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Don't mean to be all hateristic but I really couldn't care less enough about the other people in the movie theater to want to go back in time to watch something with the first audience.


Go back to Wodstock? Sure. Go back to being at the Berlin Wall when if fell? absolutely. Stand in the crowd and watch Princip cap Franz Ferdinand? You bet. Go back to watch an original Shakespeare play with Bill in the audience? Awesome. Go back in time to watch a movie? Meh....

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I'm with Christo.


I can't think of a movie I care enough about or that is significant-enough-historically that I'd give a shit.


From a shitty person point of view though: Assuming I'd be returning to present time I'd go something fairly old and rob everybody so I could sell their shit now at stupid profit. 30s/40s era comics for sale in the lobby of the theatre? Yoink...

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i remember seeing Empire Strikes Back at like age 4 and they had a guy dressed as Darth Vadar come into the theater.

It was scary for a little kid. But imo, you can't go back and relive that sorta shit.. in a 'you can't go home again' sense.

plus nowadays people would thin kit was shooter.


but it might be cool to go back to when movies were first invented. people prolly shit bricks.

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Actually I have a few that I would love to go back in time to watch...

in the following order..


1. Coming to America (Eddie Murphie)

2. Shawshank Redemption (Tim Robbins)

3. Back to the Future 2 (Michael J Fox)


and any of the indiana jones movies.

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