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Occupy Wall Street


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Anyone got any thoughts on this?


Initially I thought it would die down in a few days, but they are almost 2 weeks into it and now it's gaining momentum.


A workers union TWU in NYC is now joining the fray, and after an incident where a police officer Anthony Bologna was caught pepper spraying young women, the movement is actually starting to get MSM attention.


At this point I think anything can happen, the movement is starting to pop up in other major cities across the country.


This is starting to get intense if you ask me.


For links on this stuff all you have to do is head to reddit and go to the politics tab, it's almost entirely all about Occupy Wall Street.

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As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

As one people, formerly divided by the color of our skin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or lack thereof, political party and cultural background, we acknowledge the reality: that there is only one race, the human race, and our survival requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their brethren; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.

They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give CEO’s exorbitant bonuses.

They have perpetuated gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace.

They have poisoned the food supply, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.

They have continuously sought to end the rights of workers to negotiate their pay and make complaints about the safety of their workplace.

They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.

They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.

They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.

They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.

They have sold our privacy as a commodity.

They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press.

They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.

They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.

They have donated large sums of money to politicians supposed to be regulating them.

They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.

They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people’s lives in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantive profit.

They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty book keeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.

They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media.

They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad.

They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.

They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts.

They have participated in a directly racist action by accepting the contract from the State of Georgia to murder Troy Davis.

To the people of the world,

We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power.

Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.

To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

Join us and make your voices heard!


I'm skeptical it will lead to anything because it's small from what i've seen and the media blackout is working... it started out big, it could grow again i guess but right now i'd say not large enough to amount to anything... but who knows.

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mohandas bullshit these days is weak, you want protest, go pull some McVeigh ish.. or get the fuck off the sidewalk,, your in my way.


yo shut the fuck up you dumb ass. what the fuck are you even talking about? what is with these people on 12oz randomly popping into these threads with these fuckin retarded ass one liners. gtfo with that bullshit, plz.

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what he was trying to say is that violent protest is the way to ignite the needed revolution and that pacifism simply allows us to be stepped on by the war/money/man machine.


i disagree. i think violence is necessary, but the initial spark will be fueled by peaceful protests like this.

i support this effort wholeheartedly. the little coverage i've seen by msm has been disappointing as to be expected, but there has been some okay spots, i hope it grows.


my qualm with this and any protest is that it always pits the working class against working class. police are as much tools of the elite as we are, they may have sold their souls in a different way than us, but they're still fighting for scraps from the table. same with the national guardsmen once they're called, and whatever force is called after them. the super rich will never have to fight us or face us, they've manipulated the system enough to allow themselves a great seat to the fights.


sometimes i hope for great snipers to start something, other times i just want to leave the US and abandon the complacent masses to a future they've brought upon themselves.

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yo shut the fuck up you dumb ass. what the fuck are you even talking about? what is with these people on 12oz randomly popping into these threads with these fuckin retarded ass one liners. gtfo with that bullshit, plz.


some but not all lurkers in crossfire that do post are either sockpuppets or lurkers daunted by wall of text responses.


always wondered if such hostile responses to hastily or ill thought out posts are based on forum status or a response to what would be irl "some dude interupting a conversation uninvited "


prop system seems to have a big effect on activity in crossfire as well..


eh whatever

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relinquishing their right to speak? did i ban someone or prevent them from posting? dude, stfu what are you talking about all I did was bitch him out about his one liner. he can speak and post all the one liners he wants, and I can't do shit about it.


anyway back to the topic...


fist, i disagree with you 110%.

violence isn't the answer to spark any sort of conflict you're hoping for. violence isn't going to lead to any conclusive results, that's for certain. if anything at all, violence will only lead to justification for authority to crack down even more viciously against constitutionally protected protest. peaceful protest is the answer, and being peaceful doesn't mean that justice shouldn't be pursued and issued against those who are responsible for the current political climate. bringing those people who are responsible for breaking the law, subverting our constitution, engaging us in illegal wars, conspiring against the american people for their own personal gain, etc. to justice through legal means is the best remedy and the first steps towards fixing our problems.

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yo come back when you make sense and actually have something to talk about. i think you just have your panties in a bunch and you've got something against me, like a bunch of my other fans on this forum do. when you've got something to add to the subject of this thread i'll listen to you.

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Anyone got any thoughts on this?


Initially I thought it would die down in a few days, but they are almost 2 weeks into it and now it's gaining momentum.


A workers union TWU in NYC is now joining the fray, and after an incident where a police officer Anthony Bologna was caught pepper spraying young women, the movement is actually starting to get MSM attention.


At this point I think anything can happen, the movement is starting to pop up in other major cities across the country.


This is starting to get intense if you ask me.


For links on this stuff all you have to do is head to reddit and go to the politics tab, it's almost entirely all about Occupy Wall Street.


I find it strange that most of the MSM is ignoring this, further censorship this time by Google's subsidiary Youtube, as the Government requests blockages of videos concerning the Occupywallstreet protests

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uh i dont even know who the heck you are.



my point is peaceful and violent protest have equal amount of repercussions in any situation due to plain and simple human behavior .

as shown with your own responses to me and the original poster who you quoted , line of acceptable conduct between all parties becomes a large grey area..


you assumed responsibility for bitching and yet only gave a vague reason as to why you chose such action when a vast array of options for approaching the initial post where readily available to be used in a near infinite non confrontational way.


personally i support a large spectrum of protesting the wallstreet protest being one of them. im just trying to understand if you are coming at this at a personal idealistic way or seeimg it as a collective my dude cupcake dude guy

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im coming from a personal idealistic way, i have a huge vendetta to prove here on 12oz, dude cupcake dude guy (whatever that means)


yea i definitely don't even understand what you're talking about i'm just going to ignore you.


I find it strange that most of the MSM is ignoring this, further censorship this time by Google's subsidiary Youtube, as the Government requests blockages of videos concerning the Occupywallstreet protests


Why is that strange?

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I find it strange that most of the MSM is ignoring this, further censorship this time by Google's subsidiary Youtube, as the Government requests blockages of videos concerning the Occupywallstreet protests


I don't find it strange at all.


Not that this will explode to this level, but it's where the phrase "The revolution will not be televised" comes from.


Here is some MSM coverage

I don't think anyone here will be surprised as to how they are spinning it.
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via reddit:


From a friend of a friend on Facebook:

"The Marines are coming to Wall St...(to PROTECT the protestors) "I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform. I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress: I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn. My true hope, though, is that we Veterans can act as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let's see a cop mace a bunch of decorated war vets. I apologize now for typos and errors. Typing this on iPhone whilst heading to NYC. We can organize once we're there. That's what we do best. If you see someone in uniform, gather together. A formation will be held tonight at 10PM. We all took an oath to uphold, protect and defend the constitution of this country. That's what we will be doing. Hope to see you there!!"

FYI: I am not in support of violence of any kind. I am passing this message along out of admiration for the Marines who are going in to stand with the protesters, not to FSU.


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