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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2009 in all sections

  1. Sunday and Monday pics. Got into Charlotte on gameday. Tailgate. Spicey having Lexington style BBQ and a beer at 10am. You cant buy beer before noon, but you can drink the fuck out of it. Made out way into the stadium. Had some good seats. Taken shortly before a fumble on the first play of the fucking game... ...so I got drunk. Big ups to Ms. Combo for stepping up and driving.The blond behind my beer was smoking. Elbowing my pops and point at her ass went over real well with the old lady. First win of the fucking season. Thank god we arent the new Lions. Fucking drunk and happy. I passed out in the car on the way to the shore. Me and the lady read on the beach all day until... ...mother nature pissed on us. Cajun BBQ chicken, herb and garlic couscous and home fries by Chef Spicey. My camera died.
    5 points
  2. I'm a big lurker here in this thread, so I thought I would share for once. My Saturday. Got up. Starting the day off right. Weed wackin before. Weed wackin after. Drove 2 hours out of the city to go to a friend's beach cabin. Dance n graff. Beach time. Sunset. Mah-Jongging it up. Beach fire. Finally got home. Thanks.
    5 points
  3. started yesterday evening and continuing into today Getting the train into town to meet Classified and Omega Man some graff'n'dance some wick wickwack'n'dance get to the pub in time for a quick beer but had to take off chinese speaker is not amused Sydney Food festival is on so we headed to the opening night of the Noodle markets in hyde park. classified staying classy beer queue was long this is about 20% of it. random pics lot of people there queuing for dim sum forgot to put flash on Omega man showing which finger keeps his girl smiling this chick totally proved what kind of a wuss I am at arm wrestling King of one liners had spillage turned into a mini Oontz gathering once fruity arrived no homo? drunken version of the shoes pic (made a lot more sense last night) next day up early for job interview which I muffed slightly but still think went okay. rape tunnel strange birdcage art thingy in a city lane
    4 points
  4. some more average phone photos from the weekend. wake up to this in the mail. fuckkkk contemplate how to pay new fine on the shitter. decide to go to the pub instead. pale ale. bar go meet the woman after work go see a mate play had a few wines then mohitos limited my flick taking ability. end of fri woman decides its spring cleaning time. awesome. just how we drink down here. fuckin up her singlet game pub for lunch dips and chips this photo is useless but driving home i went past a "zombie walk" whatever the fuck that is, thousands of people dressed up as zombies and walked through the city. shit sounds gay but pretty weird to see if you're not expecting it. went to party, this dog was by far the coolest individual there. bored at work on sunday. really bored. this has been
    4 points
  5. ewwww thats some real ugly letter game my pork eater
    3 points
  6. 9-19-09 wash the truck get a haircut. /nh freeway Think Blue. Dodger Dogs fail at not getting grilled /nh Dodgers 12 vs. Giants 1 Dodgers FTW, knocked Penny out in the 3rd. Midget artwork. More browsing at Estevan Oriol & Mr. Cartoons The Last Laugh store/gallery Walked to here to check out the Iranian graffiti exhibit. Attempted perveract. Went here. Pull up a stool at the counter. Pancakes & Bacon /norabbit. Driving around empty Downtown LA streets. Head home. DAY in Pies is much more interesting than WEEK in Pies.
    2 points
  7. koer is stepping it up a bit now that he is learning some tricks form tech..
    2 points
  8. Went home this weekend, these are from friday Packed bags Septa and my own lack of planning made me miss my train. Called amtrak and rescheduled (for free.. swish) which gave me time to graff and dance. 30th St. is a really old and ornate station. Line to get on my train. Greeeaaaaaat. I still managed to get a seat, but not a window seat, which was unfortunate. Sunset over the susquehannah. The girl sitting in my window seat was cute but wasn't interested so i mostly listened to music and drew rap letters Union station metro. Missed you too DC... if you look carefully the guy on the far left is wearing painfully small pants. Was wearing UGGs too and definitely taller than me... I'm 6'2+ so he was kinda like the Big Gay Monster. I avoided him and took the metro home. Two random dudes on the metro asked what team my hat was for, thought it was Chicago. I corrected them... End.
    2 points
  9. that kuthe joce cover car is tha business
    2 points
    1 point
  11. My homie grew up w/Charlie, apparently he's exactly like his character Hard to believe, I know
    1 point
  12. false..but i would smash tyra tpbm can never get a good nights sleep anymore.
    1 point
  13. TROLL TOLL TO GET IN THE BOYS HOLE looooove this show (nh)
    1 point
  14. I fucking love apple juice/foot pic 20 minutes to kill... time to chillllll treebranch fell in the road. took the dildos in the parks department 30 minutes to figure out how to get it down from the tree... i hate this book. i swear to god im going to throw it at someone by the end of the semester see, the teacher completely worked out the problem step by step and i STILL got the next one wrong. THE BEAST. old ass metal lathe, it the most boring tool to use in the entire shop. favorite show came on when i got home. i hate this show... leftover "stirfry" i ate two bowls of this, i cant get enough of it for some reason. just stack on that salt..... some of these might be reposts? they look familiar.... oh and friday/saturday/sunday pics should be awesome. its my birthday friday and ive been waiting for 7 years for my birthday to be on a friday.
    1 point
  15. I like big white girls. go to BencHing MichIgan. first time I ever took flicks of trains, so bare with me. posted over 100 flicks. go look at them. good day.
    1 point
  16. "embryonic" mixed enamel on acrylic glass.
    1 point
  17. Found this: http://www.10news.com/news/9858635/detail.html
    1 point
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i spy a fares tag above that kerse throw
    1 point
  19. ^^^^fuck i'm lazy. still didn't walk my ass down there.
    1 point
  20. addressing the demons...... viny graphic film on laminate.
    1 point
  21. You are on your own with that one...I need a quarter pounder every once in a while... like every other day. Try a sloppy joe. Shit lasts a few days if you not greedy.... high metabolism is where it's at if you are cool.
    1 point
  22. niggaz got blammed the next... im tellin ya... it's the AVL take over... Always.Violatin.Lames
    1 point
  23. painted 40s...mmmm...i like that idea.
    1 point
    1 point
  25. yes yes yes! testortip pulling out the real classic classics.
    1 point
  26. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=120947&stc=1&d=1255451802 1993 before you even thought about it smog already did it
    1 point
  27. that tattoo is fucking terrible
    1 point
  28. Shit is just too easy now days some shit needs to be discovered on your own or handed down I bet fools would buy can control if bombing science sold it
    1 point
  29. 1 point
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. That was a pretty good find. Didn't expect it where it is.
    1 point
  33. i always knew map and cecs were in cahoots
    1 point
  34. so many tinychat rooms now....which one is the legitist?
    1 point
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