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U.S. Marines give golden shower to dead Taliban soldiers


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That's right you have no idea. If you did you would realise that he did have kidney issues and that someone that needs dialysis couldn't exactly be hiding in caves.


Ok, so he wasn't hiding in caves, he was hiding in a compound close to Islamabad receiving support from elements in the Pak military and ISI.


Just because he couldn't have been in caves without regular dialysis doesn't automatically equal him being dead. Secondly, you seem very prepared to believe that he had a kidney disorder simply after reading about it. Why do you believe that so easily?


It's your opinion, and you're getting to particular. You keep harping on about making a claim and backing it up


Yeah, because that's what you did mate, you pulled some one up on what they said, so why can't I do it to you?


If you care so much delve into it, look into it yourself.


Who said I care what happened to him??!


I'm only addressing what you said and the pages of stuff you posted. Given that you said it on the net and posted a heap of reading I'm assuming you wanted people to pay attention to it, right? Are you only interested in hearing from people that agree with you or something?



At least I had the guts to state what I think.


So did I, remember? I said that I don't think I could have a credible opinion on something so complex that involves the world's most powerful people by reading a few things on the net. Admitting that you don't know something is gutless now?



I don't think it is vague to assert he had kidney issues and died from them and anyone that knows how to use the internet can check this for themselves. It is widely documented that he had kidney disease and needed regular treatment.


There's heaps of other stuff documented on the internet that says a million other things, doesn't make them true.


Coming to ones conclusions is using ones imagination because you need one to think. You really got programmed good in the military didn't you.


Haha, what's the matter mate, you having trouble arguing the point so you have to argue the man?


There's a difference between making massive leaps of logic and coming to a rational conclusion. You seem to have made the leap of "he had kidney troubles so he must be dead". I could think of at least 5 other plausible outcomes right off the top of my head, all of which I have no idea if true but all possible.


It's just your tone you just scream ex military.


No, you just read the other thread where I talked about being in the military and now you're trying to pull that card to discredit my character because you can't discredit my logic.




Being called on it, I'm not the only one with this opinion.


No, but you're the one that posted it in this thread and also posted what you saw as evidence for this opinion. Sorry if I've hurt your pride by picking apart your assertions but that's what happen in big boys world, people are held responsible for what they say. If you want to play somewhere that you can say whatever you want without anyone raising doubts I'd suggest you play somewhere else than internet forums.


You just followed the pack mentality on this thread that I must be some sort of crazy tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Funny that you're 'calling' me on an issue you admittedly have no idea about yourself.


Actually I think you'll find that I was calling you out before there was any kind of 'pack' in this thread, which there isn't, you just feel hard done by because you've been made to feel a bit silly. Not that, that was my aim, but you seem to be acting like that is the result.


Just because I don't know what happened doesn't mean I haven't read on it and many related matters. The more I've read the more I know that some one will not be able to work out the truth by reading 'documentation on the internet'.



That's your opinion, I think if I had Obama telling the nation he died a decade ago on video you still wouldn't be happy.


Hahaha, what??! Dude, you gotta stop assuming shit!! I've already said that I don't know what happened and that means that he could have died 10 years ago for all I know!! Come on dude, use your fucking head a bit!!


I'm not saying that he didn't die 10 years ago, I'm just saying that the bullshit you posted a few pages back was a load of shit that didn't support any argument especially yours on OBL already being dead.



Going by that logic shouldn't you explain what you think happened before you go correcting others, your only opinion is that you haven't got one.


Going by what fucking logic??! WTF are you even talking about lolloll!!


And no, I don't have to have all the answers to point out that your argument is weak. That's like saying I have to know how a rocket motor works to deny that they run on fairy dust and wishful thinking. You don't have to have all the answers to know silly shit when you see it.



My guess is that you're an ex soldier turned business manager/suit wearer of some sort probably in your mid to late 30's that gets too pissed to be bothered to go out for a write.


Hahaha, you got that from a thread where I said that I'm too old to go out bombing anymore and that I'd rather crash out that go run amok!! Hahahaha, AWESOME profiling work there bro!! You should be all FBI and shit!!! hahaha. This is just getting silly now.


Oh and BTW Mr. Super Detective, there's a bunch of my recent pieces posted in other threads if you want to get out your magnifying glass and sniff them out ;)





ou still hang out with your (ex)army buddies and are therefore subject to their mainstream views.


How do you know what my views are? I've never posted my views on politics or security issues once. I've only said that you tried to make a call on this and failed horribly. I could be a fucking satanic pacifist jew for all you know!!


Seeing as though you were in the forces you feel like you have some deeper knowledge on world issues.


How does shooting rifles and walking for miles teach anyone about global issues? You have any idea what a soldier even does?


If you want to be a real big boy at least state your position before you go on criticizing others otherwise you just look like a bitch.


I already did, but I'll do it again if you want.


The US, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, India, KSA and any number of other countries have a deep interest in how all this plays out. The people involved have budgets of billions, years of experience and collectively millions of people to mobilise when required. Given their wishes, resources and abilities I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be able to piece such an extremely complex issue from 'documentation on the internet'.


But you obviously think you can outwit the CIA, ISI, FSB/GRU, RAW, MOIS and god knows how many other organisations just by reading the net and drawing conclusions.


Shit man, with skills like that you should be running the world by August. Should be awesome.






*anyway, I'm done. this shit will go around in circles for ages and when we start calling each other names it's pointless carrying on. It was fun, thanks.

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So to sum all your posts, the issue is too massive and complex for you to make an informed choice other than you disagree with what I posted and that it is a load of shite. That's cool with me.

Wasn't trying to attack you so apologies if it came across that way. Most ex military I've met sound like you, I guessed you were a soldier then yeah I looked up some of your posts as to gain a better picture of you, was I right in my assumptions? Suit wearer, sits behind a desk, served in the forces used to get up to a bit of mischief back in the day, still into the gym and keeping fit. Your opinions and aggressive tone fits the profile I have in my head, maybe I should write shows for criminal minds or something? People like us will always disagree with each other, we are polar opposites. I'm not big on debating and I usually keep my opinions close to myself, guess I'll do you all a favour and go back to lerking. Sorry to have tarnished your precious threads with my ridiculous rantings.

Didn't realise there were so many vets on these forums though

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do any of you crossfire folk remember a thread (i can't remember who posted--russell or crooked maybe) about they psychology of people who believe conspiracy theories? i can't find it, but its very, very applicable to this thread.


Does it involve black helicopters? I really love those black helicopters the NWO send after us when we post the "Truth" in the interwebz.



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I fucking KNEW unicorns existed...why are the Americans trying to keep Welsh people in the dark about this stuff?


I DEMAND they start making the unicorns visible, NAO...otherwise I may have to start world war three...and my dad taught me how to sever heads.




Also, my dad is bigger than your dad.

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do any of you crossfire folk remember a thread (i can't remember who posted--russell or crooked maybe) about they psychology of people who believe conspiracy theories? i can't find it, but its very, very applicable to this thread.


It's the opposite of what you're looking for however still applicable to this thread.


Keep the unicorns up guys I'm loling :lol:


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”


Mahatma Gandhi

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bin laden died 10 years ago from kidney failure.


that wasnt saddam who was killed, it was his stunt double.






care to share about 9/11 being an inside job?

how about us never landing on the moon?

or maybe 2pac, biggie and elvis chillin together in cuba?

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