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A new perspective on things


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What's good ch.0?


Lately I've been having doubts on pursuing this art degree at X college; I'm beginning to feel that everything I'm learning here I can teach myself. I no longer see the point in attending school, I have one life to live and lately school has only made me more depressed than ever.


In place of art school, I've been considering saving up money for some semesters at http://www.oaksterdamuniversity.com/. I love art, for sure, and i love marijuana, arguably more. It just seems to me that going to oaksterdam to gain the knowledge to get involved in the MMJ industry would benefit me worlds more than say an art degree from X prestigious public art school. I know asking 12 0z for advice is probably the last thing I should be doing and should reference a school adviser, which I'm doing tomorrow, but I would love some feedback from those who may have followed a similar path and are doing well for themselves.


I'm getting sick of going to classes where all i do is paint with no techniques being taught, and the ones that are, I could simply check out a book from the library and read up on. I feel as if college is becoming an increasingly annoying burden upon my mental health (this shit is literally driving me insane) and my family, I honestly don't want to cost them anymore money than i already have...this shit is insanely expensive.


many thanks in advance for advice, feedback, lolz nigga you went to art school jokes, boogie hands, and anything else that lies between.

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Im in the same boat right now to be honest.


Im doing well in school but its ruining my day to day as I cant get a sweet job that pays well and its making me depressed in some regards as well.


My main focus is that ive invested too much time not to finish now, but every week it gets harder and I feel like I need to do something drastic with my life to be happy,


I dont even neccesarily need a degree to do what it is I wanna do and the main reason I feel im going is the fact ive bene in school since I could walk and ill be the firts in my family to get a college diploma.


So I feel ya man/chick its a very difficult and life changing decision.

Growing dope to sell to sick people wouldnt be a bad gig and dont let anyone tell you that its irrelevant or a non-doable.


Whichever you choose, put youre all into it and if you listen to yourself and not the world I think youll find the right decision.

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I don't care what anyone says (and I am a former h4rdc0re st0ner br0 and still toke from time to time) but you're not helping anyone by getting them high. There are some people that are perfectly fine smoking and function efficiently as people, but they are the minority and for the most part w33d is fairly to highly counterproductive.


If you're an everyone for they-self type dude and want to get that money by any means, go for it. But for the collective good, maybe (and it's a BIG maybe) you could produce some kind of art/work/inspiration/whatever that can impact people positively--not just make them enjoy a movie and eat frozen cheese sticks while you make a couple extra bucks.

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So....you're going to sit down with your advisor and talk about how it might be better to grow dope? Well played.


It strikes me that you're going to go to school for that, and midway through you'll realize that you're paying for an education that you can figure out yourself. Again.


You should major in philosophy.


Or Englush.

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As a 9-5 working fool with no degree ... Wishing I had finished with some bullshit creative degree.


I would say the art school thing is more about networking with the staff/ guest artist etc. than what you do in class day to day. And leaving with a network of fellow artists is what will pay off in the long run, not the degree you hold.


The weed thing may go away if the DEA holds to the threat they recently made about coming into the state and cracking down. However having a care giver card would benefit the pocketbook in the short term.

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so let me get this right ....


You want to drop out of ART school...

And go to WEED school.


Why not just waste your families money on some other completely useless degree? I hear Astronomy is rad.

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Damn dude. You're so close to that art degree though. Pick up something at a CC for a minor/change of pace. Anything.


I wouldn't feel this way if it wasn't for the fact that i may have to wait an entire semester to even begin my major ( painting and printmaking)


it goes like this:


1 year art foundation

then apply to major

I fucked up, due to some gpa shit so now im taking gen ed art courses that would have been taken with my major so when i can apply again i wont be behind when i do get in. all in all this shit is boiling down to time and money.


Edit: Boats n Hoes

its crazy, but weed school is looking cheaper

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To be serious for 1 minute, and I rarely do this-


You've already invested some time & money in this, can you afford to walk away from it and start something totally new? Can you afford to take a loss? AND, will investing your time and money into growing weed really pay off? Realistically, the chances are low (not impossible) that you're going to be some breakthrough weed grower winning the cannabis cup. Also realistically, IMO the more we move toward decriminalization/legalization the more your ability to have a profitable career at that decreases. If it ever is legalized, every stoner there is is going to throw down some seed.


The art thing seems to have better chances, and sometimes you have to suffer/struggle a bit to get what you want. Again being realistic, I have a bunch of homies who went the art route. There's not a lot of people making money as their own artist that I've seen, but a lot of people making decent cash as designers and shit, and most of it is borrowing/biting.


If you only want one thing from the art route, like certain skills without all the prerequisite shit, just take a few classes, and find something else that you can be happy investing in 9 to 5.


My 2 cents, worth about half that.

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Actually I found a cool new forum while googling tucked in shirts:








Kind of gives me a new perspective on things


Kesava, I normally carry similar to db99wj, except in jeans and either tucked button-up or t-shirt - works for EDC.


But at church - I play guitar, and the strap can pull my shirt up enough to expose the gun. So I opt for my snub nose in a belly band - left side about 10:00 o'clock - butt forward; then completely covered by a tucked-in button-up shirt.


Gun access requires unbuttoning one shirt button mid-belly for a Napoleon style crossdraw. Not fast - but the most likely Sunday scenario is a church shooter. My planned reaction is to move to the nearest cover/concealment, then unbutton and draw the gun if needed. I've practiced this enough to make a smooth clean draw.

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Quote:Kesava, I normally carry similar to db99wj, except in jeans and either tucked button-up or t-shirt - works for EDC.


But at church - I play guitar, and the strap can pull my shirt up enough to expose the gun. So I opt for my snub nose in a belly band - left side about 10:00 o'clock - butt forward; then completely covered by a tucked-in button-up shirt.


Gun access requires unbuttoning one shirt button mid-belly for a Napoleon style crossdraw. Not fast - but the most likely Sunday scenario is a church shooter. My planned reaction is to move to the nearest cover/concealment, then unbutton and draw the gun if needed. I've practiced this enough to make a smooth clean draw.


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Ya wanna be an artist, good for you, I've been known to destroy property and claim some sort of artistic talent as well. But ya gotta bet paid, most artists dont make a living off selling their work.

Options-sell weed, not a bad option at all, most artists know a lotta stoners

finish your degree and teach, again good option, teachers get OK pay but mad holidays

get some licences and get some cruisey job that pays the bills while ya work on ya art, forklift licence, crane licence, heavy truck licence, jackhammer licence, etc etc etc

or if ya ultra entrepeneurial like my bro, hire a massive warehouse, petition that bitch off and rent out 'studios' to other artists to cover ya bills and maybe make a lil profit, have the odd show in there, sell weed outta there, party there with other 'artists', just try not to have too many writers in ya warehouse as you will likely get raided and that shits a headache

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Oaksterdamn U. is hyped too much yo.


Are you thinking that going there will place you magically somewhere, somehow in the midst of a fairly secretive network of people like that? Job placement doesn't happen, and it's incredibly unlikely that anybody is going to introduce themselves with a job offer or 'in' of any kind while taking classes.


This is a fucking do it yourself biz. Especially if you're gonna try to make any real dough... Alls I'm trying to say.


You should probably think this through a bit more. The 'green rush' is just a pipe dream mann.


The Mexican Mafia killed the whole game by blowing up every National forest in Cali with that Early Girl. The market is already flooded and it'll only get deeper as the light-dep and full season gets put into play.


If you're gonna do it, stay outta Nor-Cal! Colorado is popping the past few years mann.

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Oaksterdamn U. is hyped too much yo.


Are you thinking that going there will place you magically somewhere, somehow in the midst of a fairly secretive network of people like that? Job placement doesn't happen, and it's incredibly unlikely that anybody is going to introduce themselves with a job offer or 'in' of any kind while taking classes.


This is a fucking do it yourself biz. Especially if you're gonna try to make any real dough... Alls I'm trying to say.


You should probably think this through a bit more. The 'green rush' is just a pipe dream mann.


The Mexican Mafia killed the whole game by blowing up every National forest in Cali with that Early Girl. The market is already flooded and it'll only get deeper as the light-dep and full season gets put into play.


If you're gonna do it, stay outta Nor-Cal! Colorado is popping the past few years mann.




Stay off my wave!

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