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Everything posted by Kults

  1. You're bang on. Starter was the higher end. remember that rumor about collecting the stars lol I had dozens
  2. I find it kinda funny that back in HS when someone wore Champion they were ridiculed for shopping at KMart, fast forward 15 years and its a hot brand, amazing.
  3. I thought this short vid was much funnier
  4. At the grocery store, laughing at the dude who was just told by his gf he isn’t ‘allowed’ to get chips ? RIP
  5. I could see why some people wouldn’t have liked it. I think what I enjoyed most was the pulpy feel it had and having LA at night be a character itself. The acting was over the top but I felt it worked despite its flaws. The story was a bit weak thought it wouldn’t have stood on its own for me it it wasn’t for the cool setting and how it was presented.
  6. Didnt care for it, too goofy. Dropped it halfway through. Shame cause Night crawler was sick
  7. The gall it takes to use the fyre mailing list to shill for his new festival is unreal ?
  8. Jeeeez some of those are fkn next level
  9. Looking for something obscure to watch for later
  10. Kults

    North Faces

    Ya, it sucks. At least you guys get some of the rare drops. Out here in the barrens we get the crumbs
  11. Kults

    North Faces

    More from TNF RAGE capsule
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