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Occupy Wall Street


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OWS is a scam

OWS is being organized, directed, and funded by a central, well-structured organization called Adbusters. Adbusters was originally formed by an initial $185,000 grant from a non-profit organization called Tides http://www.tides.org/ . OWS financial needs are paid by "Tides" with a legal entity called "Adbusters".




"Tides has managed project and grant making activities totaling more than $2 billion.

In 2010, Tides had assets of approximately $267.6 million and managed project and grant making activities of approximately $243.5 million, including $86.2 million in financial activities for our fiscally sponsored nonprofit projects and $157.3 million in grant making and related activities. Tides also managed $26 million in real-estate related assets committed to the promotion of green nonprofit centers in 2010."


In order to maintain "non-profit" (non tax) basis, the IRS requires tax-exempt foundations such as "Tides" to publish "disclosures". Here we see that millions of dollars have been donated to "Tides" from something called the "Open Society" which we then find to be a wholly owned foundation of Mr. George Soros.

George Soros has publicly declared that China will rule the U.S. economically so the U.S. has to collapse first. To this end, George Soros' pet project is to implement a 1% TRANSACTION TAX (called a Tobin Tax) on all stock and bond buys and sales. This would, without a doubt, put the nail in the U.S. Stock Exchange.

In his 2005 book, George Soros on Globalization, Soros writes not only in strong favor of the tax, but discuses how to "mobilize public opinion" for such a tax:

'The globalization of financial markets has given capital an unfair advantage over other sources of taxation, a tax on financial transactions would redress the balancethe tax ought to be extended to all markets, not just currency markets Collection has to be worldwide, including tax havens. How could it be enforced? The collecting country must be given a portion of the proceeds. To mobilize public opinion of increased international assistance, the proposal must not only show how the money will be raised but how it will be spent.'

The OWS New York (aka the Adbusters) sent the following directive to the "occupiers" of SLC and all other "comrades":




This is a proposal for the general assemblies of the Occupy movement.


Eight years ago, on February 15, 2003, upwards of 15 million people in sixty countries marched together to stop President Bush from invading Iraq a huge chunk of humanity lived for one day without dead time and glimpsed the power of a united people's movement. Now we have an opportunity to repeat that performance on an even larger scale.


On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let's the people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades.


Let's send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world.


Take this idea to your local general assembly and join your comrades in the streets on October 29.


For the wild,


Culture Jammers HQ

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You only have to obey lawful orders. Any order that would cause you to violate the constitutional rights of a citizen is inherently unlawful. The most they would have on you would be an article 134 bullshit catch all that they would try to get you to take at NJP. Request a court martial, and you beat it like a champ because the burden of proof comes in to play. Now if martial law is declared all of this goes out the window.


right. 'lawful order' is a blurry line, and when i order my subordinates to follow my lead and not participate is where this hypothetical gets tricky.

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Alright you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,


We're living through a magical moment … #OCCUPYWALLSTREET has catalyzed into an international insurgency for democracy … the mood at our assemblies is electric … people who go there are drawn into a Gandhian spirit of camaraderie and hope for a new kind of future. Across the globe the 99% are marching! You have inspired more than you know. People are digging into Act One of the long Spring.


Its now time to amp up the edgy theatrics … deviant pranks, subversive performances and playful détournements of all kinds. Open your insurrectionary imagination. Anything, from a bottom-up transformation of the global economy to changing the way we eat, the way we get around, the way we live, love and communicate … be the spark that sustains a global revolution of everyday life!


As the movement matures, lets consider a response to our critics. Lets occupy the core of our global system. Lets dethrone the greed that defines this new century. Lets work to define our first great demand.



This is a proposal for the general assemblies of the Occupy movement.


Eight years ago, on February 15, 2003, upwards of 15 million people in sixty countries marched together to stop President Bush from invading Iraq … a huge chunk of humanity lived for one day without dead time and glimpsed the power of a united people's movement. Now we have an opportunity to repeat that performance on an even larger scale.


On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let's the people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades. Let's send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world.


Take this idea to your local general assembly and join your comrades in the streets on October 29.


for the wild,

Culture Jammers HQ

OWS is a scam




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can someone explain to me why george soros is so hated? all i can find in the way of reasons for msm to hate him are his political donations (23M in an attempt to have bush NOT reelected). is there something more beyond that he isn't pro-right?


Because of his "influence" on economies all over the world.


Specifically Thailand. Probably more examples, his support for George Bush, and his involvement in the Carlyle group.


Props for you too Fist, for previous mentioned comments.

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It was inevitable that a movement which has struggled to agree on a manifesto, would in the end, do the bidding of the very elite globalist powers that they are demonstrating against to begin with.


Instead of achieving freedom from Central Bank debt enslavement, naive Occupiers appear to have taken the bait, pulling the mob towards endorsing a global taxation system, and one to be administered…by a brand new global government body.


As the Occupy Movement sets its sights on the upcoming G20 Summit in France on November 3-4, its globalist handlers behind the scenes have succeeded in carefully directing its crowds towards the Holy Grail of all socialist super-states - the celebrity supported, trendy “Robin Hood Tax”, also known as a Tobin Tax, a financial transaction tax levied on all transactions involving shares, bonds and derivatives. Or so the plan goes…






The resulting funds, they claim, counted in the hundreds of billions of dollars per year, would go toward popular Bono-led liberal heart-string fantasy causes like ‘reducing poverty in the third world’, social programs and surprise, surprise… “combating climate change” and perhaps even saving polar bears – a move that would surely please desperate men like Al Gore (but a complete waste of money seeing that man-made global warming has already been thoroughly discredited).



ROBIN HOOD TAX: Utopian idea, taxing rich and taxing carbon - will not work.


The rallying cry for this globalist wet dream is coming directly from the supposed brain-child of the Occupy Movement, the globalist-backed and Soros foundation-funded organization, Ad Busters, quietly shepherding its flock towards one of the biggest revenue spinning and control scams ever conceived.


Reuters reported Monday:


“Canada-based Adbusters wants the Occupy Wall Street protest movement against economic inequality to take to the streets to call for a 1 percent tax on such deals ahead of a November 3-4 summit of the Group of 20 (G20) leading economies in France.


“Let’s send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3 trillion easy money that’s sloshing around the global casino each day — enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world,” the activist group said on its website, http://www.adbusters.org.


Adbusters put out the initial call for Occupy Wall Street and since protesters set up camp in a park in New York City’s financial district on September 17, they have inspired solidarity demonstrations and so-called occupations around the world.”


One might feel some compassion for Occupiers, keen to grab all of that “easy money sloshing around”… if only utopia was that easy.



In many ways, the Robin Hood Tax is an identical transaction-tax scam to the one proposed by globalists at the 2009 UN COP15 Climate Summit in Copenhagen, where a number of new taxes on financial transactions and new carbon taxes would be put into a giant “slush fund” to be handled by none other than the World Bank.


Ultimately, any Robin Hood Tax will most likely end up in a giant fund to “ensure that banks are adequately capitalized”, and one which will be used to bailout, or insure big bank losses and trillions in gambling derivative bets gone bad.


In reality, a Robin Hood Tax does just the opposite of what its name represents. Rather than stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, it is designed to steal more money through taxation from working people- money which will end up directly in the hands of institutions like the US Federal Reserve and its cartel of Wall Street banks.


In addition, such a power to levy tax will bring with it new taxes bolted on later, blanket financial taxes will eventually end up on the end of things like cash withdrawls and money transfers. Sadly, this is how governments behave.



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There is no doubt that the people who make up the movement are being manipulated and used as anyone in power would use a resource like this, it is also clear that people are latching onto and trying to steer the movement in a direction that suits their interest.


This is exactly what happeend with the Tea Party and we all see how it has ended for them.


Not realizing thought that this was purely organic at the start and that their are people who are involved who do know whats up is pretty stupid.

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I went down there for a New York Experience HS trip(even though ive lived in new york for 12 years) Im a freshman at the high school, and i went down and interviewed people basically with the same questions for each


Are you Employed ?

Do you go to school ?

How long have you been protesting here ?

What is it your hear to accomplish ?


of course i said these things in a friendly tone and was given friendly and really deep answers. but what i found was funny was at how different some of the answers were, especially the "what are you here to accomplish question because it seems as though the theme of the protest has really become widespread with different people coming to protest very different things. all around very good experience

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We live in the most beautiful country in the world :)

Just needs a few things here and there to be adjusted.


We need less politicians who are millionaires and more people that can relate to the everyday person.


I been to Occupy Tampa and although things are going well, the police seem to be trying to intervene and circumvent things. Today they arrested 2 people only to let them go free once they arrived at the station house.

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Longer version of the Schiff video;



Only having watched half of it, I have to say it's a shame none of the smarter protesters are represented in this. Would have been nice to see an open dialogue between Schiff and some of the more knowledgeable protesters from other videos I've seen.


I'm not gonna diss Peter Schiff for being a loud-mouth libertarian because I really think he should become more involved in the OWS movement. Ok not him personally, but him as just another pair of jazz hands at the general assembly. All the economists should. The biggest issue OWS has right now is the disproportionate demographic of people involved. Way too many fucking libertarians are going down and protesting things they shouldn't be focusing on.


Regarding some of the points Schiff made:


-The Term "Meme" has been around for ages. Milton Friedman knew what "meme" meant and used it in his TV episodes.


-OWS was protesting the government this whole time alongside protesting wall street from the fucking beginning.


-Big government has always been a response to big labor and big capital. If deregulated markets created fair working conditions and a fair distribution of wealth, there would be no need for big government.


-The 50's MAY have had higher wages and cheaper products, but I dont know enough about the 50's to comment, what the surrounding reasons for this to be and if it's even possible to compare life in the 50's to now.


-A deregulated market only corrects itself AFTER it crashes and would be too late to fix if government didn't come in. The great depression was not caused by government. It was caused by banks shrinking the money in circulation to a third. What we don't like to talk about is that


-When we have a recession the entire COUNTRY becomes poorer because it means less GDP, less tax money, the currency is weaker, and so on.


-Goverment did not create slavery. The merchant class and farmers created slavery.


-He makes a comment that DC is richer than silicon valley. No it isn't. It's EXACTLY as rich as each other, with median income growth equivalent in both districts. In other words: The private and public sector are getting equally as rich while the average median household income in america decreases.


-TARP was created for the government to buy up all the toxic assets and get them out of the economy, because soon as they're gone we can get back to economic growth as usual. The reason TARP failed was because it was too hard to determine what price they should pay for the toxic assets. Even today WALLSTREET has an impossible time figuring out mortgage-backed securities are worth, so they just sit on the books by the thousands in banks and drag the economy down. If TARP could successfully figure out a fair price for the assets and at least see a return or break even on the bonds, then TARP would've been a success. And alternately, if WALLSTREET could figure out what toxic assets were worth, TARP would've never been created.


So while we play this game of "Who caused the recession first, big government or big capital?" It doesn't matter. Everybody that wanted to be in charge of government and the economy and failed should be held accountable.

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You can send them all to jail, what happens then?


Bringing slavery into the argument wasn't Schiff's move - and he tried to ignore the stupidity of it being brought up. Also, kind of hard to say something that was legal and brought about by a house of reps wasn't somehow government approved.


Comparing life in the 50's to now is impossible? Why? From all I can see working conditions were better then than they are now?


If they were protesting the government, why were they so quick to endorse BamBam's perceived support?


The richer the private sector gets, the more they pay in taxes. Isn't that a good thing? Isn't it great that the top %5 of wealth individuals in your country pay over %60 of the personal taxes?

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The point about slavery was that a free market will trade any commodity they can get a price for, because capitalism is a system naturally devoid of morals and ethics, and requires government to step in and regulate the market. Schiff TRIED to say that slavery was caused by government subsidy. There may have been government officials that at one point owned slaves but the entire institution of government is not responsible for slavery. Slave trading came first, so his point was historically inaccurate.


And the 1950's had segregated communities and unequal rights between races and sexes. How can you say conditions was better then for everyone when women weren't allowed to go to any college besides secretarial school?


Protesting corporate personhood is protesting lobbying and the government.


Rich people pay fewer taxes on their income. It's really simple. Taxes should be equal for all classes.

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Of course capitalism will make money on things they can legally trade.


Why shouldn't they?


but I dont know enough about the 50's to comment, what the surrounding reasons for this to be and if it's even possible to compare life in the 50's to now.


Yet you can confidently comment on the position of slave trade in the 1700's?

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What does "Of course slavery was bad, this is ridiculous, and you know it." Mean? I think you missed my point. I'm not suggesting anything. Peter Schiff is suggesting that all the problems with the economy were derived from government regulation. He wants government regulation gone. I'm saying thats historically inaccurate.


And Obama didn't endorse OWS. He said he understood where OWS was coming from and their reasons for being upset. OWS responded by saying this wasn't a political movement and they had no desire to be co-opted politically.

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