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i've heard of a few people having been asked this.


i don't use my real name on fb, and when you google my name you come up with a close in age christian singer/songwriter and 1 article about me in afghanistan, so i don't worry about it.


i have secret and federal clearances so i don't use my real name for anything but official emails.

someday it will probably catch up to me...

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It was California, which according to media coverage I have heard on this issue, is a leader in tech laws.


The most recent was Michagan.


I don't understand how people can put so much incriminating/private shit on their myfacetwittergramz. I never understood back in the day when dudes would take flicks of X criminal activity, take the film to the photo-mat then wonder why they got rolled on and why cops had copies of said flicks. It just seems like the exact thing to never do.

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Illinos passed a law that says prison officers and peace workers (whatever that is) aren't allowed to have sex with inmates during transport. Does that mean that once at the location they can?


Fuck wish I could find the article there were some funny ass laws passed.

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Bravo! Any girl willing to take one like this for the team is alright in my book!


I don't have facebook, this is just another reason to add to the list of why I don't.


I do know some people that put too much stake in it and let it affect their real lives, but if you don't live your whole life on it it's nice to have. I have kept track of some of my Navy buddies I would have undoubtedly lost touch with, as well as of my friends from back in the day that are more prone to wandering.


Edit: must spread rep bloodfart.

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A MAN has been accidentally shot dead by his younger sister while posing for a Facebook photo on New Year's Eve.


Manuel Ortiz, 22, was shot in the head early on Monday morning in Phoenix, Arizona by his 19-year-old sister at his apartment.


Police Sergeant Steve Martos told local TV station ABC15 that Mr Ortiz's sister had been playing around with the gun and posing for pictures with it when it accidentally fired, killing him.


There were three other people inside at the time, and one saw the shooting.


Sgt Martos said the siblings had been drinking overnight, and Mr Ortiz's sister could be charged with manslaughter if tests find alcohol in her blood system.

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bitch is dumb,,, witha capitol D. heres todays rundown:

she came down with the flu. ok.

so we go to the minor er. ok.

she gets a script of pramenthazine (no codeine). and complains for an hour that she didnt get any narcotics.... ok

so we get back to the house and she freaks the fuck out saying she has the worst headache in the world and shes gonna faint.

so we say we will take her to the hospital. she refuses and says she needs an ambulance to take her. so....

she calls 911 on herself. they come get us. we sit in the er. meanwhile she is in "agonizing pain" and moans and screams loudly until a nurse comes in and says "you cannot scream in here".

so the dr comes in and gives her a norco and a shot of dilaudid. ok.

we get out and she THEN has the fucking NERVE to say her head still hurts and she wants her mom to give her money to buy norcos off some guy..

the end.

fuck my life.

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one of the reasons Facebook needs a trifling ass ho button




Beer Shits- tell that bitch to get her shit right or you'll have some thug chick beat her ass like a gong. She's got a kid, it's time to stop acting like a selfish ass junkie and handle her business. And are you or anyone else in your family in any position to take care of the kid when she totally implodes? Because it sounds like she's on that path right now, and if her folks are giving her dope money, fuck them too.


Sorry, I don't care if someone wants to be a junkie (been there done that) but when there's a kid involved I get pissed. I had to deal with that shit growing up, and no one should have to deal with that shit growing up. It sucks.

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