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never realized how many mexican and japanese female lucha sites there actually are till just now...


yeah bro, thats like every mexican mans fantasy. to find a luchadora they can wrestle into submission and tap out in bed you feel me? or even better become a luchador themselves and woo a girl with the mask on and then BAM pull that bitch off and be like "yo its me, jaime, we've known eachother since like elementary girl" and the she's all like "ay jaime you are so sexy in that outfit, take me now!" and then they have hot sweaty masked sex in the ring, which is realy just someones back yard that they turned into a wrestling ring by sticking some 2 by 4's into the ground and connecting them with jumpropes and extension cords. and chicken wire too cause thats also where they have all their cock fights. anyways then they go on to have like 40 kids and each of them rinse and repeat said luchador process until in 20 years or so everyone south of the border are professional wrestlers with split personalities and alter egos, and this is when they will storm the borders and take back what is rightfully theirs, one full nelson and armbar at a fucking time.



thats the real race war we should be fearing.

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Zimmerman's ass is finally getting charged and arrested.


On a side note I also agree that its retarded that they blurred it out on the kids facebook, for what fucking legal reasons? And then they proceed to make some bitch old enough to have lived through the civil rights movement say it on television for what purpose?


Im not a fan of censorship at all, but if its so inflamatory atleast let someone appropriate say it.


Also, not justifying murder but can you fully blame the kid at all?

His pops got killed by a punk and didnt even get charged for it, and the guy was breaking into

his fucking house.


He just took his frustration out on the wrong people

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Zimmerman's ass is finally getting charged and arrested.


On a side note I also agree that its retarded that they blurred it out on the kids facebook, for what fucking legal reasons? And then they proceed to make some bitch old enough to have lived through the civil rights movement say it on television for what purpose?


Im not a fan of censorship at all, but if its so inflamatory atleast let someone appropriate say it.


Also, not justifying murder but can you fully blame the kid at all?

His pops got killed by a punk and didnt even get charged for it, and the guy was breaking into

his fucking house.


He just took his frustration out on the wrong people


my understanding is that the FCC will fine anybody who airs that type of language before 10pm pacific time (because most shows are aired throughout the country and what might be acceptable under fcc regulations to air in new york would be in violation in LA etc., which is why most comedy central shows that are uncensored come on after 1am eastern time)


my guess is that, having here say "fucking niggers" once live was not as big of a deal in the sense that they would only get fined once for it, but if they continually show the words typed out, they face multiple fines for each time they show it. so its best to just infer what has been said as opposed to actually showing it.


personally only an idiot would be unable to comprehend what was being typed under censor bars, there was no real reason for her to say fucking niggers outloud, i think they did it for shock value tbch. cnn has been slippin lately in ratings.

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personally only an idiot would be unable to comprehend what was being typed under censor bars, there was no real reason for her to say fucking niggers outloud, i think they did it for shock value tbch. cnn has been slippin lately in ratings.


showed this video to everyone that i saw today, and on fb, everyone either laughs and/or is like "why'd they censor it but she said it OUTLOUD"



maybe oldnews.jpg to some of ya


but thats the first time it's EVER happened that I can recall. thats why its funny, fucking hilarious.


best video of 2012 /noracist



sidenote: Is the GOP setting racial undertones in the media for november vs Re-NIG (trayvon plus this plus whats next) ? conspiracy foil oner

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because they rock swastikas and are taking the old school in your face approach at being white racists....other white supremacist organizations (like the national alliance) feel like they can get their message out and at the same time attract a greater audience without all the 'pieces of flair'...even groups on stormfront not affiliated with the nsm talk shit about them.




For a beaner, you sure sound like you spend a lot of time on white power websites. :biglaugh:

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Also, not justifying murder but can you fully blame the kid at all?

His pops got killed by a punk and didnt even get charged for it, and the guy was breaking into

his fucking house.


He just took his frustration out on the wrong people




I was under the impression that dude who killed his pops got knocked for it.


Unless you provide a link saying otherwise I'm calling bullshit.


And yes I'm too lazy right now to look it up myself.

You could be right, but prove it.

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showed this video to everyone that i saw today, and on fb, everyone either laughs and/or is like "why'd they censor it but she said it OUTLOUD"



maybe oldnews.jpg to some of ya


but thats the first time it's EVER happened that I can recall. thats why its funny, fucking hilarious.


best video of 2012 /noracist



sidenote: Is the GOP setting racial undertones in the media for november vs Re-NIG (trayvon plus this plus whats next) ? conspiracy foil oner


nah bro, don't get me wrong i laughed when i heard her say it because it was just shocking to here lol. im just speculating as to why she would say it in the first place. either A. to generate controversy and get people to watch the show more or B. because it was an excuse for a white person to say nigger without getting beaten violently for it anywhere where there is an abundance of black people.



thats every white persons dream, to be able to say nigga/nigger around black people and they be cool with it. not just some black people, ALL black people. like a special honkey badge of honor that says "yo this nigga can say nigga, even though he aint a nigga. but the rest of yall white niggas gon get rolled on if you try to say nigga, niggas"


namsayin nigga?

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thats every white persons dream, to be able to say nigga/nigger around black people and they be cool with it.




That's definitely some regional shit.

Where I'm from (and I'm pretty sure the majority of the north eastern United States) "nigga" literally just means the same thing as "dude".

No matter what race you or the person you're talking to are.

But "nigger" is definitely fighting words no matter who's mouth it comes out of or is directed towards.


Whereas apparently some people on the west coast call each other "my nigger" as if they were saying "my nigga" and it's all good depending on who's mouth it came out of.

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actually dao, you would be surprised...i've done my research on white supremacists...read up on the crap they post on stormfront, vangaurd news network forum, american front (until their website expired) and golden state skinheads...i also follow posts on onepeoplesproject, ADL, and southern poverty law center....i also read stuff thats posted on anti-fascist websites/anarchists websites...everything from modestoanarcho to BANA...not to mention podcasts like radio88 and saveourstate....and also youtube videos from nauiocelotl...so i've done my research and know what im talking about....dogs are whales bro.

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I was under the impression that dude who killed his pops got knocked for it.


Unless you provide a link saying otherwise I'm calling bullshit.


And yes I'm too lazy right now to look it up myself.

You could be right, but prove it.



''Prosecutors declined to file homicide charges in the death of England's father, ruling it a justifiable homicide, the Tulsa County District Attorney's Office said in a statement Monday.''


He got knocked for a gun/robbery charge.


Which when youre breaking into someone's house armed and kill them in a struggle how could any judge/jury accept its justifyable in anyway?


I dont blame the kid at all, im not saying he was right to go out and shoot random blacks, but I have a hard time feeling like blacks dont have the exact same mentality...cue Trayvon Martin quotes.


There just isnt justice anymore, law enforcement dosent protect people, it enforces the laws.

The judicial system is more concerned about speeding ticket revenue than it is about murder.


Fuck em, the kid should of shot up the Police station/courthouse

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thats every white persons dream, to be able to say nigga/nigger around black people and they be cool with it. not just some black people, ALL black people. like a special honkey badge of honor that says "yo this nigga can say nigga, even though he aint a nigga. but the rest of yall white niggas gon get rolled on if you try to say nigga, niggas"


namsayin nigga?


are you white? is this your dream?


i don't dream of being offensively insulting to the face of anybody (oontz don't count) unless they have it coming. freedom do be retarded in public protects anybody so far as they don't harm anyone else. i let dem be dem.


only black people perpetuate the idea of all "white people's desire to say nigger".


also, thinking it and saying it is different. sometimes i'm all "look at that nigger, seriously?" because they're engaging in wild niggerish behavior - loud, obnoxious, self righteous for no reason, attention seeking faggots, talking shit to talk shit, mad about life, we didn't land on plymouth rock, etc etc.


but i don't say it. i view ALL idiots to be erratic when confronted, niggers not being an exception. so I casually watch them act a damn fool.



what i think is really going on is that while some black people have overcome their racial tensions and gained a bit of prosperity, the resentment of others in their community making them look bad only perpetuates the idea of them as a whole failing at life and maintaining a label (nigger) by sucking at life and not getting proper legal representation (in most cases... have you seen too many asians in jail? not in Texas... thy got lawyers and money).



i feel the same way about white trash. i'm from the trailer park, and I got out and on with civilized life. but they make me look bad. but at least there's a sense of community. we don't shoot each other or kick door each other.


fix THAT and then prosper. look how well the asians are doing.


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''Prosecutors declined to file homicide charges in the death of England's father, ruling it a justifiable homicide, the Tulsa County District Attorney's Office said in a statement Monday.''


He got knocked for a gun/robbery charge.


Which when youre breaking into someone's house armed and kill them in a struggle how could any judge/jury accept its justifyable in anyway?


I dont blame the kid at all, im not saying he was right to go out and shoot random blacks, but I have a hard time feeling like blacks dont have the exact same mentality...cue Trayvon Martin quotes.


There just isnt justice anymore, law enforcement dosent protect people, it enforces the laws.

The judicial system is more concerned about speeding ticket revenue than it is about murder.


Fuck em, the kid should of shot up the Police station/courthouse




He should have killed that retarded judge.

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Yeah that too.


But it does seem like some race war shit might be popping off if Zimmerman dosent get convincted im telling you. Combine that with the fact Obama could lose the presidency, which I dont think he will but its always a possibility with all the retarded conservatives that vote in November.


These Tulsa shootings didnt help things either, but the Po's fast response and apprehension of the squaw and the redneck saved some face.

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I can't believe people are really making a big deal out of it.

It's not like she called somebody a fucking nigger, she was reading a quote for fucks sake.

The censorship in this country is so out of hand that people come to expect it and cringe at the stupidest shit.


I think it's more the issue of her actually reading the expletives out on the air. It doesn't matter what they were, amateur move.


I remember in grade school we were reading a book with "nigger" in it out loud as a class. Taking turns reading. The teacher wouldn't allow us to say "nigger" and we had to say "n-word" instead. Yep.

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