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The 'Darknet'...OOOOOHHH!!! Scaaaaary....


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Lately, I've been seeing an awful lot of coverage on this side of the internet about the so called 'darknet' and all the crazy shit you can find do on it. Everyone knows the Silk Road got hemmed a few months ago for providing a space where people could facilitate sales of basically everything illegal from drugs and guns to stolen credit card numbers and fake IDs. I have also read the 'darknet' provides safe haven for kiddie-diddlers, dope fiends and weirdo sex fetish folks. As if this side of the internet didn't have enough of those types already....


I have only recently begun farting around on the Tor network and that side of on the online world and I'm fucking blown away. To me, anything shady you do online leaves a trail. According to what I have read about the 'darknet' thus far tells me I am incorrect. The Tor browser/application/program works by bouncing your IP address across the globe and supposedly makes it impossible to track. I find that hard to believe, but again I am apparently incorrect. I guess its working because I've seen listings for some pretty crazy shit...


The reason I am posting this is, what other stuff besides the obvious drugs/guns/bootleg everything can you find over there? With all the press it's gotten lately, I think this has potential to a whole new world of online mischief. What do YOU use the 'darknet' for and why? Personally, I just like looking at the crazy shit I could buy/sell if I ever wanted to...but right now I'm pretty happy with my overall online experience. For the most part, I really only check email/social media, look at graffiti, watch porn and steal music.


What am I missing out on???


***I'm pretty sure there are similar threads about this subject, but wanted to revisit the conversation given the current exposure its received after the Silk Road went belly up***

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Haha, is this the new scarier name for the 'deep web'?




There was a massive long thread on here running concurrent to a reddit thread where a lot was explored. Shit got 'deep' and 'dark' pretty quickly.


If you're looking for shit in any facet of life, it doesn't take long to be knee deep in it.

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Haha, is this the new scarier name for the 'deep web'?




Yeah i noticed the name switch up too.


It wasn't "dark" when Silk Road got popped and everybody realized you could hire assassins and other shit. Once some young rich and famous white girls get some naked pictures they took themselves leaked now things have gone too far, we are truly in the "dark" days of history my friends.


Side note #1: How would you know you are hiring a good assassin on the deep web anyways. What verification could you get? Do assassins have portfolios?


Side note #2: It sounds like setting up Tor and logging onto the deep web is light weight confusing. I cant imagine any type of real criminal is spending a lot of time logging into some website daily through some ass backwards program that takes any technological competence.

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Side note #1: How would you know you are hiring a good assassin on the deep web anyways. What verification could you get? Do assassins have portfolios?


Exactly. The whole assassin thing is goofy---it's more like get suckered out of 20,000 bucks by some dude who knows his way around computers a little bit. Dump a several thousand in bitcoins and watch your ex wife continue to waltz around all the local bars (let's be real, someone hiring a hitman on the deep web is definitely looking to bump off his fat ex) and do whatever lame shit she did before. She'll never get killed unless she accidentally steps in front of a van going too fast in a residential area.


Of course there is child porn and other awful shit on the deep dark dick /nh web, but I am wildly skeptical about a lot of it.

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i'm not involved in anything near cloak and dagger enough for that place.

not sure i trust it to be anonymous anyway.

i am curious about it myself tho


seems like a good place for cild pronographers and people who missed out on the old classifieds in soldier of fortune magazine.

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TOR isn't very complicated and reasonably safe. It has some legit uses besides finding some sketch hit man, drugs, or kiddie porn.


I have bought legit acid off the silk road but that was some 2 years ago and before it got shut down. No way I'd trust it now.


I have a VPN and am an exit node for TOR. No worries here.




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It has some legit uses besides finding some sketch hit man, drugs, or kiddie porn...


I have bought legit acid off the silk road but that was some 2 years ago and before it got shut down.



Not doubting that you successfully bought acid on there, just thought these two sentences together negated your point.


What positive aspects of the deep web did you experience?


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okay. it seems like the only thing i hear about happening on the deep web or 'darknet' is shady. I think that's all you hear about. Some of it just seems so fucking legit. AND the fact that there are more than a dozen sites that offer the exact same shit Silk Road did.




I just cannot believe HOW openly these motherfuckers are acting. I mean, its INSANE. I read a lot of the reviews and these clowns are openly talking about shooting straight H and getting the 'nod'. That sounds a little close to 'the dead' for me.


NOT knocking the hustle at all. Get yours doing whatever see fit to certain degree...but those sick fucks that NEED TO HIDE from the majority of the world can have their fucking 'darknet'. You ask why?:


I saw a list of forums that I wish I hadn't.


I found the reddit link that talked about the kinda shit you can find and now wish I hadn't.


I learned a lot of new slang/terms that now I wished I didn't.


I just cannot believe people openly talk about the shit they do.


I made me lose a lot of respect for the human race.


...think I'll stay around here for a while....

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There is plenty of that shit on the regular web as well.


Any disciplined invite-only private tracker site could be used for all sorts of anything, it seems like TOR just negates the need for invite only by hoping that its filtering out dumb dumbs.


Fist...i agree with you wholeheartedly. I have seen some pretty ridiculous shit on this side of the internet as well, but that seems fairly tame compared to some of the forums i saw. My god. I honestly cannot bring myself to type some of the links i found. Call me a pussy all you want, but there are some srsly sick fucking people out there.


A far as filtering out the dumb dumbs...TOR is a good first step. However, once i clicked on the 'hidden wiki', i logged off immediately and went for a walk. I just couldn't shake off the fact that I was able to figure it out, let alone some kiddie diddlers.


I am very tolerant of most peoples behavior but the fucking sick fucks offering "a night w my 7 year old sister" to "make sure this person is dead" just does not compute. Kill the motherfucker yourself you spineless pussy. Dragging a poor, defenseless child into the mix makes me want to answer this fuckwad's ad and just kill him/her himself...


Overall, the darknet just seems like a home for the absolute worst of the worst...I am NOT planning on any return visits anytime soon. Well, unless i decide to buy some acid...lol. Besides (not very) hipster MGMT fans, who the fuck does that shit anymore? :confused:


I did it when i was in high school, and we could STILL score actual REAL blotter for $3/pop up on Haight street. Shit, the first legit guy we talked to GAVE us some because we thought that shit died along with the hippies. Unfortunately, neither has proven true so far :crap:

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okay. it seems like the only thing i hear about happening on the deep web or 'darknet' is shady. I think that's all you hear about. Some of it just seems so fucking legit. AND the fact that there are more than a dozen sites that offer the exact same shit Silk Road did.




I just cannot believe HOW openly these motherfuckers are acting. I mean, its INSANE. I read a lot of the reviews and these clowns are openly talking about shooting straight H and getting the 'nod'. That sounds a little close to 'the dead' for me.


NOT knocking the hustle at all. Get yours doing whatever see fit to certain degree...but those sick fucks that NEED TO HIDE from the majority of the world can have their fucking 'darknet'. You ask why?:


I saw a list of forums that I wish I hadn't.


I found the reddit link that talked about the kinda shit you can find and now wish I hadn't.


I learned a lot of new slang/terms that now I wished I didn't.


I just cannot believe people openly talk about the shit they do.


I made me lose a lot of respect for the human race.


...think I'll stay around here for a while....



What are the sauces for each?

Please list in bullet point.

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