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krokodil has hit the states


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But too dumb to leave the Imperial system behind?


I think I'll go ahead and keep speaking English.


Mind you, we did this while your ancestors were being shipped off to your homeland as prisoners.

And we had a good run of non-imperialism until the offspring of German immigrants who are mad about the outcome of WW2 and the civil rights movement of the 60's took over the Republican party and turned our country to shit.

Australia>America, but American English>English English.

Like I said, get with the program.

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To be fair, all languages have some pretty retarded quirks that you never really notice from the inside. all languages are fucked up to outsiders, some a lot more so than others.


english is no exception, we're just native speakers though so we have a terrible perspective on how difficult english is to an outsider.


american english is a fucking joke though, they purposely delineated from british english out of some strange notion of independence, as though switching 's's to 'z's was sticking it to the empire.

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To be fair, all languages have some pretty retarded quirks that you never really notice from the inside. all languages are fucked up to outsiders, some a lot more so than others.


english is no exception, we're just native speakers though so we have a terrible perspective on how difficult english is to an outsider.


american english is a fucking joke though, they purposely delineated from british english out of some strange notion of independence, as though switching 's's to 'z's was sticking it to the empire.


I love how Americans pervert the language.


Take 'clique' for instance. It's French word pronounced 'kleek' but somehow in the US it has become 'click' and I bet most who use it have no idea of it's actual meaning.


This happens a lot in Western countries, another example is the word 'concerted'. IT derives from the word 'concert', which loosely means a collected effort. I carried out my task in concert with my colleagues. A concerted effort means an effort in combination with other parties. Yet for some reason people mistake 'a concerted effort' to mean 'a determined effort' and now you have some of the lesser dictionaries even defining it that way. It's so fucking dumb and the use of words without understanding the meaning shits me to tears. It's not to say I don't, as a matter of fact I used the word concerted to mean determined one day and realised I didn't know the meaning and it wasn't immediately obvious what it actually was, that's why I looked it up. I hate sounding dumb, or even worse, being dumb by using words I don't understand.


Same with 'alright', there's no actual word, it should be 'all right'. However the meaning has been perverted to become 'ok' or 'mediocre' rather than 'all correct'.




And yes, other languages are also retarded, none more so than Chinese. Such a limited number of phonemes and a huge number of meanings for the one word. About as irrational as it gets, much of the time they have to explain to each other WTF they are trying to say because the language is so similar to itself and contextually dependent.

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Take 'clique' for instance. It's French word pronounced 'kleek' but somehow in the US it has become 'click' and I bet most who use it have no idea of it's actual meaning.


You sure it wasn't a Latin word first?


I've always heard that most European languages (including French, somehow) evolved from Latin.

Never understood how a language like French could even remotely be related to other Latin languages like English, Spanish, Italian etc, but I think i remember hearing that back in middle school shortly after learning that whales and dolphins evolved from dog-like animals that once roamed the earth before evolving back into the oceans.


(Let the trolling commence.)

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Same with 'alright', there's no actual word, it should be 'all right'. However the meaning has been perverted to become 'ok' or 'mediocre' rather than 'all correct'.


The correct spelling is "aight".


I want to punch myself in the face as self punishment for forcing myself to read the rest of your post after responding to your original point.

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And yes, other languages are also retarded, none more so than Chinese. Such a limited number of phonemes and a huge number of meanings for the one word. About as irrational as it gets, much of the time they have to explain to each other WTF they are trying to say because the language is so similar to itself and contextually dependent.


But since I forced myself to read the rest of your post, isn't their like 5 or more different languages in China?

You think that could possibly explain what you're talking about with them constantly having to explain WTF they're talking about when trying to communicate with somebody from another part of China?

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I speak English.


I speak American.


And we defeated the English then deliberately bastardized their language and made it our own just to shove it in their face.


Now get with he program.



I learned a couple things about this recently... British/Commonwealth people who say Americans just made up their own spelling are wrong.


Centuries ago, words like "color" or "colour" were both acceptable in Britain. Many English words had two or more different spellings.


Noah Webster (American lexicographer) found this to be unnecessarily complicated, and chose words he felt were "superior" and got rid of the alternate spellings he deemed unnecessary...


As a result, the UK gradually stopped using the words which Americans adopted, condescendingly viewing it as being "Americanized" words, even though it originated in Britain.


But there are some "Americanized" words that Britain went with. Brits used to spell it "musick" or "publick", and Noah Webster opted to drop the 'k.' The British followed suit. Many modern tabloids in the UK are now using the word "program" as opposed to the British "programme" as well.


TL;DR -- British people are wrong.

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If any of you's go to Philly, go peep the Revolutionary War era grave sites.

Apparently there were actual letters of the alphabet that didn't exist at that time, and so were spelled with different letters.

Or at least that's the impression that you get from reading the text from those days.

It could very well just be that whoever was in charge of carving the grave stones in Philly in that period was half illiterate for all I know.

But I'm pretty sure I've seen this elsewhere from that time period other than just old gravestones.

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But since I forced myself to read the rest of your post, isn't their like 5 or more different languages in China?

You think that could possibly explain what you're talking about with them constantly having to explain WTF they're talking about when trying to communicate with somebody from another part of China?


Yeah, China has a huge amount of languages and dialects but one official language Mandarin/Putonghua. The problems I moaned about are all relating to Putonghua only, it's a seriously fucked up language and learning it was one of the hardest things I've done. But, as I said it also showed me how screwed up my own language is.


As to Latin and the evolution of language, you could be 100% correct, I have no idea. I choose to complain about what I do know rather than educating myself about what I don't know.....

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French is a romantic language so there is a good chance.


Language is fascinating, always evolving to meet the needs of the speakers. I always thought it crazy that new languages can grow out of isolation or out of co-mingling. In the past something as simple as a mountain range was sufficient to fracture a group and create a new dialect.







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Not sure what you're getting at ^^^


My bad. Was talking about this krokodil shit and the people who would use it.




Fries anyone???











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Interesting post Theo.


Well I began my post teaching English in France about a month ago, and like many of yous I had never really considered the ridiculousness of my native language. But, like someone else said, all languages when logically examined have their own quirks.


As for the French/Romance/English language thing, English and French are actually quite related, I'd say at least 40-50% of common nouns and a fair amount of verbs have a similar root or a related, often outdated but recognizable origin. And the two languages borrow a lot of words from one another. That being said, of course no one is going to take a word like clique and pronounce it with a French accent. It sounds fucking stupid. Just like when talking about the weekend, in French, it's le week-end and is pronounced with a French accent, dropping the d at the end. Not pronounced with a English accent.


Nothing makes a Brit cream gravy in his pants (that's British English for boxers, or underwear for us unsophisticated Americans) than the superiority they feel from hating on US EN.

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I don't know, saying clique as kleek is not difficult or overly foreign to an English/American speaker. We've never had probs saying clique over here, hadn't turned in to "click" until a bunch of commercialised rap stars got a hold of it.


Although by way of humility, us Australians are no better when it comes to butchering languages. In typical "Aussie", "Hello, how are you" becomes "ge'aymae' owyagarn?".

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Oh yeah, he was popular overseas well before anyone in Australia really knew who he was. I remember hearing about "Croc Hunter" for ages before I had any idea who or what he was.


I could not stand the guy, he was full of shit. He played himself as a conservationist in the media but showed himself as a bullshit artist on that account many times. He was just a salesman that carried on like a tool to make money, can't say I was overly upset when he copped a barb. He was not overly kind to animals and the crocs that he wressled were not wild crocs either, they were plants from the croc farm they ran.


He was a Hollywood version of Alby Mangles, another bullshit artist. Same model, American audience.

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Just like when talking about the weekend, in French, it's le week-end and is pronounced with a French accent, dropping the d at the end. Not pronounc


Hold up... I don't think anybody in the entire US actually pronounces the "D" at the end of "weekenend".

Or anything else that end's with a "D".


Fuck outahere with that bullshit propaganda!!!!

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