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Help fix my TRUCK!


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cause i am?



Besides that. The fact that you'd just drop 100 because it might be the battery.


Batteries can be tested. Test the battery. If the battery needs to be replaced then replace the battery. If it doesn't then don't. I wouldn't buy new without at least testing the current one.


Do it yourself with a multimeter or if you lack one autozone and similar shops will test it for free.

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I'm banning all firsts


You might have been the one who banned me before for 'firsting'

I've never firsted before.




Also, yall niggas need to step up your performance meters.

Get some Optima batteries.

Bitches can work sideways, always good when the battery is in the trunk.

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she's a chick. the fact that the battery looks new doesn't mean it is.


i'm giving her an easy fix. that she can do herself.


the fact that the lights turn on but her car won't start, is a sure sign that her battery needs to be replaced. i could be wrong, but i doubt it.


so, if it's not the battery, spending $100 on a battery isn't much, considering if it is the alternator or an electrical problem she will be spending a whole lot more...which wouldn't even really be necessary.

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You bought a 4.0 you better get your change...


But srsly fuck all Range Rovers, Land Rovers, etc. unless you got unlimited cash to dump into those cars, a bumper to bumper warranty or the best hook up at a garage that services them it's the biggest waste of money ever. fuck outta here paying over $100 for a spark plug


/not mad just watched a good friend spend thousands on a Range a few years ago

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like mercer said. test your fuses with a fuse tester.


check under the dash, and check under the hood, and check relays.


sounds like a burned out fuse.


if its a burned out fuse, replace it and go back to your 8 miles per gallon and no turning radius.




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Some of you guys aren't even reading, alternator is good, battery is good.


This is just a guess based on your story, you probably have an intermittent short somewhere in your electrical system.

This means under certain conditions exposed wires are touching metal causing the short, or you have a bad relay somewhere.

Either way, it's going to require a mechanic or someone with a volt meter and skills to diagnose and and fix it right, they're usually tough to fix.


If you want to try to find and fix the problem yourself I'd look at your fuses and make sure none of them are jumped out, and that there are only actual fuses being used.

If you do find a jumper you'll at least be able to narrow down where the short is coming from and try to fix it.

The problem is when it's intermittent like this you can't find the short unless it's actually happening.


Also, Land Rovers really do suck and are worthless if they have over 50k miles, I'd fix it and get rid of it now.


No, she took it to autozone and had it tested and they said it was good. Always take anything they say with a grain of salt because 9 times out of 10 their fucking retards.


Check voltage at the battery, it should be 14.4ish. If its under 12.6 youre not charging. Everything youve said leads me to believe that your alternator is shot. An intermittent alternator is not unheard of either, its happened to me before where it will charge sometimes and not others. Also, try the test someone else posted before to see if anythings staying on when the cars off and draining the battery. Any DECENT shop can do all this for you.


/professional mechanic

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I'm going to assume they can test a bettery alright at autozone, places like that usually have a real battery tester and don't use a volt meter like a noob.

I agree that it's not a good look ask some autozone douche for their opinion or diagnosis, about as reliable as 12oz, but operating a batter tester is fairly straight forward.

If anything, they'd lie to sell another battery.

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You might have been the one who banned me before for 'firsting'

I've never firsted before.




Also, yall niggas need to step up your performance meters.

Get some Optima batteries.

Bitches can work sideways, always good when the battery is in the trunk.


no, but it tells you who banned you when you get banned. Not sure how you could miss it.

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Alternator might be shot. Putting a brand new battery into a car with a shoddy alternator is a pretty swell trick to fuck someone over. It'll have initial charge and auxiliary component power but it's not going to last too long if the alternator is trashed. I read you've had it checked out, but there's not much else that would 'drain' the battery after initial start. If the alternator was taken out of the car and tested, have you checked the alternator belt? Not super up on LR's, sorry.


Only other thing I can think is bad earth?


As has been said, LR's are fucking shithouse for faults.


I would try finding a LR specific forum and asking on there. Car forums are generally pretty forthcoming with ideas and technical advice, in my experience anyway.


Try here; http://landroverforums.com/forum/


I agree. I know you had your alternator tested but they could have fucked up and not tested it correctly.


Easy test to see if the altenator is bad is get your truck jumped, have all the accessories OFF- radio, A/C, doors closed, and after the cables have the truck charged up for 3 or so minutes, disconnect the jumper cables to your truck and turn the A/C on full blast. If your voltage meter in your dash starts to dive to zero, or your truck immediately starts to die, IT'S YOUR ALTERNATOR.


Also, check to see if your battery has water resevoir caps on the top side. Some batteries need water to make a charge. They are so easy to spot. If the cells are dry, your battery wont keep a charge.


In my opinion, I'm 95% sure it's your alternator.

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jeez. Advice in this is hard. Everybody that said fix it and sell is probably right tho. 11 year old vehicles of a pedigree prone to problems will cause you nothing but grief. Im all types of happy taking the bus. I dont think i ever want to own a car. Rather lease something and not have problems.... And if problems come up its someone elses problem. I also take the bus. Yes... im bus people. Or sell your reasonably nice truck thats going to probably break down again and again and instead buy a $1000 little old hatchback civic and get the AC charged. If it breaks down which they dont tend to do very often and it costs more that 1K to fix buy another one and sell the old one for scrap. That area you are in doesn't really get much snow unless i'm mistaken. so no salt. Probably find one thats 15-20 years old that looks next to new, gets 40mpg and has 130K miles for next to nothing.

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those cars are pieces of shit... seen this all firsthand, more than a few times...


no idea why anyone would bother with them unless they had a massive income...


because shes prob a typical girl with very little knowledge of autos except whats good looking and "hot" or whatever. obviously didnt get advice from anyone who actually knows a little something before buying and just jumped in.

i too have a friend who bought a 2000 range rover at auction no less for like 9gs than proceeded to put 14,000 into it over 2 years before finally listening and dumped the piece of shit. its serious they are money pits.

my advice sell it to some chic who doesnt know what shes looking at. pay it forward

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Why the hell are you asking us on 12oz? We're a bunch of art fags.

At least you had your alternator and battery checked before you started replacing shit.

I was going to say it was a ground..but then I did the rational thing and SEARCHED ON GOOGLE.


In 10 seconds I found this thread:


Straight from the people who live/breath land rover shit.

"Replace your crank sensor."

It even has a video to help you put a new one in!


Sorry to be a dick, but if you gonna drive a semi baller car, you gotta man up.

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Okay, I jumped it... let it run with the cables on for about 5 minutes, took them off and sat in the truck while it ran. Only the S and R were flashing as well as the battery light being on, that was it. After about 3 minutes, you could feel it losing power, also as every light on the dash came on... I put my foot on the gas, reved it for like aminute which seemed to give it a little bit of power bringing it back... then after letting off the gas it pretty much lost all power, all lights off the dash except the SRS one, key still turned over.



I dont have the tool to check the fuses other than just looked them all over, none were blown so still not fully sure on that one.


I was told the battery was new but it still may not be. Im going to be taking that to autozone here soon.


A far as wires being revealed and touching metal, within the areas I can see, everything was wrapped and nothing looked to be touching.



One thing I did notice which im sure ill have to change but probably has nothing to do with this is this belt, its cracked...





Anyways, thanks for everybodys advice... Im going to try to work through this and see what i can do... I will continue to update on what ive found out or tried.



On the other hand, im throwing it on craigslist right now for 4k, exactly what i paid for it. im sure some rich kid will want it an have the money to fix whatever problem it might be if i cant.

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Some of you guys aren't even reading, alternator is good, battery is good.


This is just a guess based on your story, you probably have an intermittent short somewhere in your electrical system.

This means under certain conditions exposed wires are touching metal causing the short, or you have a bad relay somewhere.

Either way, it's going to require a mechanic or someone with a volt meter and skills to diagnose and and fix it right, they're usually tough to fix.


If you want to try to find and fix the problem yourself I'd look at your fuses and make sure none of them are jumped out, and that there are only actual fuses being used.

If you do find a jumper you'll at least be able to narrow down where the short is coming from and try to fix it.

The problem is when it's intermittent like this you can't find the short unless it's actually happening.


Also, Land Rovers really do suck and are worthless if they have over 50k miles, I'd fix it and get rid of it now.




Did not read past this, nail head was hit.

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you shoulda made this a poll darlin.

the winning vote would be 'sell it now'


have you alerted the forum you're a chick?

show tits and some fool will prolly try to fix it for you (that don't mean it'll work)




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Why the hell are you asking us on 12oz? We're a bunch of art fags.

At least you had your alternator and battery checked before you started replacing shit.

I was going to say it was a ground..but then I did the rational thing and SEARCHED ON GOOGLE.


In 10 seconds I found this thread:


Straight from the people who live/breath land rover shit.

"Replace your crank sensor."

It even has a video to help you put a new one in!


Sorry to be a dick, but if you gonna drive a semi baller car, you gotta man up.


Just gonna bump this shit once more. :rolleyes:

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