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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Ya think? Im thinking the clerk would shit their pants regardless.
  2. Just a random IG thot I dont know her but hell yes
  3. Ah gotcha. Ya shes got a pretty face too
  4. Canada. We definitely dont take DNA for bank robberies here. especially non violent ones. Alright so lets adjust the plan, wear gloves, toss the mask and clothes somewhere they wont be found. I also forgot; Use a payphone, call in a shooting at a location at least 25 mins away before you walk in. Delay the response as much as possible
  5. Drain it. Deep freeze it. Let it thaw out. Cut it up with a hacksaw. Burn the fingers, fuck the teeth up. Spread the body parts around by dumping them in lakes with a duffel bag/bricks. Even if they're found, chances are the different areas aren't in contact with one another and wont put it all together.
  6. If you wanted to go about disappearing off the face of the earth how would you do it, what steps would you take
  7. Stake out a small branch in a town or village. See when the brinks trucks does the pick ups. Go in a few times, scope it out, preferably one without a guard. Setup a small fire nearby, check out the authorities reaction times. Aim to work within that window. Do it the day before pickup. Don’t use a gun, just a note will do. Allude to having one though. Don’t just take what’s in the droor, get the clerk to go to the reserve. Find out how much local banks carry in their reserves. Ask for a specific amount and make sure the clerk wads trough the bundles before you bag Em to make sure there’s no die packs. Casually walk out. Have a throwaway vehicle. Use it to get a few block away then ditch it. Change clothes, remove mask, toss ASAP. They won’t go for DNA for something so Small. Use public transit or rented hotel room nearby. Don’t do it again. Profit ?
  8. You think she’s fake ? Maybe. Certainly doesn’t look natural but goddamn lol
  9. I JUST watched that not 10 minutes ago..weird.
  10. I hear ya. Bad form all around. Frankly amazed its even considered newsworthy and that we're still talking about it
  11. Lets be real, what would you and a large group of your mates done at 16 years old if some dude started blasting a drum a foot from your face..? I wouldn't have stood there smiling, Ill leave it at that. They're teens man. Dudes lucky they didn't mob him. They're little fucks ill give you that much, but weren't most of us at that age as well?
  12. New Vampire Weekend?! Ok I think its safe to say the prep movement is back in full swing
  13. That one stood out to me as well. Used to wear exactly that in HS lol
  14. LOL!!! Na no tensions, I’m just an opinionated guy, looks like he is too.
  15. Hah! That's the price of admission with hot girls
  16. To be honest with you I got more bent out of shape about you thinking I was complaining rather than the actual commercial. Its a thread started by someone else made to discuss this exact commercial, not sure why you think I have such a hard on for this issue in particular? I just think it was a dumb and obvious exercise in pandering to the zeitgeist by throwing anyone without tits under the bus and lumping all men into a single group and labeling that group as bad. I do see that it plays into the pyramid of victim hood set up by recent PC culture. Rappers, white OR black are about as misogynistic as you can get, however rap itself is much more a part of black culture. Its a sacred cow to the PC police because of that, its too high up on the pyramid to attack, that's why it was removed. They likely thought it would clash with their target demographic and impede the internet points and pats on the back by the holier than thou self professed 'good people'. Not a big deal, just pretty obvious. They're a company they can do whatever they want or say anything if they think it will make them more money, I'm all for that. I don't have to like the message they're trying to push though. If it really was about getting people to "be better to each other" we'd be getting the female version staring toxic women. Except we won't. Being a shitty person isn't exclusive to any one gender.
  17. Correct. There are still black guys in the commercial. Did you somehow miss the part that specified they removed the black rapper stereotype acting toxic? I mean, given that the details matter. Or maybe you just missed the underlying message? The commercial didnt say "leave others alone" it said men can be and are overwhelmingly toxic. The line-up of guys saying "boys will be boys" really hammered that home but again, maybe you missed that.
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