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Anyone here own a condo?


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I'm interested in a 1 bedroom but everyone is saying to get a 2 bed solely for resale. Did this factor into your decision at all?


Do you regret not having a yard?


ive been told the difference between -for example - $5k down payment vs a $10k down payment only ends up changing your mortgage payment a couple hundred a month?


Is your HOA as much of a pain in the ass as everyone makes them out to be?


Walls, ceiling as thin as apartments or thicker construction ? Hearing an upstairs neighbor stomp around for 30 yrs would suck.

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I'm interested in a 1 bedroom but everyone is saying to get a 2 bed solely for resale. Did this factor into your decision at all?


Do you regret not having a yard?


ive been told the difference between -for example - $5k down payment vs a $10k down payment only ends up changing your mortgage payment a couple hundred a month?


Is your HOA as much of a pain in the ass as everyone makes them out to be?


Walls, ceiling as thin as apartments or thicker construction ? Hearing an upstairs neighbor stomp around for 30 yrs would suck.


Sorry, I won't be much help. I don't regret not having my own yard. You grow used to sharing the common area and it's nice that it is always in great shape (well beyond what I could do). I think the construction is dependent on the building but mine are okay.


One thing I can answer with certainty- Yes the Condo Board is a pain in the ass. These people strive for some sort of power over others in their life which is why they signed up for the board to begin with. To them, they are holding a position of honor and dignity, paramount to the highest court of the land.

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Fuck a condo. Better to have your own place where you can do what the fuck you want without having to ask the neighbors for permission. Mowing a yard or trimming shrubbery is not difficult and you can get low maintenance shit. Nice to have your own full yard to do what you want with day or night instead of some appropriated patch of grass. Having rented for years and now looking to buy, owning is way better than renting. Why continue to put $$ into some douchebag landlord's pocket just so I can live?!

And those NYC condos are a joke IMO, unless you come from the city and have resigned yourself to living in a box the rest of your life. Some friends have gotten them before, I go to see their place, they're so happy about that shit, brainwashed. I stretch my arms out and I have one in the bathroom and the other out the window, expensive as fuck, and they're always worried about not upsetting/disturbing the neighbors.

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I grew up in apartments my whole life so a lot of those things wouldn't bug me at all. I'm renting a house now and it actually feels kinda weird, not in a good way. I like being around people... Chilling on the porch or stoop and shooting the shit with people. In a complex you kinda know your neighbors. In this house I only know one person on the whole street.



Plus, a small shitty house in a shitty part of town in a shitty school district is over a half mil here. dont see myself doing that lol

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Sorry, I won't be much help. I don't regret not having my own yard. You grow used to sharing the common area and it's nice that it is always in great shape (well beyond what I could do). I think the construction is dependent on the building but mine are okay.


One thing I can answer with certainty- Yes the Condo Board is a pain in the ass. These people strive for some sort of power over others in their life which is why they signed up for the board to begin with. To them, they are holding a position of honor and dignity, paramount to the highest court of the land.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i refused to buy into condo fees.

i also can't stand the idea of living someplace where people can still tell you what you can and can't do with your own home.

people are nuts about control, and neighbors can make your life hell if they want to


i went with a house. my mortgage is so low (way under a grand a month) i feel sad for people trying to buy in NYC/SF etc.

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i went with a house. my mortgage is so low (way under a grand a month)

That's crazy... and the reason I consider moving sometimes. A friend of mine moved to Vermont a few years ago. They ended up paying about $50 less/month in rent than I did. Except they had a two story house, about an acre of land to themselves, and a fucking pond. While I was in a small one bedroom apartment. Jokes on them though, no burrito stands in Vermont.

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2 bedroom houses... Why condo is the route I'll be going.

I think I'll be ok with not being able to put up x mas lights LOL

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Well there's something to be said for where exactly you want to live. You want to live in a fancy place or a gentrified area of any city and you're going to pay. I wouldn't pay no 500,000 anywhere unless I just won Powerball, and it would very unlikely be for a condo or apartment.

I was in NYC for quite some time and looked at prices of different things there. Then I moved to a different location outside NYC, for less than any of the options in NYC I could be living quite well, moving on up with all the bullshit left behind and quite a lot of perks beyond increased living space. Was a no brainer. But again, depends on what you like/want. Some people like that close quarter living and what not.

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I recently moved into a 1700 square foot condo, and I love i. I even stay home dokrinking some nights instead of going out now (somewhat because of how many bars I'm still banned from from my wild, younger days, but also because I love it here so much). The owner who is a member of a worldwide, "club" is cool as shit, and half the people who live here either work for or are friendly with my girl's father, and I knew a lot of them beforehand, so shit is pretty cool. We've got a nice mix of strippers, various bar employees, etc. so a lot of people party late and don't complain about the noise. A Patriot lives here as well

























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Sorry if you hurt you're neck, but I'm lazy, a little drunk,and posting from my phone. First was my office (sneak storage), which I plan on adding shelvig/one of those sliding library ladders too. Next is My living room,kitchen, pool hall/bar, washer and dryer I never use cause I love the wash and fold/dry cleaners,more living roo, bathroom, and my room (excuse clothes all over the floor - my girl gets mad sometimes). Still getting both carpets replaced with tan berber, and then painting the bathroom, plus installing glass around the shower, and a 40" TV over the door. I know people who've lived here some as long as 7 years, still with nothing around the shower- it feels so weird.


Anyone, some are owned, and I know when it opened like seven years ago, people were paying a quarter million - not that long ago, some one bedroom units were sold in the $60K range. Combine that with the fact that the owner is going to the can soon, and I believe now is when I'm gonna buy my unit, hopefully for 70-80K, as opposed to paying $1450 a month in rent





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I'm still kicking myself in the ass BECAUSE OUT OF PURE LAZINESS AND NOTRETURNING A PHONE CALL, I didn't buy the house next to my parents, which sold for 9K. Yes, $9,000. Thousand. On a double plot of land.


Damn NFL and degenerate gambling taking up all my time... Anyway, I am still going to buy a house, and rent that while I live here, then rinse and repeat

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I like the high ceilings with the exposed rafters and the brick walls.


I wish we had brick structures here in the south west, love that look. Fucking earthquakes keep people from building them...


Glad you turned your shit around



Still waiting on my half of the cross country food exchange muh fucka. Linguica and coffee milk

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Swamp out of nowhere with the comeup


New York has completely skewed my perspective. On the flip, though, I'm exactly where I want to be and even though I'm not wealthy I can live comfortably with my current finances so I don't really give a fuck tho

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