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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2022 in Posts

  1. Those aren't the tities from above. This hoe a trickster.
    3 points
  2. InShot_20220314_084120172.mp4
    3 points
  3. Bruh. How you gonna make a profile 2 and a half years ago, and this is your first post? Amazing!
    2 points
  4. southern cali summer days...but to be honest i completely forgot about meanstreaks and how ridiculous dealing with those used to be . my area then was more acrylic paint for the longest time until later 90s. we didn't have to rack them like streaks , just flip the lid write on sidewalks n walls and let the hot ass sun bake it in. theres still flacco sidewalk tags up from like 1994-92 in san Bernardino along with kid n riot/riet , and my dumbass that could never settle on a name so people thought i was a whole ass crew for a decade
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Seems a lot of people are in a similar state of mind... Sick of social media or already giving it up, tired of retarded rents and crowds, tired of scraping out a meager existence in the rat race... Realizing that the world seems eager to keep driving full throttle towards the cliff. Obviously there's a lot of opinion on this subject that keeps popping up across different threads. In general, I've seen lots of people sort of realizing that we seem to be on one of those hamster wheels chasing the latest iPhone or whatever gadget and then quickly realizing that its just a temporary happiness before your back running on the wheel chasing that next thing. Just a hollow existence that leaves you suddenly realizing how miserable everything seems to be. Anyhow, many of you guys know that I made a pretty big move myself a year or two back. I had an apartment in Soho and brand consultancy / creative services agency around the corner, lots of invites to private / industry parties, more free sneakers than I can wear, etc... Yet, I was miserable. Seemed like everyone around me was miserable. Seemed like anytime I made an extra dollar, my cost of living went up an extra $0.98. I realized one day that some of the guys that lived in my building earned many, many times what I was likely to ever see and yet they lived the same basic life I did. At at the same restaurants, obviously lived in similar apartments, walked the same streets. No doubt I wasn't in a place to own a Mclaren GT or mansion in the Hamptons, but I also realized those guys owned shit they never used because it was a hassle to pull an exotic car out of parking, drive it down bumper to bumper cobble stone streets, just to zip around NJ for a few hours. Or wait in Friday / Sunday traffic fighting bridge and tunnel traffic to hit the Hamptons, so they didn't bother. Even worse, they had that same hollow look that seemed to me to be the same misery I saw in everyone else's eyes. I used to skim IG and Tumblr looking at these amazing cabins with mountain views or photos of dudes fly fishing in these amazing landscapes and figured if I could only win the Mega... Then it occurred to me that you didn't actually need to win the Mega to live that lifestyle. That the organic vegetables for sale at Dean & Deluca I could really afford and the cabin with spectacular mountain views was accessible if I approached it a different way. So I started making some changes, rearranging plans and eventually dropped out of that situation. Managed to work some stuff around to buy a place in the Mountain of NW Montana, grow my own organic vegetables, raise a flock of free range chickens and ducks and live a more satisfying existence. Finally get back to the stuff that was important to me (12oz) and actually be available and involved with my kids and family. So that's the Cliff Notes version of my story. If you guys are interested I'll post some pictures and always happy to answer questions. Mostly, I was just interested in hearing from you all and seeing if a thread like this and some advice from the few of us that have made this type of move, might inspire some of you other guys that are trying to figure it out.
    1 point
  7. Insert Bruce Springsteen eating pizza sound effect.
    1 point
  8. Shame on you. Angela Lansbury's body aint even cold yet and you've moved on to Anne Hathaway.
    1 point
  9. Corn flakes, oatmeal chia seeds, dried cranberries, cashew milk and honey.
    1 point
  10. you ain’t wrong 😑 ezcuses are easy tho
    1 point
  11. Wow huge win. Fuck the Yankees. You’ll cowards are afraid of Cleveland
    1 point
  12. Unintentionally terrifying always trumps intentionally scary. Same sentiment of Curry IT vs Schmorgasbord IT.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. She eats edibles like they are actually food, so she just gets normal high. Everybody that eats these things develops earlier onset Alzheimer's. The worst part was, I wasn't expecting it. So I legit thought I was having some kind of medical situation until I figured out what happened.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Another piece 🤪 Think I missed that or it was a blurry shot
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. for the last 2 days randomly but for hours.
    1 point
  19. Contemplating calling out my younger coworker and his usage of woke as a derogatory buzzword while making it hella awkward for as long as I can..
    1 point
  20. This dude fucked around and missed half the game, started cheering for the wrong team.
    1 point
  21. im on the @CALIgulatrain for life. BBWs for life
    1 point
  22. When you see it flaunted out in the open by people who are so sure that they won't get caught it turns your stomach. I'm pretty sure that those people are having trouble sleeping these days. Things that were promised in the past are no longer valid.
    1 point
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