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Everything posted by Kults

  1. I love it all except the baggy pants. Got my fill of that in the 90s-00s. Never again lol
  2. Its looking that way. Could definitely be a red herring but time will tell. Its getting so good man lol
  3. Im thinking the part where Rust outlines all the missing kid cases along the coast line ties in somehow, they hypothesize the Tuttle ministry is behind it, what with their schools and outreach programs.Arkansas and Missouri could fit into that as they're not directly on the coast itself but fit into the pattern shown on the homicide map in S1 They mention "the sprawl" alot and how the Governor is Tuttle's brother, old families in the area covering this stuff up. At the end of S1 Rust mentions they didn't get em all, to which Marty replies, we were never gonna but we got ours. Im thinking the church in S3 ties into the missing kids cases somehow and this goes way back and is much deeper than the detectives can see at this point. Those hundreds of cases cant possibly all be the work of the Yellow King. I'm thinking they show Rust n Marty on the laptop as an example of cops investigating all this that were silenced or went missing. Would be a delayed really sad ending to S1. Mind you, this is all conjecture but its getting pretty sick.
  4. Its one of the few shows that I routinely watch every ep at least twice. Im still catching details I missed in S1 on my like..I wanna say 5th viewing.
  5. Hah! I can get away with alot at work but watching TD is too much. I really like to focus on them and try to pick up on the little details. After each EP the TD sub explodes with wild theories, to me thats half the fun.
  6. The wait is excruciating but Nick Pizzagato always delivers
  7. Check out the laptop @0:18 Some eagle eyed viewers found some familiar faces..
  8. Also, in the trailer for next weeks ep we see a Rust n Marty cameo from S1, dying to know how they link it all together, had no idea it was an anthology.
  9. A month from last Sunday. The last EP was a major cliffhanger, looking forward to next Sunday. I think there is a cult involved somehow this season but we just dont know yet
  10. Oh man this season is shaping up to be something special. I mean, Ioved em all but this one is particularly creepy. We're 4eps in now, halfway mark. Binge that shit if you can and watch the hour n half finale live with the rest of us.
  11. Great way to put it. S2 he starts breaking out and by S3 hes eating girls out in public washrooms loll
  12. Oh I am as well. Sam Rockwell I cant stand though, no idea what people see in the guy. Man its not even subtle anymore they're so blatant about it, its heavy handed and annoying. If you can look passed it maybe you'll dig it. Ive been binging the new season of True Detective and Crashing on HBO. Crashing is pretty funny, I especially love the eps with Artie Lange.
  13. That green n black parka ❤️
  14. The best. Sometimes its fun to punch down.
  15. Weak. Its been fun but I really should get a little work done. We cant all live in mom's basement well into our 30s. Talk later
  16. Calm down shit stain. Fight your own battles
  17. Damn, that’s cold lol I can’t argue that
  18. Hes pulling out the big guns
  19. Can I be Sitting Bull-shit?
  20. Feelings mutual, thanks for helping me kill some time at work. Always like throwing a loser under the bus
  21. Absolutely fuming. Cunt scab.
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