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Fat Ralphy's Health and Fitness Motivation Thread

fat ralphy

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Thank you @morton 

you’re so right. (During this time off of work) I have found great value in slowing down and taking real me time.  My physical therapy guy is helping guide me. I feel like I’m learning from scratch again. Learning how to  think and breathe before I move and to be very conscious in front of my movements, instead of diving in and rushing through-in hopes it just develops as muscle memory. Pretty successful, so far. 


It’s going to be very important to me to have a routine prior to going to work. I’m learning I don’t have to go HAM at everything I do. Like you said a small simple routine will yield  great benefits. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have not been maintaining consistency, work and a sort of recurring cold have been fucking me up, mainly work. It is frustrating because if my team valued efficiency there would be no need for so many hours but it is like the planning and mindset is not there so for now we will suffer.


Out here on the edge of loosing the routine but think that I can pull it together and when open water season starts I hope that the added motivation of swimming in the open air will get me to tell my work to fuck right off a couple time a week.


Anybody, myself included, whoever said that maintaining a routine was easy was only looking at it from the successful side, when you start to loose it or don't have it at all it is really really hard work.


Hope the general silence in here is just folks not checking in and that yall are out there gettin it. 

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@morton perfect timing for me to chime in - my routine got fucked up for a bit last month. 


I have been managing a staff of 16 for the last couple months and I am literally busy all day. After not lifting for 3 weeks and BJJ only 1x a week - I hurt myself in the weight room. Sleep was affected, getting older all that shit. 


Last month I am using an app to track my diet and i am down weight wise. I just got home from BJJ and plan to go again Thursday.


I have learned that I cant beat myself up but to have a standard and at the same time roll with what i need self care wise. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using an app to track meals and weight - it has been pretty good thus far and I am minus 7+ pounds this month.


Work has really fucked up my lifting routine - there is a weight room at work, my new plan is whenever I walk by it I am going to pop in and do one exercise. 

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we had a bit of a wet n cooler front come in thru mid august, and it threw me off my game a bit. over the past few days the weather became much better and i answered with 100mi on the bike thru this past wknd.Screenshot_20240826_204319.jpg.d7e4aa238fc668d3453990f5c237c15e.jpg





(i know, it all adds up to 98 lol but the app always slightly shortens my rides haha..)


admittedly, to some, that's pretty novice riding...but to me it meant a lot to get up & get moving like that after a bit of a lull.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s been a year full of body injuries and a lot of physical therapy. 
A year ago I was in PT for injuries to both arms, one having surgery-both due to overuse (and to find out, misuse) 

 got a fantastic PT guy who really explained how and why my body works the way it works. 
After an incredibly invasive appendectomy this summer and going back to work I found myself about ready to throw in the towel I was in so much pain. Not from any surgery site but from everything surrounding it because I overcompensated. 
I went back to my PT guy so he can help strengthen my core and get my hips healthy because he did wonders for my arms last year.  I need to build strength in a smaller range of motion and not try to do ANYTHING in my full range of motion becaue that’s when I stress those tendons out. I have to be conscious of every move until I make it muscle memory. 
I’ve learned this year that my “flexibility” isn’t just being flexible. It’s poor soft tissue connection. Hyper mobility. “Double jointed”. 

this guy explains it pretty good 

this guy explains how to work with  it pretty good 




all my life if been “stretching” wrong and abusing my flexibility not knowing I was causing so much future damage. I’ve also learned that if I don’t use it I lose it. I developed frozen shoulder from not working while recovering from arm injuries last year and currently dealing with trying to work out my sartorius muscles because I haven’t had sex in six months.
I can count the number of whole body pain free days on both hands this last year. I have shit to do. I need to get my body right for the life I want to have. I do a daily routine and it’s just become part of my day. It doesn’t seem like a task I have to set aside time for. I even have a small set I do at lunch time. 

picked up some books 



and realized these two items I had lying around are probably gonna be the most helpful to me for stabilizing my joints. 

a body blade type thing and the dome thing. 

slow and steady yall. Slow and steady. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s going. 
 Learned the hard way the other day that if I don’t do my routine in the morning I pay heavily for it. I am hurting after a few hours of work. 
BUT. I can feel the stability building if that makes sense.  like I don’t feel like I’m gonna twist my ankle from walking on a slope. 
 Or I don’t need to hold on while standing on the moving bus as much. 

tmrw is my last day of physical therapy so hopefully he sets me up with a good program to keep building. 

slow and steady 



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So I have noticed definition beginning in my back and shoulders/neck.  
also I noticed a dimple in my back. Just directly in the center; high lumbar.  I have NEVER seen a dimple in my back. 

have recently started doing an evening session as well. Killing two birds with also limiting my social media activity. 

I feel better every day.

i highly recommend.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

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