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17 hours ago, Kults said:

Id be pisssssssed




Bitcoin investors may be out $190 million after the only guy with the password dies, firm says

Heard about this yesterday. Sounds like a cash grab from someone close to him. I don't by it (no pun intended), but yeah sucks to be one of the people that got jerked on this.

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12 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Heard about this yesterday. Sounds like a cash grab from someone close to him. I don't by it (no pun intended), but yeah sucks to be one of the people that got jerked on this.

Oh FOR SURE.  When this is all said and done I can totally see a small circle getting exponentially wealthy and shafting everyone else who bought in.

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Definitely need to go through and catch up on this thread. But this IG post did catch my eye so thought I’d drop it in here and hopefully compel @Mercerto fill us all in. 


Onbiously its a “can’t beat them, join them” thing but also wondering where this goes? I know Amex has jumped in a while back, but admittedly I’m not informed enough on the subject to speculate on what stuff like this affects the landscape short term or long term. 


@Mercerwould love to have your thoughts on this and what the implications / repercussions might be. 



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Kinda destroyed the prospects of XRP/Ripple building a network effect, and becoming an unbeatable incumbent in the bank to bank remittence market . He's been lightening up on his former public stance leading up to this,  and contradicting his 2017 statements. Even when he was bashing bitcoin hard, JP Morgan & co had already started trading crypto assets for some of their clients.


His bank has been fined billions of dollars multiple times under his watch for money laundering, and other criminal banking violations including 1.7B in a settlement related to the Madoff fiasco. Yet he still publicly states real crypto leaves to much potential opportunities for criminals. Ironically, it's the same criminals currently laundering their cash through JP Morgan he's referring to, at a profit rate that more than covers the billions in fines they pay. 


They move over 6 trillion around the globe daily between the wholesale institutions this new crypto that they'll be dropping in a couple of months is intended to improve. These large moves currently take up to a day to complete using international wire transfer and can be a major headache/risk to deal with.


I'm not following what Ripple is doing with this market already with XRP, because it's centrally controlled by Ripple, and your account can be seized by Ripple. I'm sure the same will be true of JP Morgans coin, no doubt it will have to comply with banking regulations requiring this, and be 100% mutable/seizable by governments. What they use isn't mathematical perfection and is therefore invalid in my eyes, subject to human error, and malicious state intent. 


I have closely followed how Bitcoin has become king of international remittence between smaller countries with liquidity problems due to it's instant/immutable nature. Transfers of large amounts of money, even if they take just a few minutes, can cost a lot of interest for the owner, and if done properly be a gain in interest for the broker. When you have trillions with a T tied up in wire transfers averaging 24 hours like JD's company, the loss of interest alone can equal another yacht. 1%APR  x 6T divided by 365days = 164 million 383 thousand 561.643835616438356 dollars, a day.

Edited by Mercer
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/18/2019 at 9:37 PM, Hayabusa said:

My biggest regret is sleeping on this shit.

A few years ago I remember seeing 1 bitcoin for $1200 and thought, who would be dumb enough to buy this.




The next year it was between 40-50,000$.


Can't help but feel I may be on a repeat course in the next few years....

Long ago a friend told me that Ethereum would be the new Bitcoin in January 2016. Ethereum was $1 per coin at the time. I was young and greedy (still am) and had some money to burn. After spending 3 weeks reading about what blockchain is, what Bitcoin future is then what Ethereum is, I was convinced that I wanted to invest in it. Not because I understood it all, but because in those 3 weeks the price more than doubled to $2.20 and I did not want to miss out. Luckily, When I entered it doubled in another 4 days, so I took half my money out and kept the rest. When it doubled again I took out half again and this time left the rest for good. Now I, of course, regret doing that tremendously and this was one of my first major failures in crypto being too short-sighted. 

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On 2/18/2019 at 11:37 AM, Hayabusa said:

My biggest regret is sleeping on this shit.

A few years ago I remember seeing 1 bitcoin for $1200 and thought, who would be dumb enough to buy this.

I have a homie that bought 1 bitcoin back during the 1st halvening spike when it got up to $1200, then it crashed like a week later when Mt Gox got hacked down to $300 . He was pissed, but never withdrew his funds. The next halvening in 2016  biitcoin went up to $20k, so he sold half a bitcoin and bought some land with it.


It's not too late to get one, the next halvening is around 400 days away now.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This is not strictly speaking true though, is it? I use a crypto wallet account visa card to make BTC purchases, it just converts to fiat in the process, but I spend my Bitcoin. Also, some companies accept BTC as payment, especially online and in certain parts of the world I know they do. In addition, some major companies are slowly becoming more involved with crypto in general and using it as part of their offerings in terms of payment, etc. One good example would be https://cryptolinks.com/cryptocurrency-trading-tools. like the one I used.

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  • 3 months later...

I do remember when bitcoin first came around though and thinking people were fucking stupid for buying it. Then a kid i know turned his like $60 into 17k or some shit. 


Looks like i was the fucking stupid one.  



Edit: Anyone feel like crash coursing me? I’ve been reading through this thread but i still have no idea what some of it means, haha.

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@NightmareOnElmStreetStock up on ETH now, ETH 2.0 isn't that far away and should spark an ETH bull run before it gets close.


I think buying BTC, BCH, ETH, XMR right now will pay off if you can HODL until December 2020. There will be another noticeable spike this fall, followed by dip that will not go as low as we are now, then a year of steady gains culminating in a massive spike fall 2020.


ETH is still on sale @ $225 right now, less than half of where it should be IMO when compared to Bitcoin.

Edited by Mercer
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