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It reminds of the October Revolution in Russia back in 1917. Here are some of the somewhat forgotten decrees from the era.


Have any of those decrees (or anything resembling them) even been proposed over the past few weeks?


What you're talking about is more or less forced collectivization, and that is NOT what this is about.

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you both have become completely obnoxious. its like cilone and aod in the RP thread all over again. stfu or make a thread about it.


I agree with you completely. It should be very clear to everyone that my proposal was not for a controlled economy or socialism. Im just as frustrated that this has gone on for six pages and has gotten further and further away from the original point.



haha again the formula. Insult; check. Claiming a victory by default; check.


If you provide written evidence for your claims Ill take a look. Otherwise I will continue to assume they cannot counter Heyak's problems of distorted price signalling. So far the historical evidence has been on my side. Considering I came through with a reference on that one, I'm prepared to let other people be the judge. But for the moment, yeah, I am done. I have more important things to do. You better believe I'm going to call you out on your quasi-'smartguy' claims in the future though. I repeat; you can't claim all the credit for being an authority economic issues without having to substantiate your claims once in a while. So far you have had a very poor track record.


C+ for general knowledge.


First you'd dont like news articles, now you dont like podcasts. I can't win. When you do find the time to do research and realize you're an idiot, start a new thread. Unless its related to OWS the discussion stops here.


Oh and here



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Ending People's United and stopping corporate personhood WOULD keep the public and private sectors more segregated... which would be great. Nobody i think disagrees with that.


I actually think herman cain's 999 plan looks pretty good. Its not perfect, but its a step in the right direction. Consumption tax > income tax means a more even distribution of wealth, no IRS collection at the end of the year, and might make it easier for poor people to put some money in savings. Problem is it's not completely abolishing income tax and payroll tax, but it does reduce them quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, Im not supporting herman cain.


Also why isn't anyone talking about why there's a $5 debit charge? Its because Wallgreens and other stores demanded that they shouldn't have to pay debit transaction fees, which was like 69 cents for every transaction. Are they reducing their prices now that there's no debit transaction fees? Nope.


And also, another thing to think about, what do we do about people who have been living on wellfare for 3 or 4 generations?

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Hackers threaten Fox News over Occupy Wall Street


By Lucas Shaw

Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:28 pm EDT





By Lucas Shaw

NEW YORK (TheWrap. com) - Anonymous, a group of hackers

that has previously attacked Sony and Bay Area Rapid Transit,

said it will shut down the Fox News website on November 5.

It announced its intentions in a video on YouTube, citing Fox

News' propaganda against the Occupy Wall Street movement as


"Anonymous introduces Occupation Fox Hunt," the video's

disembodied voice says. "It intends on destroying the Fox News

website because their continued right-wing conservative

propaganda can no longer be tolerated."

The group, which is affiliated with fellow hacker group LulzSec,

specifically mentions primetime host Sean Hannity for attacking

the "character and credentials" of the occupiers. It makes no

mention of parent company News Corp., which has had

hacking problems of its own.

Fox News, for its part, does not appear to be particularly


A spokesperson told TheWrap that it pays a great deal of

attention to security every day. Though precautionary measures

will be taken, this is no different from an average day.

Fox may have reason to be concerned given that it is believed

Anonymous previously hacked the Fox News' Twitter account to

spread a false rumor about President Obama. Then again, Fox

News CEO Roger Ailes is famous for his obsession with security.

Anonymous has previously said it will kill Facebook on that day,

one with a history of anti-establishment actions.

More than 500 years ago November 5 became "Guy Fawkes"

day after a failed attempt to blow up the U.K . Parliament, a

story adapted for the big screen in "V For Vendetta."

You can see the YouTube message here: http://

http://www.thewrap .com/media/column- post/hacking-group -

threntes-shut- down-fox-news -32234

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this is interesting, but it doesn't change much. i haven't seen him called a war hero, but i'm sure its been done. i wish some of the other military folks on 12 were active in this thread to voice their thoughts. if the public had any understanding of how many vets come back from wars and do drugs to deal with it they'd be shocked, appalled, and hopefully sympathetic. war sucks. i hated the army, it was a messy monster, and i understand why people make forums like ihatethemarinecorps. rambling.


soup: 999 is terrible, i can't believe you're saying that.





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ok so the whole darknet cp ring takedown is being turned into a giant pr stunt...on anonops.

oddly if people in my town know about anonops then a large if not all the protesters here are getting a majority of info from there. it makes a lot of sense now why my friend previously was so gungho about the triforce of protest instagators, and why he now admits to letting unchecked emotion be what made his and other voices so loud while protesting (i still have no clue the fuck that means).


there where neckbeards and trekkies in my local comic shop talking about joining anon on the deepweb.... dude said "yea theres a link on a warhammer forum that can take you there..keep it hush hush.".

one of them recognized me from last weeks hour protest even though i was there for the pasty white girls that larp and free muffins.

i pretty much just walked away from dude and left the store before he could say anything.


im not really of an opinion on this whole thing and just sorta enjoy having reasons for searching shit in an era of instant gratification and bias.

but im getting the same vibe i got when obama ran for president from everybody around irl... all this uncertain optimism getting absurd..

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Michael Moore was about 60% right on and 40% boring. The

afterwards was pretty sweet, though....I hate posting Youtube links but this one's good.


Talked to some vets at the occupation. They had some interesting things to say. Mostly "This (the occupation) is what I was overseas representing, not for the cops raising hell."


The feeling is different than it was when I first started hanging out...people seem to feel like they have more of a purpose. The GA for the past three nights has had no less than 500 people present, and there's a lot more participation...I am not a huge fan of consensus-based meetings because I have to go to them for my house once a week, but everyone there is getting involved in the process. I guess that's good, it's better to have a say in what happens than it is to be told what to do.


I'm on my way back out so I'm going to put off posting any photos for now. I'll get around to it eventually.

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It's not snowing here but it's definitely getting colder at night.


People have been sleeping/existing outside in all sorts of conditions since...well, forever. It just takes some preparation, the right gear and the will to do it.


I already did the homeless/houseless thing for a while till I got tired of it and started squatting again. So voluntarily putting myself back outside regardless of whatever good cause it may symbolize would not necessarily be a step forward for me or helpful to the cause.


Plus, a lot of people in this new camp are...I don't know how to put this, so I'll come right out and say it- they're a lot more affluent than the majority of the last crew and they're kind of conspicuous about the fact they're only there because the cops are probably not coming back for a while. It's nice that they're there, and most of them are nice and mean well but I foresee their behavior becoming a topic of conversation at one of the GAs soon. I'm sure that the last camp had its share of white folks with white privilege talking loudly about doing things in front of people who, at times, may act out resentfully because they don't have access to those kind of resources...one group was talking about how they were trying to get Phish tickets for NYE and what hotel in NYC they had reserved as they unpacked and set up their brand new tent/camping gear.


Personally I feel conflicted about this...in the same way that I feel conflicted that some of the people I share a house with are long term residents by choice. They're the folks that when their $1500 Macbook or iPhone goes missing I say "Well, I didn't take it...you're more than welcome to search me or my stuff (pointing to my backpack and duffle bag) but hey...you can afford it, right?" That usually gets a less than pleasant response, so I tell them that if it's not locked down or hidden they're basically giving it away and walk away. Fools who are well off and slumming it because their sociology degree isn't exactly cutting it as a smart career move don't get fucked over by me but they don't get much sympathy, either.


I just woke up and drank a half pot of tea so I can go do FNB then head back downtown...the photos are off my camera and on the computer, so that's one step closer to posting them.

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Conspiracy theories, including any attempt to spam material by David Icke, Lyndon LaRouche, David Duke or Alex Jones, will be removed immediately and the spammer will be immediately banned.

Fascist propaganda (including any attempt to spam these four people again), will be treated with the similar actions. In that we are very specific about what fascism is: the word has a meaning.


Forums rules http://occupywallst.org/forum/


talk about censorship, :lol:


"repeat after me"


"you are not a zombie"



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