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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2020 in Posts

  1. Besides some of the rules that make no sense like bars can’t serve alcohol unless they serve food also type shit is weird but what absolutely baffles me is how people will go out of their way, exert energy (negative towards me instead of positive towards yourself) to tell me that my mask is useless or calling me a sheep or some bullshit. Like-let me mind my muh fuckin business. How does me wearing a mask affect you so much that you feel that need for confrontation? But seriously, how can you be mad that it is legal/acceptable to walk around like this?
    11 points
  2. I’ve been off social media completely for 6 months. I only had Instagram for years tho. Had legitimate withdrawals when I got rid of it for good. Shit is a drug. It is just as harmful. But you can’t measure mental harm as easy as physical. My girl and I are both off it. She brought up a good point, as far as it’s effect on relationships is concerned. She said, for a girl, social media is like being at the bar, but every guy has your number. Which I can definitely attest to. The amount of times I got laid from social media in the past is ridiculous. You can talk to anyone with zero effort. No fear of rejection. How are healthy relationships supposed to happen when we all have secret online lives where we have contact with every person we’ve ever met? Goes with political polarization too. It’s so easy to create extremism by manipulating the algorithms. Which I would 100% credit this whole antifa/proud boys bullshit to. It prevents us from thinking for ourselves. Manipulating your mind while making you believe it’s independent thought. Fuck all of that. Glad Im off that bullshit. It’s actually the reason I came back to 12oz too. Some sort of social interaction without the toxicity.
    4 points
  3. I think you've made a very important point here in what you said. I was not including 12oz and here's why: Misteraven isn't scraping our data and using it for his own gain while offering us the use of this "free service" in exchange. The major issue I have with the social media networks is their monetization of people as information.... without you ever really understanding fully what is going on. You're only profitable to them if you're on their platform, and if you're not then they cannot stand to gain much from you. I won't leave 12oz either unless there's some really compelling reason to do so and I don't consider this to be the same as social media. There are no ads here. There aren't any "algorithms" here. We're not deciding what you can say or cannot say at all.
    4 points
  4. DHabz, are you including 12oz? If so then you win, because 12 is the only social media I have now and I will never delete my 12 profile (I like it here). As for all others, that's long gone, the past, pre-historic. I just do not see the big hype or why any social media CEO is even in the news. I think its frivolous to have sessions of concern with these guys. I mean, these platforms are information troves and the privacy concerns are easy topics to manipulate and play with the minds of the people. Just a bunch of pipe dreams 😴. Not sure if I nailed it on the head, or I am completely off topic. I didn't watch the video, just took it for face value, put current events together and made a post.
    4 points
  5. 2 x Cisco 6400E outdoor rated IP cameras
    4 points
  6. At work dude I share an office with got it - 40yro said he was flu like for 4 days or so. Two other guys in office next to us got it - one hospitalized, had some health issues prior but said it felt like he was “on deaths doorstep”. His office partner said he stayed home but did have some respiratory issues that he didn’t particularly enjoy. Like @SMdoubleXL said I try and avoid the headlines and numbers because it fucks with my head. I credit that to all the extra curricular activities I had as a young kid - but regardless I do my best to avoid unneeded interactions. Growing lonesome and missing a bunch of my routine - but I am on the better safe than sorry team here. I have to go into work - we are required to mask up. Stay safe ooontz.
    4 points
  7. @ndv why i never understood the strip club thing
    3 points
  8. I never participated on any social media platform other then the 12oz. So whenever the subject comes up on the news or in a group conversation, I just tend to tune myself out. News: facebook and twiterblablalah Me: turns off t.v. goes to fridge and grabs beer
    3 points
  9. Never had any of these accounts ever and proud of that. From a legal perspective alone, lawyers have said if any of these social media sites were called snitchonyourself.com no one would use them, because that's what they are for the most part. Beyond that people still don't fully understand how their data is used against them, multiple other evils, blah blah woof woof. If you're out there staging an Arab spring, or raising money for some kid's cancer treatment, or finding a lost relative, have at it, but that aint most people.
    3 points
  10. Me: Doesn't like a social media company, stops using their product. Everybody else: Doesn't like social media company, asks government to "fix it" for them. In all honesty the only one I still use is Twitter because it's kind of central to my interests.
    3 points
  11. Good on you for that. I think having friendly neighbors is the very closest small circle of community you have to influence and be a part of.
    3 points
  12. ive had some family members catch covid.. cousin had it bad but didnt need to be hospitalized.. her mother got it and was hospitalized but made it through.. another friend caught it but didnt need to be hospitalized but might catch it again since shes constantly making out with people at the bar and refuses to wear a mask.. one side of my girls family had it and didnt bother telling anybody attending her uncles funeral (thank god we didnt go) and now theyre all getting extremely worse.. weather or not you believe "the media hype things up" or whatever the hell the case is its pretty real out here in chicago.. regardless if you have to be hospitalized and on a ventilator or not its a real thing and alot of people are catching it and alot of them, pre-existing conditions or not, aren't making it through.. i know alot of things dont really make sense but just plz keep your hands washed and sanitized and wear the damn mask it really isnt as bad as people make it seem to be.. been thinking about buying one of those samurai half masks to go over my face mask just for fun.. like, if its mandatory to wear a mask might as well have some fun with it.. seen a guy downtown with a full blown storm trooper helmet on.. pretty sick if you ask me.. looked into some deadpool masks with magnetic eyes to change facial expressions but i dont wanna pay 300 bucks for a cosplay mask.. idk... overall, just stay safe out there guys.. its going on a year now lets plz crush this shit already..🖤
    3 points
  13. Lol.... sup. What kind of waters can we stir up today! 😄
    3 points
  14. I'm masking up all day. Typically at work I'll be in hospitals, retirement homes, factories, grocery stores, and homes. I'm not risking getting sick or spreading rona to others. I don't get angry when I see others not wearing a mask, it's your life. But I'm definitely keeping my distance and respecting others the way I want to be respected. On a side note, if there's one positive I can take from this fucked up situation is I've become good friends with all my neighbors.
    3 points
  15. People will give anything for a Frosty Lemonade Covid_has_forced_people_into_bartering.-jdoqfxw0dvz51.mp4
    2 points
  16. Now I see your point.
    2 points
  17. Shouldn't this go in 80's 90's thread?
    2 points
  18. And this is why I think its all just a rouse. Control the media, control the people. The government(s) love these companies. I guess this is why I feel its just a bunch of crap.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. its like zuckerfuck is the first robot the scientist made and hes personally attached to him. Dorsey is the next model with the philosophy chipset.
    2 points
  21. I personally feel dumb for ever participating in social media, or at least w/ FB. I think MySpace days were when things were still fun and harmless..... then FB came along and monetized the fuck out of it and turned it into data collection rather than a good idea for a place for people to meet up and discover friends. They are two similar platforms with very different goals (or at least that is how it appeared to me on the surface). The part that makes me reel back a bit is that I deleted my account from FB in 2013..... and I KNOW that everything I ever did on there is still saved. We're talking about MAYBE 500MB of data or something to store my entire account and history on there..... I think even that is a stretch. 500MB is .5 of 1T 1000T is 1P (petabyte) These companies have hundreds of thousands of petabytes of storage..... I would even venture to guess in the jigawatt range. Point being, my data that I gave to them.... it's forever theirs. I just made the decision years ago to cut off the tap.
    2 points
  22. Who all is here is willing to delete their social media accounts and leave them in the past permanently? What do you think it would take to disgust most people in the population to that point?
    2 points
  23. Counties in yellow make up 50% of US total population areas (what are counties called in Oz?) in blue make up 50% of Australian total population
    2 points
  24. both are already experiencing hard crashes. same old story every new console gen
    2 points
  25. yeah i dont get it.. i mean its not like they're NEVER gonna be restocked again.. ive seen way too many people try and resell them or "join my wraffle bro 60 each person 100 people in one lucky winner gets it" like dood shutdafukup.. either way im gonna wait a while before copping one to avoid hardware issues.. the hype is NEVER that real for resale prices.. 👎
    2 points
    2 points
  27. My friend has a basement full of action figures and video games from the 80s - 90s. My drunk ass found the ninja turtle vehicle that shoots pizza's and started poping them off at everyone. 20200905_091307.mp4
    2 points
  28. VVVVZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ or whatever the fuck that sound was. member that guy? vuvuzela or some shit right?
    2 points
  29. Dinner and movies with the family. Watching AEW Dynamite on Wednesday’s and buying new shoes.
    2 points
  30. Still active in BJJ which I do usually 3 times a week when we aren't in quarantine. Kickboxing class here and there..... I enjoy gaming despite being a couple months shy of 40 - currently rocking Apex Legends and Last of Us II on PS4. Biking is another thing I dig, currently Mtn. but looking to get back into Road. I like listening to vinyl, writing, home improvement nerd shit. Live music when it is happening is a must.
    2 points
  31. ^ obligatory book is better comment. But yeah the movie was legit.
    1 point
  32. I haven't tried dead cell. I'll look it up in the morning though. I've been playing splatoon 2 on Nintendo switch and it's surprisingly fun even for an experienced gamer. @where
    1 point
  33. My dad had symptoms on saturday but nothing since then, hes currently waiting on test results, I saw him 5 days prior to that so planning on going to a testing site tomorrow to get tested, but I just saw a video of a local testing site which looked fucking crazy, people standing mad close to each other and a dude with his mask pulled around his chin, if shit looks like that when i get there i'll just try and go with one of the mail order options.
    1 point
  34. i've just started working in my old office 1 day a week (going crazy workign at home). When I arrived I realised how complacent I'd been about it when I saw the other tenants in masks and gloves.
    1 point
  35. I was on a mandated 5 week testing schedule and it was recently increased to every 2 weeks. That being said I am in the Bay Area and the shit has been popping off here since jump.
    1 point
  36. I haven’t been watching numbers AT ALL. or that’s all I would think about. I questioned a while back -about knowing someone who had had it or even 6 degrees of covid. And for a while it was a no. I know of a relative in utah (late 30s) a client in Vegas (late 30s-asthmatic) and a friends two sons (early twenties). And now my daughters bf has tested positive and she just went for her test today. All are asymptotic except the asthmatic-and she was hospitalized and slow recovery. I don’t go around people anyway. When I do I mask up. We mask up at work because why the fuck not. I don’t know what my co workers do or their hygiene habits outside of work. I usually work in a room, By myself so I just slip my mask up when I’m working with someone. When I did nails for a living and a client would come in with even a simple cold I would send em away because I don’t want any ones fucking germs normally and I wash my hands any fucking way and (I do all of that for me and respect for others. The same respect I would want them to give me.) Just because there is a part In My head WHAT IF.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. You fucking hit the nail on the head. I already was telling my younger brother this morning that there's no way in hell i'm going to pay "nerd price" for one of these things.
    1 point
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