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2020 election day/night hell thread

Elena Delle Donne

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It's all starting to fall apart pretty badly.


Sidney Powell's "military intelligence expert" turns out to have been an army mechanic who failed the intake courses for mil intelligence and is not an expert witness at all: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sidney-powells-secret-military-intelligence-expert-key-to-fraud-claims-in-election-lawsuits-never-worked-in-military-intelligence/ar-BB1bRrRn


The Texas state attorney that filed the illogical lawsuit, which SCOTUS refused to hear in a one paragraph response, is about to cop a bunch of charges for other shit (corruption, etc.) and is likely angling for a pardon rather than actually giving a shit about the election result (hence why it didn't matter to him that the lawsuit was never going to get up as it's about the theatre, not the actual legal outcome of the suit): https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-accused-bribery/


The courts have done their thing (something like 60 cases lost - many of them utterly frivolous, one was only questioning the legitimacy of about 50 votes in a whole state - because it was never about the actual legal outcomes, it was all theatre for the believers, to give them the sense of having something taken, stolen from them, so they could hold onto that grievance until they vote again). There was no KRAKEN. The states have all certified their results. In a few hours the college votes will be received in D.C., and the election will be over.


Is anyone still holding onto the line that there was big fraud and that Trump actually won?

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Best news I've heard is this ship still sails straight to caca island, no matter who's captain. It has literally never mattered less who won.



Imagine, still holding on to hope, thinking this corrupted system is near perfect, and we just need congress to tweak a couple laws, and then with the right President we can...


Fuck out of here.

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Whilst I'm happy that Biden destroyed Trump in this election, and I'm not as anti-state* as you are, @MercerI certainly do feel like the US has just been through the shitter only to return to the status quo, which was responsible for giving us Trumpism in the first place.


Biden may have come from a middle class background to work himself up to the presidency, however the system he represents is geared to supporting elite interest rather than the public and national interest.


Just sucks that the four years under the clearly corrupt populist didn't force the US to take a look at itself and improve the nature of governance. It seems that experience was for nothing.



* I like the ideas that the ANCAPers put forward but I don't see them as realistic. I would like to see a reduction of the size and scope of the state and I would like to such much more transparency through all arms of the state and full accountability, which we in Australia and you kids in the US don't enjoy anywhere near enough.

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@Hua GuofangI wouldn't gloat too much over lord fingerbang's win, who's IMO also a major embarrassment for the U.S. and in no way represents our best collective decision making abilities. Gloating over this child sniffer kinda plays into the dichotomy that got us Trump in the first place. My intuition tells me a need for financial recovery, plus this Biden win is going to be excellent news for your countries #1 threat, and trading partner, which is bad news for you.

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10 hours ago, Mercer said:

@Hua GuofangI wouldn't gloat too much over lord fingerbang's win, who's IMO also a major embarrassment for the U.S. and in no way represents our best collective decision making abilities. Gloating over this child sniffer kinda plays into the dichotomy that got us Trump in the first place. My intuition tells me a need for financial recovery, plus this Biden win is going to be excellent news for your countries #1 threat, and trading partner, which is bad news for you.


You're partially repeating what I've already said myself. I don't think I'm gloating, even in the slightest:


From up the page:

Whilst I'm happy that Biden destroyed Trump in this election, and I'm not as anti-state* as you are, @MercerI certainly do feel like the US has just been through the shitter only to return to the status quo, which was responsible for giving us Trumpism in the first place.


Biden may have come from a middle class background to work himself up to the presidency, however the system he represents is geared to supporting elite interest rather than the public and national interest.


Just sucks that the four years under the clearly corrupt populist didn't force the US to take a look at itself and improve the nature of governance. It seems that experience was for nothing.


I'm keen to hear from @lord_casekmoreso out of interest as to how people who seemed all in on 'the coming storm' and that the KRAKEN was about to be released, are now seeing things. Is there a questioning of their previously held assumptions or is there rationalising and construction of new narratives to avoid the discomfort of accepting that expectations weren't realised.


Lastly, why do you think that Biden will be good for China? My fear is that the US's attention will land back in the M/E, especially due to KSA and Israel aligning against Iran - I expect a response from Tehran and that may distract Washington from the Indo-Pac. But I don't see a lot more than that.




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Wondering if you've seen this. It's Newsmax back-pedalling like fuck on all the claims they've been airing about Dominion, Smartech, Chavez, George Sorros and all the other unsubstantiated accusations they've been airing the past two months.


This is what it looks like when people realise that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. You start making bullshit claims about serious shit, you're likely to land in serious shit. Seems like Newsmax aint up for it.


Wonder of old buddy Ron Watkins is considering his options at the moment, too.




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37 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Fox News aired something similar but in a sneaky way. 




@Hua Guofangany chance you’ve dipped your toe into Parler? I follow a Twitter acct that posts screen grabs  from it. Some truly wild shit being thrown around on there lol


Yep, saw that one too. Anyone who still believes that the opinion sections - at least - of these two news organisations are anything else than outlets for propaganda and disinformation are consciously deciding to exist in the realms of faith and fantasy rather than reason and fact.


Haven't gone onto Parler, have been meaning to but expect that site to be a snake pit of malware and data capture. Drop me that handle that does screen grabs, could you, please?


It is a real pity that we retreat into ideological safe spaces like that. I'm sure the 'liberal' crowd have something similar. It creates horrible vulnerabilities that nefarious actors can use to divide and defeat, which is precisely the strategy of Russia's recent interventions. The rubes on either side have bought into that strategy with amazing enthusiasm, which we can even see reflected with the pages of 12OZ, it being so pervasive.



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Sorry, not meaning to point at anyone in particular here as rubes, that wasn't my intent.


I was just trying to point out how fertile a ground democratic society has become - in many ways thanks to our own politicians and media - for anyone looking to pit us against ourselves.


@misteravenhas been discussing this threat for many years on this website. I'm unsure if this was the precise threat and outcome which he was referring to, but he was at least on the right track, if not completely on the money.

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On 12/19/2020 at 7:44 PM, KILZ FILLZ said:






law enforcement response to these factions and left factions has been night and day. city and federal law enforcement agencies fired tear gas, kettled, and rotor washed demonstrators during the george floyd protests/riots. but every time proud boys and militia members come to town, law enforcement lets them walk around fighting and knifing strangers until they get bored, admitting they can't get the situation under control. funny. 

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In addition to being filed on behalf of Plaintiffs without standing and in the wrong court and with no effort to even serve their adversaries, the suit rests on a fundamental and obvious misreading of the Constitution. It would be risible were its target not so grave: the undermining of a democratic election for President of the United States.The Court will deny the Motion.

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I listened to the hour long phone call last night and followed along with the transcript, while having the football game on in the background. 

ive been in meetings and on conference calls with people acting just like potus was. Trying to press someone into doing something that’s not right, without specifically saying they want them to do something wrong. 

that call pretty much shows there isn’t any evidence that’s going to change the outcome in GA. someone grasping at straws - literally asking for one more vote than their competitor. 

Hats off to the GA folks for being firm but respectful. Would’ve had a hard time keeping my cool during some of that. 


some parts that stood out to me:


Trump: I don’t know, look, Brad. I got to get . . . I have to find 12,000 votes, and I have them times a lot. And therefore, I won the state. 




Trump: So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break.




Trump: So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.

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