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What do you do with found wallets?


Normally id put em in a mail box


But this one doesn't have an american id


And a foreign police I'd card in it LOL


I looked up the person but couldn't find anyone that looked like the ID 


Should I just put it in a mailbox anyways?

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always good Karma if you do.


last time I found a wallet it had over $400.00 in it


 It had an id and a business card.


 Stupidly i thought taking it to the cops just down the road would mean they'd call the person.


 The bitchy front desk constable took it and threw it in a drawer and made no effort to conceal her disappointment at having to do something.

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The last wallet i found had a little over $800 cash in it in the hoh rain forest in Washington state and the drivers license was an Indian guy  from NY. It had his business card and I called him. I told him I was giving it to the rangers office and that all his cash was still in it. He cried. I assume the rangers took some cash before giving it back to him.


I really coulda used the cash at the time and believe fuckall in karma, just basic golden rule stuff. 

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Yeah theres no money in it....well theres 3500 in bills from budapest, but thats like 11 dollara I found a email adress in the wallet, which I contacted, but im not sure what to do beyond that. Usps Will try to send it to an adress in the wallet, which is in Puerto Rico....which is really far away from where we are now lol full had a full on george castanza wallet I was hopin for a finders fee tbh

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I don't really believe in karma, that's just me.... but I'd do whatever possible to get it back to the person.  The foreign address definitely makes things difficult.  Maybe you can locate the person on their local subreddit?


Also, props to you @Fist 666- that is really awesome of you to give that person their cash back too.  I wouldn't even think twice about trying to keep someone's cash because I know how it would feel to me if I lost my stuff.


My step dad gets high as hell all the time (on weed, settle down)..... and he one time lost his wallet at the gas station.  He went back and the guy behind the counter said he could have it back and then asked him if he could have $20 for giving it back to him.  Lol, how freaking cheesy is that!?

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I've found a number of wallets and purses over the years, usually that have been stolen.  In the past when there were less means for immediate contact with people I tended to keep any $ I found since my method of return was to drop the wallet/ID in a mailbox and I assumed someone would steal the $ before it made it back to the owner.  As I got older I haven't found any w/ $ in them.  Have also noted that for the effort I've made to get people's shit back to them, some of them appear less than appreciative.  I found one lady's purse not long after someone smashed in her window and grabed it from her car.  Was only able to reach her husband who was kind of like serves her right for leaving it on her car seat, can you bring it to me?  It was only a town over so sure, I did.  Dude offered a few words of thanks that sounded thankless, took my info because it was close to the holidays and said they would send something to say thanks, never did.  Think the last time I was out in the Midwest early morning and found someone's wallet, could tell they were commuting from a state away for work and decided to be nice on that one.  Didn't see any signs of broken in cars in the immediate area so called the popo and asked, turns out they had an officer nearby for the dude's broken in car who got the guy's shit back to him.


Anyhow OP you can always send the ID cards and toss the wallet, or if you're a nice guy you're going to pay postage to mail the whole thing back?  You could also take a felt tip marker and draw a pig snout and a curly tail on those IDs before sending them back.  What if you found the wallet of some pervo rapist who impersonates a cop to pull over lone women in PR, and now you're sending him his fake IDs back?

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I haven't found a wallet in a while but i find random cash from time to time.

While going to the ATM at 3am once a year or so ago i found a kids ID in the ATM slot. What i imagine was the kid was hammered, and trying to get cash for drugs, booze, or sex, and was so fucking drunk he was trying to use his ID as an ATM card, haha.

He was only 18. I took it and intended on mailing it out and forgot i had it on my windowsill until like 3 weeks later and figured he probably got a new ID by that point.  

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Lost my wallet with 800 even in it in front of a church that was next to a friends house on a Saturday night.


One of the pastors found my info, and called me at work on Monday to say they found it with all $780 in it.


He called back to say he was leaving it with his secretary or whatever since I couldn't make it there by 3pm when he was leaving.


Got it back after work that day with $760 (got taxed twice), wasn't mad at all though, much respect.



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8 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I haven't found a wallet in a while but i find random cash from time to time.

While going to the ATM at 3am once a year or so ago i found a kids ID in the ATM slot. What i imagine was the kid was hammered, and trying to get cash for drugs, booze, or sex, and was so fucking drunk he was trying to use his ID as an ATM card, haha.

He was only 18. I took it and intended on mailing it out and forgot i had it on my windowsill until like 3 weeks later and figured he probably got a new ID by that point.  

Yeah I usuallu find cash more than wallets.... Last year I broke my face, stayed inside for a few days cause i couldn't talk my lips were so swollen and my face wa shella tight from staples looking like a smashed Frankenstein....anyways when I finally managed to leave the house I found $500 in a knot in the gutter. Used to find alot of crack money back in the day too.... Block boys would hide their funds in my flower boxes till they kept getting locked up or loss in their money haha

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