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For all you naive, cop defending, retards...


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you have essentially pussified this page by turning the concept of "not being a retard" into something only a disgruntled old person would say.





edit - barely read that link, but i already agree they should be held accountable for killing someone.

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and what shenanigans it was, round here. I'm about to essentially hold myself accountable for lack of sleep tomorrow when i got to get up early. So i'm going to bed. What a exciting hour on 12oz for which i hold this thread accountable. It's all about accountability. This is how real life works...

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arguing about a youtube video like the angsty 13 year old you sound like instead of actually seeing the obvious is about as stupid as you thinking that off duty cops would give a shit to fight you and your friends back when you were kids, over a basketball game. come on now.


I see the same video you do faggot, the diffrence is I dont want to suck every cops dick that walks by me. You can have two diffrent views on the matter, id just say yours is one of someone who would get beat up, stabbed, or shot if they ever came around saying that shit. Round here especially


And if they didnt give a shit, why are they running their mouths to a bunch of high school seniors? If it wasnt that big of a deal to them that the just got chumped by kids half their age they shouldnt be across the room yelling shit like we wouldnt do anything.


I can't believe those cops didn't want to lose their jobs for stomping the shit out of some idiot teenagers over a basketball game (how black are you and your friends?). What pussies. Y'all we're smoking weed too? Hard as fuck.


Again, if they're too big and important for us they should of kept their dicksucking mouths closed.

And like they would of lost their jobs, shit if they would of got their asses rolled then called their buddies to come arrest us. If they coulda stomped us so bad then why didnt they? Cause they're pussies and didnt hav etheir guns, and armor and night sticks so they were shook.


Not black at all bitch, quite the opposite. But I wouldnt expect anything less than a racist, cop loving, nerdy douchebag of a bouncer to stick up for the PO.

Please become a cop so the rest of your life can be misery.

Everywhere you go people will spit in your food, piss on your car, vandalize your shit, and generally make your life hell.


most people that frequent bars are fucking douche bags. cops or not. round here anyway.


Not really, alot of people do it to get drunk, entertainment and sometimes get laid.

You run a resturant apparently, it dosent have a bar in it? You've never met regulars who are just good people who like the social and drunken services they are provided?


You just sound like an angry conservative douche who does nothing but work, go to bible studies, and watches nascar on the weekend. Why the fuck are you even on this site?

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i had to read this twice to even understand what the fuck you're trying to say because you sound like a retard. not that that's surprising.



so what exactly is your point? that you're crying for a kid who got shot and punched after stealing a car in Australia? if my brother or mother got caught stealing a car i would think they have what's coming to them just like any other human being who'd get caught for it. whether it's a punch to the face or a fucking gun shot wound to the neck. it's called having a sense of accountability, because only retards do that shit and get caught and then cry about it.


So you love the police so much that you'd be ok with them physically harming your mother over a crime?


You really are the embodiment of a fucking pussy.

Poor mother should of had an abortion, and shed be a cop killer


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Not a single fuck is being given.


And lvl 75, you seem to be the troll son.

Again, if they werent afraid or didnt care as you say all they had to do was take the embarassing L and go back to their shitty one bedroom apartment.

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Oh and they dont seem to have a problem beating on teenagers when they're on duty.


Id say they were afraid because they knew they couldnt throw us in jail for 635363 years for defending ourselves against trigger crazy faggots.

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So you love the police so much that you'd be ok with them physically harming your mother over a crime?


You really are the embodiment of a fucking pussy.

Poor mother should of had an abortion, and shed be a cop killer






im going out on a limb to guess you grew up in a household that never smacked you around for fucking up.


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I shouldn't expect much from a bunch of spineless frail pussies on a graffiti forum, but I know some of you actually get how real life works, or consequences to being a retard and fucking up by getting caught.


youre a fucking 22 year old kid who "manages" a restaurant, which probably means you wash the dishes.

talking about how real life works, get a fucking life brah.

your maturity is revealed in all its shining glory by you attacking those people who dont agree with your viewpoints and calling out members of an internet forum that you frequent.


all opinions aside, this kid is a fucking butthurt clown.

and i even agreed with some aspects of your earlier posts.


most people that frequent bars are fucking douche bags. cops or not. round here anyway.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


clearly spoken by someone who has yet to get their dick wet.

youve never gone to a pub with the homies to catch the game?


i guess you have to have real life friends to do that.


i disagree with all of you calling dude a cop.


this kid is most likely 15, living at his parents, and has gained all his worldly knowledge from listening to his father get drunk and yell at the 6 oclock news.

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pussies if they don't fight 'em and total authority abusing assholes if they do fight 'em.

All they had to do was take their lose, grab their shit and go home.

Instead they got butthurt because they lost to high schoolers and then got checked.


If they had fought us and ''stomped'' us then it wouldnt be abuse of power, it would of been a street fight that we instigated and I could of lived with that. It would be abuse of their power if they poulled their guns, tazers, night sticks out or called in like 15 cars to jump us.


So yes they are in fact pussies.


im going out on a limb to guess you grew up in a household that never smacked you around for fucking up.



Shiiiiit humpback my parents and my older brothers physically kept me in line.

My brothers smacked me around and parents gave me the belt when I was smaller.

When I got too big for that shit there was still getting smacked around, but I didnt fuck around so much and my brothers got in enough trouble to catch me a pass alot of the time.


anyone who's not a bro doucher from my neck of the woods agrees the bar scene around here is 95% just that. im at bars when there is a good show, not to catch a game. don't be so sensitive about a comment not cop related


I guess id hate bars too if my pick up line was ''Hey ladies, dont mind that huge lump on my back, im the manager of the Wendy's on 5th and Main''


Of course there are douche bags that frequent bars, maby even a good amount.

But there are also people getting drunk, trying to get laid, and just enjoy shit talking with some random heads over a sports game.

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