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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2021 in Posts

  1. Just realized a bidet is just a toilet peeing in your butt
    6 points
  2. Also, I don’t get this front to back or back to front shit. I’m more of a left to right, kind of guy. Then towards the end, swirl it around to get all angles. 😆
    3 points
  3. Your homie’s a fucking weirdo. You should definitely let him know that this is the exact reason you can’t fuck with him nomore . Maybe let his kid know that he’s wiping his ass the correct way and that his pops is a fucking weirdo, so try not to let pops watch you wipe your ass anymore. Which, by the way, is weird as fuck in and of itself. Poor kid. 🤦
    3 points
  4. No probably about it…DAO def has shit stains on all his drawls using that left to right to swirl technique.
    2 points
  5. Wait, so somebody loaded it with live rounds instead of blanks? Isn’t that how Bruce Lee’s son got killed? How does that even happen, much less twice?
    2 points
  6. got so pissed on this stuff for days in dubrovnik about 15 years back. made an arse of myself on a beer run when I took everybody's cash and accidentally brought back the blue cans that were either 0.0% or like light beer.
    2 points
  7. no just no. one of her legs isn't fully inflated yet
    2 points
  8. Yeah, you read that right. I don’t know what made this pop into my head but a few years ago my homie was yellin at his son for wiping his ass wrong. And he ended the yellin with ‘and I’ve done told you bout this before!’ I don’t have any kids and I thought this was weak as fuck so naturally I had to ask “What did you tell him before?” My man said “I don’t like it when they cock their booty to the side to wipe. That shit gay as hell!” I almost died laughing cuz for real I was like ‘Is there another way to wipe your ass?’ He wasn’t laughing with me, though. So I asked him and he said “You just stand up, spread your legs a little and get busy!” WHAT? IS THIS FUCKIN LEGIT? Discuss!
    1 point
  9. The real star of Wes Anderson's films? The model maker who meticulously crafts the signs and buildings https://www.fastcompany.com/90687548/the-real-star-of-wes-andersons-films-the-model-maker-who-meticulously-crafts-the-signs-and-buildings
    1 point
  10. Don’t act like you guys aren’t oontzing on the shitter.
    1 point
  11. I feel like such a fag every time I chick out at that cannes emblem and automatically think….yeah that’s gonna be a good one Lolol
    1 point
  12. Don't blame it on the trans community, it's probably 90% white women.
    1 point
  13. Fucking spicy. If only there were a mod around to combine these two threads
    1 point
  14. Nah, but my shit do get a lil raw sometimes. 😆 I’m just mad OCD about my ass being clean. I’m starting to think you must be a vegan or some shit, squeezing out little rabbit pellets with that “one or two wipes” talk. 😆
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. There's a war going on inside no man is safe from.
    1 point
  17. Whoops made a ch0 thread for this. My bizzle
    1 point
  18. These trannnies are out of hand. Chapelle went out of his way, basically walking on egg shells to not cross a line while making his point, and they’re still gonna act like he did just because they don’t like his point and don’t wanna admit that he’s right. So it’s “you’re transphobic!” just because they don’t wanna acknowledge his point. It’s basically IRL trolling at this point. They’re gaslighting. It actually pisses me off because all they’re doing at this point is proving Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing shitheads right. All that ringing the alarm about “the gays wanna take over and shove their gay agenda down everyone’s throats” was just xenophobic bullshit, but now here’s the alphabet soup squad actually proving them right all along. 🤦
    1 point
  19. I would be so hungry after eating this.
    1 point
  20. This thread is too sensitiveyall are fags hahahahahhahahaha
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I do like fifty sit-ups and fifty pushups a day sometimes I get down as much as possible and hit as many pushups as I can frequently and sit-ups and shit
    1 point
  23. Optimist, Morgan, Lad Drawer, Mayoe and DJAE on the bumper in San Francisco, California.
    1 point
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