo got tired of being called soccermom mobiles, entered a few races, cleaned BMW, Mercedes etc's clocks then retired from racing forever. They just wanted to prove a point. That car was special. Inline 5 cylinder with a massive turbo. Ive driven one, the consumer version mind youbut it was still a monster
  12. FR? What are the odds. They're pretty rare nowadays, especially the branded T5 R's
  13. Hes usually really good. I really liked him in Fox Catcher. Haven't seen any reviews for that. cant stand Cumbersnatch anyway so its an automatic pass from me. I do like the guy playing Watson tho, he was great in Fargo
  14. Exactly that. No subtlety at all, just beating you over the head with the message. I'm sure it will cater to those of a similar mind, I just felt as a movie, it didn't work. Steve Carell as Rumy had a few funny moments but ultimately even that fell short. Ya I didn't make it far enough to see the Haliburton days, the movie keeps jumping between him as a young drunk and then him as VP. Was all over the place. E: almost forgot.. The movie starts with a disclaimer : 'We have no idea what we're talking about but we did our best!! He's just *so* secretive' ?
  15. I didnt "go" see it. I streamed it. I dunno, W. avoided that pitfall, I really liked that one. Shenanigans are what I wanted. What I got was a lecture, not my idea of entertainment.
  16. I love old Volvos, theyre tanks. 850 R from the mid 90s
  17. Never saw the big short. I thought the acting and pacing were really dreadful and it had a clear Hollywood liberal bias; all Republicans BAD, women should have had access to power sooner etc. It was really transparent and kind of boring.
  18. Id be willing to bet that's the end of it. Wishful thinking on your part imo
  19. I tried watching Vice last night. Garbage. I got an hour in and just couldn't take it anymore. Shame cause I really like Christian Bale but this ones a stinker. W. with Brolin was great though I liked that one.
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