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Virginia Gearing up For Boogaloo 2020 - New American Civil War Edition


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29 minutes ago, Kults said:

The guy should have just ignored them and asked for a lawyer instead of engaging but he wasnt wrong

Agreed, those LE officers were there to play the game of "how can we get this idiot to incriminate himself" and by engaging, he played right into their hands. Still thought the cops were assholes, regardless of how dumb the guy filming was.

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4 hours ago, Mercer said:

Agreed, those LE officers were there to play the game of "how can we get this idiot to incriminate himself" and by engaging, he played right into their hands. Still thought the cops were assholes, regardless of how dumb the guy filming was.

Man, police in general are subhuman trash. I have a guy I work with who was in law enforcement for like 12 years before he made a career change. Ive developed a pretty close relationship with him and his outlook on the general public is straight fucking terrifying. Ive made "friends" with several officers over the years to pick their brains to find out what kind of people they really are but none have been this deep. Several police I know that have dropped the "keep the peace, look out for the people" pretense around me have all made it known that they are excited for monday and hope that something terrible happens. 

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51 minutes ago, Kults said:

I notice a distinct lack of antagonizing antifa soyboys wielding bike locks, huh

If something pops off, I wouldn't be surprised it's black block/antifa martyrs infiltrating your proud boy types instigating as a means of de- legitimizing the 2a side.


Who has the foil cap on now?!

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51 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

If something pops off, I wouldn't be surprised it's black block/antifa martyrs infiltrating your proud boy types instigating as a means of de- legitimizing the 2a side.


Who has the foil cap on now?!

Antifa's official position as Anarchists first, is that the people should have gun rights, and they often flex ARs at Antifa demonstrations. For this issue, they're actually right in line with the libertarians, who are the main bulk of 2a supporters. Americans tend to view right wing/Libertarian as the same thing, and left wing/Ancom as the same thing. A pretty bad mischaracterization. Nazi's are not Libertarian, Neither are Conservatives, but both have factions that support 2A. There are plenty of Trump supporters (including Trump himself) that support the continuing infringement on the right to bear arms. Even the Nazi's were pretty clear on their anti freedom stance, they thought nobody (even the "master race" ) should have guns outside of government employees.

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Lol, "we know what the fuck you're about, you're an infiltrator, get the fuck out."


Yeah fuck that guy.  His demeanor and comments are that of a scared pussy.  Funny the guy with no way to protect himself is the one trying to stir shit up among a bunch of people that have weapons.


I wonder what it's like to be a scared little bitch in life.  I've never felt that fear and would like it if someone could tell me about it.  I'm curious.

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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Lol, "we know what the fuck you're about, you're an infiltrator, get the fuck out."


Yeah fuck that guy.  His demeanor and comments are that of a scared pussy.  Funny the guy with no way to protect himself is the one trying to stir shit up among a bunch of people that have weapons.


I wonder what it's like to be a scared little bitch in life.  I've never felt that fear and would like it if someone could tell me about it.  I'm curious.

He had a concealed weapon, and a police sniper watching his back no doubt. Agent Provocateur. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

We’ll see if this doesn’t backfire just like that stupid #metoo thing. That when the dust settles, there’s actually more wide spread support than when they started.

Seems that we’re starting to see an interesting by product of all this ‘wokeness’ being that people are just starting to get tired of being marginalized and manipulated and just skeptical in general. Especially once the MSM start throwing their weight behind shit. 

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